
Apologies Aren't Enough (Pt. 2)

"Gabriel," you said quietly, casting your eyes to the ground. "I've looked everywhere for you!" he said. He moved towards you, but you looked up at him and he stopped. "You told me to stay gone. I was trying. I was trying to do what you told me to do, Gabriel. I thought you wanted me gone, like you said. Don't come closer to me. And don't look at me like I've changed. I've always wanted to please people, you more than most. And I was trying. Gabriel, tell me what I was to do!" you said softly. The last sentence was louder and angrier than you had anticipated, but you didn't care. "I was angry, that's all, kitten," he said, taking another step closer. "Over WHAT? You won't tell me anything other than vague descriptions and then you refuse to let me see the people who I love just as much as you! How am I supposed to trust you when all you give me is scarps to trust you on? I've kept everyone so distant because I was afraid of letting them in on my pain, but when I find someone I can help as much as they help me, I'm forced to make a choice between the angel I love and the family I never had!" you screamed. A tear had let itself slip down and your cheek. He took another step. "I was there," he murmured. "Not for me to see or hear or touch or cry on! You might have been there, but not how I needed you, Gabriel! They will be! How do I know you aren't faking? You're an angel, I'm a human, maybe I should just walk out again to keep us both safe, even if it kills us!" you raged. Tears were spilling out, years of holding them back coming forth in waves that almost broke you in half. "Don't say that. Don't you dare say that. I was trying to distance myself from you to keep from falling in love, which could be highly dangerous and you could never have children, which I know you want. I want to make you happy as I can, but you can't give up on me. On us," he said, taking the final step for him to close the gap between you.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted to stay away. I wanted you. I still want you. But now I can tell you that... that I love you." His thumb wiped away the tears and you fell into him. Slumping forwards, he caught you in his arms. "Gabriel, I-I-I" Words failed to come out coherently. "I'm Gabey, remember? Don't call me Gabriel; it makes me feel old," he said softly. "You   old, stupid head," you choked out. "There's my girl," he sighed. He gently rubbed circles onto the tense skin of your bare shoulder and you finally slowed the tears enough to ask him to take you to bed. He made a small noise of approval, then scooped you up in his arms. "I got you, (Y/n). I'm staying right here tonight," he mumbled. You closed your eyes and twisted a fist in his shirt. Gently laying you down first, he was soon to follow. One am around you waist, another twisting a stray lock of hair around his finger. A thought grazed your sleepy mind, so you sent a prayer instead.  A small tickle at the back of your mind told you he had heard your prayer. 

"How tired are you?" asked Gabriel out of the blue a while later after you'd fallen asleep and woken up again. "Seventy-five, twenty-five. Why?" you answered. "How mad are you at me?" he asked as soon as your response left your lips. "Not very. Why?" you answered, getting a little frustrated with his vagueness. "Because I want to do this," he said. You turned to see what he wanted, but he pushed his lips to yours gently. You yelped in surprise, but what really got you was when he pinched your butt. It wasn't new for him, but it still made you jump every time. Nothing ever readied you for it, you supposed. He smirked into the kiss and let one hand wander across your curves. Every touch drove you mad, the way he barely touched you with the pads of his finger tips. "Gabe, don't get anything started tonight, please," you begged in between kisses. "Oh, but I want to so bad, baby! See?" he whines, pressing his already hard cock against your thigh. "G-Gabe, I--" 

"The hell have I been zapped into?" said a small voice. You tried to shoved Gabriel off of you with every ounce of strength you had, but he didn't budge, only burrowed his face into your hair. "Heh, uh, h-hi, Sam," you said weakly. "Is this not a good time?" he said. "No," said Gabriel, stubbornly. "Perfect timing. Gabriel, MOVE." He sighed a dramatic sigh and rolled off the bed entirely. "You literal two year old," you mumbled, sitting up. "Can we have a minute?" you asked. The puppy eyes came out and he simply leaned back in to nip at your ear. "We're finishing this later," he growled in your ear. You whined and he snapped his fingers, disappearing with a laugh.

"So that's Gabriel. He's very... Dean-like, isn't he? Wait 'till he meets him."