
Try Again

You had to re watch the Reichenbach Fall all over again. Then the other three episodes flew by, your favorite being The Sign of Three. Drunk Sherlock made you grin like an idiot. Gabriel didn't move from your side, preferring to hold you close against him. Sam left with Dean for a minute, then they both came back and finished "The Abominable Bride". Gabriel had one hand tangled in your hair and every now and then, he'd lean over to you and kiss you lightly on the cheek. Dean was sitting between your legs, holding onto one of your feet for dear life. The others were scattered around the room, but everyone had an easy look on their faces, even John and Dean. "I love you," whispered Gabriel, handing you a chocolate bar. "I love you, too," you whispered back, taking a bite. He kissed you, savoring the sweet flavor on your lips. "Hey, being porn, y'all. Save it for the bedroom at the end of this week," chided Bobby. You smiled into the kiss and pulled away when Dean dug his fingernails into your foot. 

"Anybody want some food?" you offered. "Oh, Lord, yes. Bobby can't cook anything but pancakes and burgers," groaned John. You grinned, untangled yourself from Dean and Gabriel, then walked into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you pulled out the makings for your favorite memory: Christmas when you were eleven with your brother. Of course, it was nothing like a Christmas dinner, just a small chicken, mashed potatoes, mac n' cheese, peas, the basic stuff. You turned on the oven, poured the pasta in the pot, dipped the chicken in the hot tap water, all the things would take the longest. Then you heard someone enter the room. Turning around, you almost screamed. Lucifer. You scrunched your eyes tight, taking in a deep breath.

When you opened them again, he was gone, replaced by Gabriel. He was much closer then when you had closed your eyes. Taking you by the waist, he pulled you close to him and said, "Tell me what you need, (Y/n)." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath of Gabriel's scent in. "Um, I... I need you to mix the potatoes," you said softly, backing away from him and going back to put the chicken in the oven. He was obviously going to say something else, but stopped when you started humming along to the music in your head. He stared at your hips, the way they moved in time with your own beat, your hair, the way it fell down in waves over your shoulders, your soul, the way it was so bright. So he decided to listen to you this time and mix the potatoes.

"What song is it?" he asked even though he already knew. "'Crosses'. Break of Reality version. You know I like that song, Gabey," you told him. One the chicken was in, you wrapped your arms around his chest and laid your head against him. He snapped his fingers and the actual song played all around you. "Can't they hear it?" you questioned, but he just shook his head. You sighed and let the cello's fill your ears. By the end, the potatoes were ready and Gabe was humming along. "Everything's ready, we just have to wait for the chicken," you said. GAbriel snapped again, and he pulled it out of the oven with bare hands. "Winchester's! Bobby! Let's go!" he yelled. He smiled down at you, put you on the kitchen counter and went to get the plates. Sam strode in and closed his eyes. "This is what heaven smells like," he complimented. You pointed to the table and everyone followed him. 

You and Gabriel brought out the food and it was like a feast for kings. At least, that's what John said. Once dinner was done, Gabriel cleared it away with the snap of his fingers and you settled comfortably into Gabriel's lap. Dean kept shooting you glances and Sam never took his eyes off of you, but it was still comfortable to be back with the people you loved most. "That was amazing, (Y/n)," said Bobby, leaning back. "I second that motion," said Dean with a smile. A thought popped into your head and you whispered something into Gabriel's ear. He rolled his eyes, but snapped his fingers. A steaming cherry pie appeared in front of Dean and his jaw hit the floor. He pointed at it, then you, then back to the pie. You nodded and he got up, walked around the table, and kissed you on the cheek. "You're proof that God is real," he grinned, digging in fork first. "Yeah, her, not me, the literal second thing Dad ever made. Glad I'm appreciated," sassed Gabriel. Truth be told, you knew he didn't like that Dean had kissed you. His grip had tightened on you and his vessel heated up every time Dean looked up. You turned around and kissed him gently. "Calm down, baby," you said, flashing a small smile. He eased up and you sighed. Everyone was smiling and laughing and it was like you'd found home all over again.

True to their words, Dean and Sam had pushed another bed next to the one you and Dean had slept in. "What the hell?" you asked. "I told you, we're not letting you out of our sight," said Dean, shrugging off his shirt. "Oh, you are both sleeping fully clothed or else. At least bottoms, okay?" you said, eyeing Dean suspiciously. Knowing him, he had a devious plan like always. Sam had already laid down and pulled out a book from under the pillow. "Hey, that's the book I left here!" you commented on seeing the title. Sam nodded and flipped to a bookmarked page. "It's kinda childish, but it makes me feel less like what I do is horrible. Like, well, a child," he commented, blushing slightly. There was a knock at the door and Gabriel was there. "Last chance. She'll be safe after I set the Enochian on her," he said, not taking his eyes off you. "Yeah, no. She's staying here," said Sam, staring down the archangel. "It's up to her," defended Gabriel. "I'm staying here for a few nights. I want to go with you, but if it'll make them feel good, I'll stay. You can have me all to yourself for a few days to make up. I'm all yours then," you said, trailing one finger down his chest and planting one last firm kiss on his lips. Dean cleared his throat and you flopped on the bed in the middle. When you turned to look, Gabriel was gone.

Dean laid on the other side of you and went almost straight to sleep. Sam still had the light turned on from reading, which kept you awake. After thirty minutes, you flipped over and said, "Read to me." He didn't ask why, he just began. You loved listening to him read, the way his voice curved over the words like water over rocks. It was almost melodic. When you wanted to read along with him, you scooted over until your legs were touching. Sometimes, he'd stop and tell you how he missed you, but soon you were feeling as tired as you should have been. Sam put down the book and you looked up into his eyes. "You know, me and Dean looked everywhere for you. Called demons, tried Castiel, put up with Gabriel's games, no one knew anything. It felt like years, but it was less than a week. I didn't sleep, Dean didn't eat, Dad still didn't call back like he said he would when we said we found you, it was..." He paused to run a hand through his thick hair. "It was pretty bad. You can't just take off like that again. At least tell us, okay? I need you with me. You keep me sharp sane. Stay with us for a while?" he asked, his eyes hopeful. You laughed and hugged him. "I promise, I'm not going anywhere," you said with a smile. It was a real smile, not something so fake like you had been after Lucifer had wiped your memory. Speaking of Lucifer...

He was sitting right at the foot of the bed.