
Ridiculous Humans

     "You're-- what?" you asked, shocked. You never would have known if he hadn't told you. "Dad and I are always fighting, (y/n). I don't think you understand how bad I want out! I want to get married, have kids, go to PTA meetings, just be boring Sam Winchester! I don't know what I'm gonna do, (y/n), I really don't. I know we just met and all, but I needed that off  my chest and I don't know what it is about you, I just want to trust you," he said. You looked up at him and sighed. "Look, Sam, I know it's hard, but your dad needs you. Jesus, I don't know what Dean would do without you, the way you're the only one who can make him smile. He's better with you, so is your dad! I don't want to pull you away from that cherry pie--" "Apple pie." "Whatever. That good life, but I think you should think about it for a little while longer. I'll try to make it better and if it doesn't work, then you can leave for college. A few months, okay?" you suggested. He swayed silently for a moment before nodding. You let out a quiet sigh. "What do you want to go to college for, anyways?" you jested playfully. "I want to go to Stanford for Pre-Law, then maybe Harvard for regular Law," he said. "My dream was to have my own band. I can play bass guitar, the drums, the piano -lash-keyboard, and the acoustic guitar. Plus people have told me I can sing really well, so I think I want to do that. But now I'm a... whatever y'all are," you said with a smile tugging at your lips. "Let's talk about our perfect life," said Sam happily.

     "So I broke her nose. No one pokes fun at my family," you said with a grin. Sam laughed heartily at this and he opened the door to the motel room. You had been talking the whole way there and back and it seemed to be over too soon. "Took you guys long enough," said Dean as he pushed off the bed to get his prized pie. He snatched the bag from your hand as you quickly explained, "I didn't know which kind you like, so I got them all. Sam told me not to get you any, so he was no help. Sorry if it's too much." He put them on the bed and you tossed him a plastic fork you stole from the fast food restaurant next door. "I think I love you," Dean said dreamily as he popped the lid off a lemon pie. Sam sat down with his salad at the table and you decided to go for a walk. You needed more time with Gabriel, anyways. "Hey, I'll be back soon. I need some me time," you said as you left the hotel room. 

     You walked to the library and slid into a chair. "Gabriel..." you mumbled. A whoosh and he was sitting beside you. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that," you told him. He laughed and simply leaned back in his chair. "Tell me everything. I need to know your whole story. Your favorites, the things you hate, why you always bring me a tulip in the mornings, that kind of stuff. I must know ALL the things about you, Gabe. Can I call you Gabe?" "I'd love that. My favorite thing is candy. Favorite candy is anything sweet. Least favorite thing is stuck-up, arrogant pricks. And I always bring you a tulip specifically because it means perfect love, and I'm always seeing you as kind and loving to everyone. Plus I like the way look," he said. You spent most of the night talking about what you both loved the most. When the last librarian kicked you out, you had him take you home. "I'm glad you're looking out for me, Gabe. It makes me feel a little safer knowing something bigger cares. Good night, Gabriel," you said as you reached up to give him a quick hug. Just like last time, he pressed a quick kiss to your head. You opened the door and headed inside. John was back, mud-caked boots propped up on the table. "John, feet down!" you scolded. You clasped your hand over your mouth as soon as you said it. "Ohmigod, I'm so sorry, it just slipped out!" you apologized. He gave you a smile and waved it off. "It's fine. The boys and I have been needing a woman's influence around here, anyways." Dean and Sam stood open mouthed at the exchange between you two. "Sorry I was gone so long. I got caught up in a book I found at the library. Did you know about kitsunes? They're a little creepy," you said. You sat down in between the boys and took the remote from Dean's hand, channel  surfing until you decided on an old black and white movie. Sam groaned and Dean feigned sleep. "It's a good movie! Besides, I'll be asleep before the beginning scene is over. I'm not too good at watching movies," you confessed. 

     Your prediction was right. The movie had barely begun and you were teetering on the verge of sleep. Your head was on Sam's shoulder and you heard John turn off the TV. "Do you mind if you and Dean sleep on the other bed? I think she's asleep," Sam whispered. Dean moved off the bed to the other one, but it didn't sound like John had moved at all. "She looks just like Mary. Acts like her, too. It's gonna be better with her around, boys," John said softly. Sam drew a blanket around the both of you and you felt safe as when you were with Gabriel. "Good night, (y/n)," Sam murmured into your ear as sleep took you over.