

After her parents got framed for a crime that wasn't committed by them, Diane was left alone in a world with so many difficulties. With so much hardwork and effort she was able to find the answers to her questions and her true potentials in the process

Berrymanuel · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs


I sat on a old rusty log under a tree on hot sunny Thursday enjoying the cool breeze the filled the air and at the same time daydreaming of the delicious lunch i was gonna have that afternoon. I could hear the wild growl of a lion that came from my stomach, I sat pondering on different thoughts and wondered how i got here in the first place. "i have literally lived though life" I said to my self.

Well it all started on my 12th birthday of which would've been one of the happiest days in my life, there i was in my floral designed blue dress my mom got for me "you look more beautiful than the sunset my child" she whispered in my ear as she brushed my hair in preparation to go meet everyone at my party downstairs. As i walked downstairs with my mom *BOOM*, three fully armed police men walked in and held my parents by their arms and dragged them out everything was happening too fast, i was confused i ran towards them and cried begging the officers to let them go "mom what's going on why are you and daddy leaving me behind i want to come with you" i cried running towards them "it's okay child we'll be back for you, we'll be back okay" the both said and the police van rode off with them. I cried till my eyes almost popped out everyone gathered round round and my aunt held me in her arms and she told me everything was gonna be just fine, I was sober for two days straight i couldn't eat nor talk to anyone all i had in my head was questions that no one could obviously answer at that point in time except my parents. My parents were good people they hardly made enemies with anyone, they were rich and good people i got all my good attributes from them, there was no way anybody will think that my parents will ever get arrested i was so confused i didn't know what to think of anymore. I had to travel with my aunt a month later to Chicago to start a new life, all my parents properties seized so we had no right to any of my parents properties. As i was traveling through my past a familiar voice called out my name

"DIANE!" I turned and a slim beautiful lady in her early twenties walking up to me wearing a red sweat-shirt and black pants with a perfectly packed black hair, her scent was like that of a flower, that was my cousin Jean "hey Jean" I smiled as i saw her approaching "how was your interview with Mr Ben?" I asked "no progress Diane, still no progress" she said shaking her head in frustration as we walked together towards the front door of our house.