

Then the next 24 weren't as bad as the first. But then the next hour after that was what hit you the hardest. 

Dean and Sam, even John had tried to knock you unconscious many times, but you just popped back up with not even a bruise. Lucifer wouldn't leave you alone, always there, always yelling and singing and reading and poking and being a two-year-old in general. You would beg him to stop, to leave you alone, but all it got you was a strange look from the Winchester and no answer from Gabriel. Not that you wouldn't try, oh, no, you tried. You screamed for him until you were hoarse and Dean would drag you away, cried for him at night while Lucifer taunted you, begged forgiveness for whatever you had done hour after hour. He never answered your prayers, never responded or even sent a message through Castiel. From what Cas said, he was just as devastated as you were which made you want him even more. 

And Dean followed you around like a lost puppy, begging forgiveness for almost two days until you forgave him at last. He looked so full of sorrow and he was genuinely sorry for what he'd said, but Sam was still your main refuge. John and Bobby were background pieces, as much as you hated it. Always off on hunts that the boys always opted out of. Sometimes Cas would pop in, but it never really got rid of the main issue: you were falling apart from lack of sleep. It had been almost four whole days and now you were reduced to strict bed-slash-couch rest. As of right now, you were laying on the couch with your head in Dean's lap watching every episode of Doctor Who you could get your hands on. "Lesbian lizards and talking potatoes. What has the world come to?" Dean asked, absentmindedly trailing one hand through your hair. "Awesomeness," you replied.

It would seem that Dean had really changed over those two days you had been with him. And not just with words, but with his actions. The lingering touches, the small compliments, you really saw him in a whole new light. You didn't want to say you liked him (as you were still holding onto Gabriel), but you were falling for him in a new degree. Now was no exception. The once meaningless flirting was something so entirely different. He hummed along to a song in his head and you looked up at him, his eyes focused on the characters on the screen. He looked down out of habit and hummed louder. "I should pursue a career, I know, I know," he said sarcastically. "It was kinda nice, actually. Better than how Lucifer can sing," you said, sitting up. 

His eyes widened a little and he said, "Is he here?" Lucifer gasped theatrically and yelled, "" You shook your head and he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you back to him. "No, I mean he isn't getting any better. He was terrible and most likely still is," you reassured. He believed you, settling back down to play the next episode. You hated lying, more than anything. The Doctor was saying goodbye to Rose. "Rose Tyler, I--" You heard and looked up. "Wait, WHAT? He was burning up a sun to say goodbye and he procrastinated and then he " yelled Sam from the doorway. You jumped, not knowing he was there. "This is ridiculous!" gripped Dean. They huffed in unison and you smiled at their reaction. "I'm so done," said Sam, walking away. "Hey, Sam, can you make a quick run to get something for dinner? All this old drunk has is beans and whiskey," Dean shouted. You heard the door shut and then Dean sighed.

He shut off the TV and picked up a book. "Want me to read it aloud? Just some stuff Dad wanted me to learn," he suggested. You agreed and he started in. "A term used to describe a supposed spirit or ghost that manifests itself by moving and influencing inanimate objects. Reports of poltergeist activity typically feature heavily on raps, bumps, thumps, knocks, footsteps and bed-shaking, all without a discernible point of original or physical reason for occurrence. Many accounts also detail objects being thrown about the room, furniture being moved, and even people being levitated. Though rare, a few reported poltergeists have been purported to speak, including The Bell Witch in 1817 and Gef the Talking Mongoose in 1931. Blah, blah, blah, I don't care, let's do something else." You looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he sighed dramatically. "But this is boring!" he complained. "Yeah, (Y/n), have some fun with what little life you have left!" chimed in Lucifer. "No, we need to do this. Besides, what else is there to do?" you said.

"I can think of a few things," said Dean with a wiggle of his eyebrows. You reached up with one hand and stopped his eyebrows with one finger. "Like what? Sam is gone, so no pranking him, and we don't have any food to make and we've read the books. I don't want to watch TV, so let's get this done," you said, gesturing to the empty house. "Well, Sam gone," he agreed, scooting closer and pulling you in by the back of your neck for a hard, passionate kiss that lit you up from the inside out. He was a good kisser. He took you by the back and pulled you closer until your legs were crossed over his. He smiled into it and then you sighed. He swiped his tongue over your bottom lip, causing you to gasp and he took the chance to insert his tongue. It touched yours gently as his thumb ran small circles over your hip, unconsciously making little words that you couldn't pick out. 

There was a ringing sound as he ground himself into the side of your thigh. "You've done this to me for as long as we've known," he growled, weaving one hand in your hair and pulling you tight against him. "Say my name, (Y/n)," he continued. "Dean," you whispered, kissing him again even though something felt so wrong. Kissing him, tasting his unique taste of him and only him. It was more bitter than Gabriel, but you pushed the though of him away. "Say it louder, (Y/n)," popped in Lucifer with a low voice. The ringing got louder so quickly you pulled away and tried to close out the noise with your hands. One hand over his ear, Dean used the other to pull you against his chest. The mirror hanging above the fireplace was shattered-- in the form of letters.