
Forgetting A Lifetime

"Wait, you knew him?" Dean asked incredulously. "He, uh, he was my friend. Or at least, I thought he was. He got Sam out, let me go, just helped me out in general. He was so nice to me. Nice is different than good, I guess. But why take me if he was just a random guy? And the cover as John's brother's son? It was so in depth, it makes me think he wanted me for something other than just a little fun. Not your average sociopath, y'know?" you said. It was still hard to believe Jem had been the reason for the whole ordeal. You had really trusted him. "Gabriel, he seemed to be connected to each other. Said his name was Jamarae or something weird ," said Sam, crossing his arms and sitting down. "The angel blade killed him? Left the wing imprint and everything?" you asked. Bobby nodded and you continued. "Yeah, they were. Gabriel is an archangel, one of the first four angels ever made by God. So, by default, he is technically related to every angel every made. They're all brothers and sisters up there, even the fallen ones like Lucifer. It would make sense why Gabe seemed to know him," you said. You sat down on the floor and leaned up against Sam's leg. His hand gripped in your shirt tightly and you smiled. The physical touch was a reassurance thing for the Winchester's and you knew it. The feeling of his hand made you feel more at home. You sighed and heard a flap of wings. Turning, you were met with a familiar pair of ocean blue eyes. "Cas!"

You got up to hug him and he was as stiff as you remembered. "Hello, (Y/n). I thought I saw your soul from Heaven. I will ask, how are you here? Not that I am not happy to see you again, but you should still be in Heaven," he said. He had changed, you noticed. Kinder, softer, more human almost. "Cas, I was never in Heaven. Look, I don't want to talk about it. But I'm glad I'm back, too. The boys been good for you, Cassiel?" you said, trying to lighten the mood. His head tilted adorably. "What do you mean, 'never in Heaven'?" asked Bobby. "Please, not now. It was... I can't right now. Probably not ever. Just... leave it, please," you begged quietly. Cas laid a hand on your forehead and shut his eyes. "(Y/n)," he murmured, his eyes still shut and his hand still on you. Something was in your head, forcing you to remember the years of torture and pain. It hurt as if you were still there and you screamed and shoved him away. His eyes flew open and all eyes were on you. "(Y/n)," repeated Cas quieter than before. His eyes were sad and full of sympathy. You pushed pass him to get to your room.

You flung yourself onto the bed and cried. No one followed you or at least, you thought they didn't. Dean did. He silently sat next to you and ran a warm hand across the back of your thigh. You whimpered at the touch and cried harder. "You don't have to talk about it, I can't leave you alone to cry, especially since I just got you back a few minutes ago. I'm not losing you again, (Y/n)," he said softly. His hand stilled and you turned to him. He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around you in a comforting way. You balled a fist in his shirt as he laid light kisses across your temple. "Dean, I-I th-though I was b-back and, and Ca-Cas, he was j-just trying to h-help, I know, b-but I c-ca-can't do it, D-Dean," you sobbed. His hand stroked your hair as he whispered nonsensical words in your ear. He hummed softly in your ear and you tried harder to stop to hear him. The tune was familiar, an Elliot Smith song. Angeles. You'd seen him playing the guitar with it. His voice was calming and you closed your eyes to further focus on his voice. As soon as he hummed the last note, he pulled away from you and left you alone.

He came back quickly enough, this time, his guitar in hand. He loved that messed up thing. Sitting beside you again, he tuned it before picking out a soft tune you knew all too well. by Cereus Bright. Not only your favorite lullaby, but the only song you remembered from your childhood. "I searched the world,every mountain, every valley, for the one for whom I give my heart. So it seems that love is not discovered. Now I see that love discovers me. You came just like a flower in my darkest hour. Bloomed in the night, cereus bright,"he sang softly. Folding you hands, you joined him in the harmony. "Darlin' bright, in the moonlight, darlin' bright," you sang together. You sang the rest of the song alone, him joining in to layer a tight harmony when the time came for it. Right as the last chorus was coming in, a third voice, so familiar to your eyes appeared and you looked up to see Gabriel. Captivated by the sight of him gazing down at you, you only kept singing until it was just you again. Dean finished the song, gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and left you alone.

