
Being Alone isn't the Same as Lonely

God, it was so hard being away from them. You had barely been around them for two months, but you missed them crazy. It might have been that you didn't let anyone close after your mom died, but even Gabriel's kisses and crazy antics couldn't distract you. Books, music, movies, nothing interested you like they did, and every time they tried to call you, it took every ounce of self control not to hurl your phone across the room. Gabriel knew something was wrong, but he never guessed that you missed them that much until one day you confronted him about it.

"Gabe, why are they dangerous? And if they're dangerous, won't others try and hurt them? That one angel, he... he tried to kill them and probably would've succeed. They're practically family. Please. I need to know," you begged one afternoon. He stared at you for the longest time. "Dean and Sam, they've been talked about for centuries. They are vessels for my brothers, Really, they're being dicks, but that's most archangel's for you," he said. He rose from the chair, took you in his arms and snapped his fingers. Your favorite song came trickling from nowhere and he danced with you like a puppet master and his doll. You forced a smile for him, closing your eyes. Your phone rang and at last, you gave in.

Clicking the button, you were met with silence before Dean haltingly said, "(Y)-(Y/n)?" You let out a broken laugh and he audibly sighed on the other end. "I have missed your voice, kiddo. Listen, I'm sorry about Dad, he's torn up about it. You should have seen him and Sam going at it," he said. His voice almost cracked at the mention of Sam and your heart dropped into your stomach. "Where's Sam, Dean?" you asked quietly. "He left." You knew what he was going to say, but it still hit you like a ton of bricks. "Stanford. Are you still at Bobby's?" you asked. "He wouldn't let Dad leave until he was sober for three days. Hasn't even made it one since you left," he answered. His voice was strained and the image of him standing alone in a room broke your heart more than it should have.  "I-I'm coming, Dean. Don't tell John. But I'm coming as soon as I can, okay? Read that book I left, it's good," you suggested, ending the call in a flurry. 

Gabriel had backed off. A lollipop was in his hand and the look he gave you made you cast your eyes to the ground. "You can't go. It's not safe for them or you or any of my siblings," he said, crossing his arms. Your mouth dropped open a bit and you said, "And you're going to keep me from them? Gabe, they're practically family! It's obvious Dean's not well, neither is John, Sam's gone, so I'm going whether or not you let me." He rolled his eyes. "I'm your guardian, (Y/n). You really think you can defy me when I don't want you to?" The light fell out of your eyes and you looked down. "Gabriel, this can either go really well or really horribly. Let. Me. Go," you gritted out. He was never like this with you. "(Y/n), it's not safe! Those stooges could get you killed or taken somewhere I can't get you! You're NOT GOING!" he roared. The glass in the mirror cracked and you stared at him. "Watch me," you spat. His eyes were ablaze with fury, but you didn't care. "You walk out that door, this is the last you'll see of me," he threatened. "At least the Winchester's respect my loyalty to those who need me," you yelled as you slammed the door behind you.

You walked for miles until the sun went down. It was dark and the quickest way to Bobby's house, but you hated it. Everything was too quiet without the sounds of the country and the light to keep you awake. It went on like this for days, scraping up as much money as you could doing random jobs to finally reach a few miles off of Bobby's place. You navigated the rust maze easier this time, making it to the door in just under five minutes. You took a deep breath in and opened the door.

John was sprawled on one of the couches unconscious and Bobby was at the table, reading a thick book. "(Y/n)?" he asked when he saw you. You nodded and he rose up to meet you. "Why are you here? And is that thing here?" he asked warily. "Gabriel? No, him ad I, we... I'd rather not talk about it," you said. A pair of hands spun you around and pulled you into a firm chest. You gasped at the initial shock, then eased into it when you recognized the familiar scent of Dean. "I'm glad he let you come. He isn't here, is he?" he murmured into your neck. "No. And he didn't let me do anything. I walked out on him to get here. But I need some stuff. Bobby, can you help me with finding the stuff?" you asked after Dean let go. You pulled a crumple piece of paper out of your back pocket and Bobby took it. Scanning over it, he grunted and lead you to the kitchen where he pulled out every item on the list and handed them to you along with a bowl. 

"Powerful sigils. They'll ward everyone of the angels away, basically taking us off the map. I stole one of Gabriel's angel blades, but it's only when there's no alternative. They're still angels," you explained when Dean gave you a strange look. His eyes went wide and he spluttered out, "A-Angels? No way." You smirked and continued. "Oh, trust me, they're real. That's what you and John fought. His name was Castiel and he is sweeter than anyone of them. More human and caring. You'd love him if you gave him a chance, Dean." Painting symbols on the walls, Dean followed your hand for every precise movement. The gears were turning in his head and you laughed. "I'll teach you when I'm done. They're not as hard as you think, this is just to keep out even the archangels, the best and strongest angels." 

It was the first time in a long time that you'd been able to smile for real.