
Life Alone Until You

With a tiny kitten in hand, you kept walking until you came to a small city. You pulled your wallet  out of your back pocket and decided to spoil yourself. "A hotel might do me some good, just this once," you muttered. The grey ball of fur mewed quietly in your arms and you gazed down at it, using one finger to stroke the side of his face. Getting a taxi was the easy part, deciding where to stop was the hard part. "You look a little lost, sweetheart," said the taxi driver. "I've been lost a long time, I just think it's high time I did something about it," you replied quietly. She scoffed and nodded in agreement. "You're smarter than most, ain't you? My son would love you. He thinks the same way," she continued. "Perhaps we'll meet." She stayed in the silence and left you to ponder your thoughts until you reached what seemed to be the heart of the city. "Here, please," you requested. She pulled over to the curb and turned in her seat to face you. "I know you don't know me from Aunt Sue, but I think you're a good person in a not-so-good place. Be good to yourself, sweetheart," she said gently. You smiled back at her and got out of the car after paying her a little more than necessary. The kitten had fallen asleep in your backpack.

Walking a while, you found a grand hotel that looked good enough for the president. Walking inside, you said a little prayer that the kitten would stay asleep. "What's the cheapest room?" you asked the man behind the counter. He was actually really very attractive. "Our cheapest available suite is sixty dollars as of right now, but I think maybe I can bring that down about ten dollars for the most beautiful girl I've seen in a while," he said with a wink. You smiled and tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear. "Thank you very much, sir," you said with a quiet giggle. Ugh. Acting, you thought. 

It wasn't that the man was ugly, by no means. His hair was curly and black, unkempt in a way that suited him. Green eyes that sparkled with curiosity and something a bit more devious. Fair skinned and taller than you by a good bit, it seemed that muscle was corded up and down every inch of him. His voice was dark and rich, one you could imagine reading (Favorite Book) to you on a cold, rainy day. He said something and it snapped you back into attention. "I'm sorry, what was that?" "Can I get your name for the room?" First name that popped into your mind was Cas', so you calmly and confidently said, "Cassiela Winters." His eyes met yours as he mumbled something. You didn't ask what.

"Well, Miss Winters, I do hope to see you around. If you need anything, please, just ask for a one Scott Cawthon," he said, handing you back the credit card Sam had given to you less than a week ago. He hadn't even bothered to look at the name on the card and you cursed yourself for being so foolish. "As do I, Scott." He smirked at the sound of his name and you turned your back to walk away. You heard him snicker. A small sound from your backpack made you walk a little faster. "Hang on!" you whisper-yelled to the young boy on the elevator. His hand jabbed out and caught the door before it shut. "Thanks, kid," you breathed softly. "Michael," he said abruptly. "Huh?" you asked, looking at him. He was short, but still looked about twelve. "My name isn't kid, it's Michael. And 'Scott's' name isn't Scott, it's Seth. He's my older brother. Our parents run this place," he said, avoiding your eyes. "Thanks, Michael. I'm (Y/n). Y'know, I had a friend named Michael once, he was really nice until he just up and left one day. I'm starting to think you're a nice kid," you said with a smile. Remembering your Michael brought back memories of the zoo and all the other fun things y'all did. "My dad says I'm a bad kid," he said suddenly. You looked down at him as the elevator door dinged and slid open onto your stop. "Hey, you can come down to my room if you want to talk sometimes. I don't really have any friends and you seem like a nice kid." He nodded. you got off, and away he went to another floor.

Unlocking the door and going in, you set down the backpack and let the kitten out to roam around a bit. It raced around like a maniac and you couldn't help but smile at its antics. You took off your clothes to take a quick shower. Letting it go to the hottest setting, you stepped in and let the hot water go in over you. As soon as you grabbed the shampoo, someone opened the door to your room. You grabbed a towel and the gun underneath the clothes you'd shed, quickly wrapping it around you and pointing the gun at head level. "Miss (Y/n)?" asked a small voice. "Michael, how did you get in? Now's really not a good time, kiddo!" you sighed in exasperation. "You said I could come visit you whenever. My mom doesn't want to see me right now, so I wanted to come see if you wanted to watch me play my 3DS. I'll leave if you don't like me," he said in a normal voice. You sighed internally and said, "I'll be out in a minute, Michael." 

When you came out, he was still not looking you in the eye. Avoiding eye contact, almost. "I like your cat," he said in a dull voice. "Thanks. I haven't actually picked a real name for him yet. What games do you have?" you asked, flopping down next to the small boy. "I only have two since Mom and Dad don't let me have any anymore. But I like these. I have 'Pokemon X and Y' and 'FNaF World'. They're fun. Can we play FNaF world?" he asked innocently. "Of course. I have no clue what those games are, though, so you can teach me, right? You're probably really smart, Michael," you said, scooting closer to peer over his shoulder. "Can you call me Micah? My mom used to call me that before she got made at me," he asked quietly, setting down the DS in his lap. "I will if you look at me and tell me why your parents are mad at you." 

He hesitated for a minute before looking up to you and you smiled. His eyes were brown in one eye and blue in another, beautiful. "My mom thinks I'm ugly and my dad doesn't like my boyfriend, Blake. He calls me horrible names like faggot, but I don't think I'm that different, am I? Am I a freak, Miss (Y/n)?" You hugged him and said, "Nope. You're still pretty friggin' awesome, Micah. I think Blake's a lucky dude." Micah grinned with big eyes and excitedly grabbed his DS and pushed it into your hands. "You play, I'll help you! It's real easy, promise. Just push that button right there, okay? I like you, you're nice, Miss (Y/n)," he rattled off excitedly. You chuckled and did as he said.

The rest of the night was the best one you'd had in months.