
Well Holy Sheet (A/N)

Alrighty! So it's been like,  year(?) since I wrote this an dsomehow, it's still getting views. Not sure how or why but okay lol. I kinda feel bad because I know I said I'd deliver a sequel and it's just kinda sitting there but I've lost my motiviation because I feel like y'all don't actually care if I write more or not...

Anywho, the reason I'm here is to say that if you guys want, I'll start writing that again. I'll check this chapter in a week or so and see if this is something y'all want and if so, then I will start again, I solomnely swear. However, some it will be coming out first to AO3, or Archives Of Our Own. In my personal opinon, it's an easier website to navigate and just better. My username over on that side of the fanfic web is still elysium_is_real if you wanna subscribble or read some of my AO3 exclusives or show me some love and support or just ignore me. I'll never know lol

That brings me to my last thingy before I leave y'all alone and probably drop this specific part of the story forever; I am rebranding! For me, it's nowa personal thing with people I actually know finding this stuff and bullying me for it -- which is  okay. So from now on, I might be a bit more secretive with my own personal life. I'll be starting a new account on AO3 and changing my name on here to....


I'm super creative, I know. Well, that's all. Thanks for being so amazingly awesome you guys. Love you all [3