
Take Me Back

Gabriel was ripped from your line of vision and you were back at the cabin. You shoved yourself away from Lucifer and ran out the front door. "(Y/n), get back here!" he yelled after you. You didn't listen, opting instead to run further into the woods. Lucifer caught up with fast. One of his hands reached out to brush the back of your arm. "DON'T EVEN FUCKING TOUCH ME!" you spat at him, whirling around. Angry tears came strolling down your face as one of your hands struck across his face. "(Y/n), you have to understand, I was only--" "Only what, altering my memory and taking me from the person I loved and now I can't remember anything, I never will, all because of the fact that you didn't get to me first! And let's not even go near the fact that you let me be tortured and broken every day for one hundred years 'just to see if she'd break'. You say humans are bad, well, you're worse! We're kind and compassionate and feeling and so full of love and willing to let someone go for their happiness over their own and we are one and together, even when you can't see it! Hell yeah, we bring out the worst in each other, but we love and understand what love is, quite unlike the kind of love you seem to think is acceptable! I want to trust you and understand you and be there for you, hold up my end of the bargain, but I don't know how I can when you've done something so horrible to me! I can forgive, I can forget, but this is not one of them," you raged. Everything was slowly going blurry from clear now that the tears had stopped coming so fast. 

The forest was silence and neither of you moved. "But I do love you. So much, I can't stand to see you with anyone else, especially not my brother. You're strong and beautiful and can take so much, which is why I let you be tortured, to see if you were strong. My idea of love might not be perfect, but it's good enough, don't you think?" he said sadly. You stared at him. It was obvious his whole world was in disarray and you hated yourself for it, but you felt a twang of sympathy for him. After a minute of silence, you said, "No, I don't think it's good enough. But I don't care. I'm leaving, so help me God. Don't follow me, Lucifer." He said other things, but you'd tuned him out.  You pulled your light coat in closer and walked off. Lucifer didn't follow this time.

You walked for hours before the sun started to sink low into the sky. A family of rabbits had been following you and a flock of sparrows had filled the air around you with music wherever you went. Animals had always flocked to your side ever since you were a child. "Oh, Gabriel, I miss you," you whispered to no one in particular. "(Y/N)!" yelled a hoarse voice from somewhere. You froze, turning slowly towards where the voice had come from. There was a man with a scruffy looking face, wild dark hair, and thin lips. He was so familiar. He was older, looking like a father. You ducked behind a tree and waited for him to get closer. When he was close enough for you to touch, you realized his eyes were red from crying. "Mary, I lost another one. I lost a daughter and someone I just wanted to remind me of you. Forgive me, Mary, forgive me," he whimpered, kneeling in the snow. You felt sorry for him. You reached up and crunched a dead leaf in your hand, causing his head to shoot up. "(y/n)?" he asked quietly. You stepped out from the other side of the tree and laid a hand gently on his shoulder. "Tell me your name. I want to remember," you said. "It's me, it's John," he said, pulling you into a tight hug. It felt strange. He took a step back and smiled at you.

"I traced you back to here when I was asking around for a girl like you. Random hunter friend of mine said he shot you, so I'm guessing Gabriel healed you? What are you doing out here? I watched you die! How..." You took another step away from him and the hurt was evident in his eyes. "Lucifer brought me back. I... I'm sorry, I don't remember you. Or any of them. Just names, names. Can you take me back with you? I need to get to Gabriel," you pleaded. He nodded. His eyes were glazed over in awe. "I'm glad you're back. Dean called and said you were back, just normal. So I came looking, never stopping," he continued. The deer family you'd seen before was at the edge of the woods, drinking from the melting stream. The buck lifted its head to you and you stared at it before walking away with the man named John. The fawn's chocolate eyes watched you walk away.

So did a pair of blue ones.