
Changing His Mind

It took a long time--three or four hours long-- to change John's mind just the slightest to keep letting you get mixed up in the angel business. He hated Gabriel and every other angel on principle, but after Gabe promised to keep you safer than he could, he caved and left the room on a "supplies trip". Sam, Dean, and Cas were involved in a deep conversation, so you just leaned into Gabriel's touch and closed your eyes again. "Still tired, little one?" he murmured. "A bit," you yawned. He smiled, stooped to kiss your forehead, then snapped his fingers. You fell asleep quicker than ever before in a different place away from the boys.

With you gone, Gabriel could finally confront Dean on the thoughts in his head. "Cassie, mind if I borrow bowlegs over here?" he asked with a small grin. "Of course, Gabriel. Will he be returning?" Castiel returned. Gabe nodded and Dean followed him into the next room with a look of confusion on his face. "So, Dean," he began, leaning against the wall. "Yeah," said Dean in a small voice so unlike his usually strong, deep one. "Heard your thoughts when I touched (Y/n). I must say, it's probably not the wise choice to try and take from someone who could have you wiped out with the snap of a finger. She's mine, got it? Not yours and never will be. I'll play nicely for her, but I don't like to share my favorite plaything with someone who would throw her away as soon as they get a chance," he said dangerously quiet. "I wouldn't. But how can I not think of her? She's so sweet and creative and God, she's gorgeous as anyone I've seen. Not that I care. You can keep her safe, and that's what matters. She'd die with me. I'm poison. Even Dad says so. Thinks I won't amount to anything. But she will. So keep her. I can still dream," Dean admitted. His head hung low, but Gabriel wanted to sterilize him of you for good.

"Don't even dream, big boy. No hopes of me letting her go anytime soon. I might be gone on business now and then, but I'mma comin' back every time, I can promise. Watch what your thinkin', Dean," he continued. This time, Dean didn't even try to defend himself. He just got up and walked out of the room. He sat back down in between Castiel and Sam, forced a smile back on his face like always when you weren't around, and tried to enter the conversation as casually as possible.Gabriel watched his brother talk with the WInchester's for a while, making sure no thoughts went through Dean's head of you. He knew he was being irrational and using his powers for something as trivial as jealousy was stupid, but he didn't care. No one was going to take you from him anytime soon. Dean was true to his word, but something was different about Castiel. He had always kept his mind open to Gabriel, his favorite brother, but now it was clouded and closed off. Gabe thought it was weird, but not enough to investigate further than he was. He blinked and he was back in his house.

You were asleep in his bed, just as he wanted. He pulled the covers up around you and pushed one strand of hair away from your face. Before he released it, he twisted it around his finger like he always did. Kneeling, he loosened his hold on the hair, kissed your lips lightly and let you sleep. He always did love the calm look on your face of no fear, just relaxation. Gabriel took one last glance at you before he slipped away to the next bedroom.

He didn't know it would be the last time in a long time he would see you.