
Final Thoughts

I hope this reach number 2 or 1 thank you

JaMarion_Turney · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Pilot #1

Final Thoughts is what this story is about. It started in the year 2001 when Deandre Williams Jr was born. He was a bright, level-headed kid who had a love for everything life had to offer. His parents raised him in the suburbs of California, and he had a comfortable and privileged life. As he grew, Deandre showed signs of intelligence and potential to succeed in anything he put his mind to. But little did anyone know that his final thoughts would revolve around a girl and lead to his tragic demise.

Deandre had always been a charming and popular boy, but he never found interest in girls until he turned fifteen. His friends would often tease him about these unfamiliar feelings, but Deandre shrugged them off and focused on his studies. He was a freshman in high school, and his parents have always instilled in him the importance of education. Deandre was always at the top of his class, and he had a bright future ahead of him.

But everything changed when he met Shari at a school dance. She was a senior, and her beauty was captivating. Deandre couldn't take his eyes off her, and soon enough, they were exchanging numbers and going out on dates. Their relationship quickly grew from casual flings to deep and passionate love. Deandre's final thoughts were almost always about Shari and their future together.

However, Shari's father was not pleased with their relationship. He was a powerful and wealthy man who had high expectations for his only daughter. He saw Deandre as a distraction who would derail Shari from her studies. Shari's father did everything in his power to separate the young couple, but nothing seemed to work. Deandre and Shari's love for each other only grew stronger.

One day, as Deandre was leaving Shari's house, he was confronted by a gang of men. They were hired by Shari's father to intimidate Deandre and make him stay away from his daughter. Deandre tried to reason with them, but they were adamant and threatened his life. Deandre's final thoughts at that moment were filled with fear and confusion. He had never faced such a situation before, and he didn't know how to handle it.

After that incident, Deandre's life took a turn for the worse. He started receiving threatening notes and messages, warning him to stay away from Shari. His parents noticed the change in his behavior, but he refused to tell them what was going on. Deandre was determined to protect Shari and their love, and he was willing to do whatever it takes.

One night, Deandre Snuck out of his house to meet Sharice. They had planned to run away together and start a new life away from her father's influence. But as they were leaving, they were ambushed by a group of men. Shari's father had hired them to capture Deandre and bring him to him. Sharice was trembling with fear, and Deandre's final thoughts were focused on protecting her. He managed to break free from the men and ran with Sharice towards the nearest park.

But before they could reach safety, Deandre was shot in the back. Sharice screamed in horror as she held Deandre's lifeless body. Her father had ordered the hit to protect his daughter's future, but it cost her the love of her life. Deandre's final thoughts were filled with regret, as he never imagined their love story to end in such a tragic manner.

Shari was devastated and couldn't believe what had happened. She blamed herself for Deandre's death and couldn't bear to face his parents. She disappeared from California and moved to a different state, trying to run away from the guilt and pain.

The police investigated Deandre's murder but couldn't find enough evidence to arrest Shari's father. He had hired professionals who left no traces behind. Deandre's parents were heartbroken and never truly recovered from their son's death. They buried him on January 1st, the day he died, and it became known as the Black Day for the Williams family.

Deandre's final thoughts might have been about Shari, but his legacy continued to live on. His parents started a foundation in his name, dedicated to helping young couples who are facing similar challenges. They also fought for justice for their son and worked with the police to bring Shari's father to justice.

Years went by, and Deandre's case remained unsolved. But one day, Shari's conscience caught up with her, and she couldn't live with the guilt any longer. She reached out to Deandre's parents and confessed everything she knew about her father's involvement in their son's murder. Shari's father was finally arrested and charged with first-degree murder.

It was a bittersweet victory for Deandre's parents, as they finally got the closure and justice they have been fighting for. Shari also received her punishment for her part in Deandre's murder but was given a lesser sentence due to her cooperation. Deandre's final thoughts might have been tragic, but they eventually led to the truth and justice he deserved.

As final thoughts are often fleeting, Deandre's final thought will always be remembered by those he left behind. His story serves as a reminder of the consequences of greed, hatred, and power. Deandre will forever be a symbol of young love, and his foundation continues to impact the lives of many young couples, just like him and Shari.