
So We Meet Again. I Think.

John had this beautiful car, a 1967 Chevy Impala that was a shining black and beautiful silver outlines. You slid smoothly into the front seat, praying that the feeling of remembrance would either go away or spark a memory. Nothing happened. He turned over the engine and it roared to life before settling to a gentle purr. "Oh, wow," you said under your breath. "Dean calls her Baby. We've had it forever, since before Mary, my wife, had my first son, Dean. Do you remember him?" he asked. You shook your head no, but the feeling got stronger. "Tell me stories about the times we had. Dean and I, you and I, Gabriel and I, and I think his name is Sam," you implored. He smiled as he pulled out of the dirt road. "I'd love to."

He started out simple, the bigger plots of how you roughhoused, then he graduated to the smaller details, which was really fuel for your memories (or lack thereof). "When we first got to Bobby's to stay for a while, you slept in the same bed as him. Y'all loved to tease each other. He would smack your butt, you'd wink at him, the whole nine yards. Well, the next morning, he came down with this handprint matching your hand and the look in both of y'all's eyes made me grin for the first time in a long time. Your eyes were bright and so full of life, Dean's were matching, maybe a hit of pain behind them. He loved watching you read, then he'd tell me about the way your nose scrunches up when you get to a part you don't like. And Sam, he would never stop talking about you. Said you were the best person he'd ever known. Always loved the deep conversations me and Dean could never carry. Then the books you guys would read, they were crazy thick. He loved you like a sister and a best friend. You were like a daughter to me, and more. You reminded me of Mary, in every way. Your confidence, looking out for the boys, calling out my shortcomings, the voice, it was magical--" You screamed and shut your hands over your head. He pulled over quickly. "What?" he asked frantically. You held up a hand to push him away, but he slumped back unconscious. It felt like your head was exploding, then the ringing noises, then silence. 

There were thoughts where there had been none. The memories came crashing down like a lifetime. There was so much good, so much sad, so much everything. You reveled in it, drank it in like a fish out of water, cherished it from the moment you could remember. Then the pain again. No, just the ringing. A flap of wings and Gabriel was sitting in the back seat. He reached forwards, dragged you into the backseat and on top of him, then kissed you full on the lips. It was a ragged kiss, full of love and adoration and life. "You remember now?" he asked, sliding one of his hands down the backs of your thighs. You didn't have time to reply before you blacked out.

"(Y/n)! Come on, wake up, come on. (Y/n), wake up," said a familiar voice. It faded in and out, coming in waves. "Open your eyes, (Y/n/n), please," whispered another voice. You felt someone take your hand. It was warm and massive compared to yours. Your eyes slowly opened and was met with bright green pair and a hazel pair staring down nervously. You let them drift close and squeezed the hand you knew belonged to Sam. "Sammy. Dean," you murmured softly. Sam audibly sighed and a flap of wings was heard close to you. "(Y/n), are you alright? I heard from Gabriel that you went unconscious  and did something to John as well. Are you feeling alright? Like yourself?" asked a gravelly voice. You turned towards the voice and opened your eyes. "Yeah, I'm good, Cas. I'm good," you said weakly. Dean sighed and gathered you into a tight hug, which you returned, still holding tightly to Sam's hand. "What's my favorite food and song?" he asked, holding you at arms length. "Pie and it's a tie between Led Zepplin's 'Ramble On' and 'Traveling riverside Blues'," you rattled off. He sighed and hugged you again. 

Sam wrenched you out of Dean's grip and pulled you up against his chest with one hand while squeezing your hand again. "Remember me?" he said into your ear and you nodded. You held you tighter for another minute before letting you go. You went to Cas and hugged him awkwardly. "You're such a dork," you laughed and he loosened up a bit. "Did you hold you up your end of the deal, Cas?" you asked. He replied with, "Of course. They are unharmed except for a few minor cuts or bruises, which they would not let me heal. John escaped my vision for awhile, something you taught him while trying to run from Gabriel. He is alright," he said, a smile in his eyes. A hand pulled out back to sit on the part of the chair Dean had left open for you. "You're not getting away ever again. You're staying with me or Sam for at least a week. Not even with Gabriel. He lost you twice, we won't take that chance again," Dean said, wrapping both arms around your middle. "Can I see him right now?" "Of course, kitten. I was waiting for you to ask." YOu turned around to see Gabriel leaning against the wall. Once you pried Dean off of you, you went to him and breathed his scent in deeply. "You're killing me, Gabe. I think I'll be staying with the boys for a while, then you can have me back, okay?" you explained. He frowned and sulked, but when you kissed him lightly on the collarbone like he liked, he gave in and agreed. 

"So anyone up for the new season of Sherlock? Series 3 came out and we were waiting for you. We'll all be dead before the fourth one comes out, so let's get going! I need the hiatus!" cried Dean.