

After her parents got framed for a crime that wasn't committed by them, Diane was left alone in a world with so many difficulties. With so much hardwork and effort she was able to find the answers to her questions and her true potentials in the process

Berrymanuel · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs


After a long chit-chat between Aunt Tiff and the woman in her living room, I sat quietly on the two-seater sofa listening to their discussion, "Tiff, how old is she?" the woman asked, "well she's 13 Madame' Clem" Aunt Tiff told her "she has a soft and delicate skin texture would she be able to work, i don't think she can" the woman said and and laughed a bit "she'll do just fine, nothing to worry about' Aunt Tiff assured her. I still had no idea of what they were talking about deep down inside my little heart i said a short silent prayer and i continued sipping on the hot coffee the woman served to us few minutes ago. The woman turned to me while i was trying to drink the remaining contents from the cup she then called a name... "Linda!!" suddenly a girl around 16-19yr ran was sighted walking down the staircase " yes Madame Clem" she responded "that's Diane, she's one of us now take her upstairs to the vacant room, where she'll be staying for now" She instructed Linda. Without further delay the girl tapped my shoulder signaling me to go upstairs with her but i wasn't ready to leave yet i still wanted to talk to Aunt Tiff before she leaves, i still needed to beg her to always create time to send and receive my letters anytime she visits my parents, but unfortunately the woman who was called Madame Clem by everyone engaged my Aunt in another discussion i could see the stern look on my aunt's face "they were discussing something serious" I guessed, but what was it about? Who was this Madame Clem and why haven't i heard about her before if she was a family member but whatever thing was off i was about to find out soon enough.

I followed the girl to a hallway which was filled with several doors that each led to different rooms " it looks like a girls quaters" I said to myself she stopped at the seventh door which had a big number '7' written on it, the girl brought out a key from her blouse pocket and opened the door "this is where you'll be staying, go in have some rest, come down by 6:30pm for dinner. Don't be late Madame Clem hates it " the girl said to me "uhh, okay ma'am" i fumbled "ma'am?" the girl look surprised, "call me Linda instead" she said and placed my room keys in my hand, I quickly entered the room and locked the door. The room was no different with the room i had at Aunt Tiff's house, the same small structure but it was more comfortable than my former room, there was a window and that was one of my delights "sometimes i could sit here and sketch out little drawings of this environment to add to my collection" I said to myself. I unpacked my bag and placed all items in the right places, as i was unpacking my bag the little piece of paper i got out of that history book dropped out i picked it up and as i finally had the chance to read through it i did.

The letter said:

"Read carefully to unlock the truth child,

for you've been taken away from comfort to die,

in the third basket of lilies lies the truth!"



"Oh holy nutcrackers' I exclaimed, why would my Granny write this and hide it in history books, that moment i realized they were hidden secrets about my family i knew nothing about, whereas how was i supposed to know i was just thirteen. This letter was some kind of clue but who was i going to ask? Uncle Will! but i realized there was no way i could reach him. I was just lost in my own thoughts as a knocked sounded on my door and an unfamiliar voice calling me to go down for dinner.