
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Planet Vectis

Lucian caught the badges thrown in their direction carefully examining them. They were shaped like a palm sized shield with a display screen that lit up on one side and what looked like gold plating on the other.

The screen displayed the time and date , while the words requested the two empty their energy into the their energy into the decives in order to register with the adventurers guild.

The two followed their instructions as they poured alll their energy into the devices. After a minute of doing this both devises made a beeping sound as a loading screen appeared.

The device in Lucian's hand finished first displaying a screen that showed his status.

[Name: Lucian

Age: 13

Abilities: Time, Space, Wind, ???, Light

Rank: C++

Guild Rank: Apprentice Leader

Current Mission: None Assigned Yet]

Althea's screen finished shortly after Lucian's.

[Name: Althea

Age: 13

Abilities: Light, Dark, Refract, Reflect

Rank: B-

Guild Rank: Apprentice leader

Current Mission: None Assigned Yet]

Althea had watched Lucian's screen load first and was slightly confused seeing one of Lucian's abilities had been classified by simple question marks, but when her screen loaded she smiled smugly rubbing Lucian's head.

"See? I told you I was stronger seems like you're going to be the face and I will be the shadow." She said playfully feeling superior.

Lucian quickly moved her hand, "Keep talking we'll see how long it remains this way." He said indignantly unwilling to accept their current status.

After their registration had been complete both screens beeped while displaying a notification.

[You have been automatically paired on a team with Althea]

[You have been automatically paired on a team with Lucian]

Seeing this they just blankly looked at one another already knowing they were on teams.

"Here you two tap your badges on mine if already selected a mission." Jason said seeing they were don't with their registration.

They did as they were told and the devices rang out again, [Team mentor Jason has been recognized, team mentor Jason has assigned B rank mission to hunt the dark flame hawk, go to the teleporter to proceed in your mission. Mission will expire in 96 hours.]

Seeing this the two couldn't help but be slightly shocked at the effiency and how fast this process was.

"Alright, this mission was sent to head quarters by an adventurer guild in a mid rank world, they don't have the manpower to take on some of their missions so we will be going to handle this one." Jason said as he began to walk to the teleportation pad in front of the desk he was leaning on.

Seeing this the two followed his lead, stepping onto the pad. "They don't have the manpower?" Althea asked questioningly.

"Its not that they don't have adventures without the capabilities to complete the mission, it's just for some reason this world has been undergoing some mass evolutions and since the beast grow faster than humans their mission request has become slightly out of hand." Jason said clarifying the situation with Lucian and Althea.

Hearing this Lucian couldn't help but recognize the rock he felt drop to the bottom of his stomach.

'Mass evolutions?' He thought inwardly as he tried to mentally prepare himself for the upcoming situation.

Once all three were on the teleportation pad Jason pulled out his adventurers badge waving it at a kiosk in front of the teleporter.

"Mission accepted teleporting to planet Vectis" an automated voice rang out as a bright light filled the teleportation pad as a mysterious force seemed to pull the two into a spatial tunnel."

It felt like their bodies were rapidly being dragged through space without any feelings of discomfort aside from the light roller coaster feeling and time distortion.

A few moments later they arrived in a beautiful hall made of red wood, and a few people standing around chatting.

"All adventurer guilds aside from the main guild hall have the same layout to make navigation easier. Also when you arrive at the planet for your mission your badge will automatically have map details and important information uploaded to it from the local adventurer servers." Jason said as they walked down the hall entering a lobby area that contained a bar and a place for people to sit and eat.