You stood in silence for a few minutes before Gabriel spoke up. "Hey, sugar." You broke out in a broken laughter and ran to him. He met you halfway and embraced you tightly. You were both laughing a rich laughter and you were so happy, you could cry again. You dug your face into his soft, golden hair and breathed deeply. "Gabriel, I missed you so much," you sighed. "Oh, baby, I missed you more. I'm so glad you're back, however you are, but right now, I just don;t care. I couldn't find you anywhere, I'll never let you get hurt again, I swear," he whispered. His hand trailed to your ass and he squeezed lightly. "Missed this, too. Still mine, y'know," he said with a smirk. You smiled and stepped away. "I love you, too, Gabriel." Another flutter of wings behind you made you look. It was Lucifer.

"Shit," you murmured, making a tight fist in Gabriel's shirt. "What is it, cupcake?" asked Gabriel. He trailed light kisses down your jawline for a moment before you shrugged him off. "Gabriel, I went to Hell. Lucifer took me out and now he wants me back," you said slowly, not taking your eyes off of the glowering figure you knew to be Lucifer.

"What?" Gabriel said, going to take a step back. But you clung to him, refusing to let go of the fabric of his shirt. "I trusted you, (Y/n). Why did you lie to me? Did you just want to escape? Do you really hate me that much?" Lucifer asked, getting closer. "Stay back," you demanded. Your voice betrayed you and even you could hear the tremble in your words. "(Y/n), what are you talking about? Is he here now?" Gabriel said as he pulled you closer in to protect you from something he couldn't even see.

"Show yourself, brother," Gabriel ordered and you saw Lucifer's shape twist. Gabe sucked in his breath and you knew he saw him, too. "Answer me, (Y/n). ANSWER ME!" Lucifer roared angrily with his teeth bared. Gabriel stepped in front of you, holding you behind him with one arm. "Play nicely, big brother. She's mine and I don't plan on letting you take her from me when I literally just got her back. So kindly fuck off." Lucifer didn't seem too happy with Gabriel's response.

"The oldest gets what he wants. Give her to me before I kill you and take her anyways. (Y/n), come to me now," Lucifer said through gritted teeth. "How about no. I belong to Gabriel. I love Gabriel," you said around Gabriel's chest. "Fine. I'll do it myself," he shouted, storming closer and closer.

Gabriel's wings extended and wrapped around you tightly, encasing you in a warm, golden glow. "He won't be able to get you in here, sweetheart. I won't let him take you away. I love you too much," Gabriel said quietly, laying a soft kiss to your shoulder. You smiled and twisted your arms around his neck. "I missed yo--" You were cut off by the sound of a blade penetrating flesh and Gabriel yelling out in pain. You undid your arms from him and tried to keep him from falling without success. "GABE!" you screamed. "Sammy, help!"

Lucifer stood triumphantly over the both of you, an angel blade dancing between his fingers. "Help me!" you screamed again. "They won't hear you because they're... asleep. Do you want him to die, (Y/n)?" Lucifer asked, a drop of blood falling from the shimmering tip of the blade. "What do you want?" you whispered, pressing a hand to Gabriel's bleeding wing. "You, of course. Now that I know I can take something from my brother AND it's something like you? What a prize, indeed," he said with a smirk.

Your eyes fell to Gabriel's. "(Y/n), I'll be okay. Stay with me," he begged, a bloody hand reaching up to cup your cheek. Lucifer's foot kicked his arm away and you cried out for him to stop. "Deal?" he asked again. Gabriel shook his head slowly. You bent over to kiss him lightly, taking time to mumble, "I'm doing this for you. I love you," against his soft lips. "Heal him now," you ordered, raising up to Lucifer's level with Gabriel's hand still in yours. "Okay!"Lucifer said in a chipper voice. In a snap, Gabriel was heal and you...

Who was the golden haired, auburn eyed man on the ground? Why was he looking at you like you just kicked his puppy? Why was he so goddamned gorgeous?

"And who the hell are you?"