
Final Reincarnation

[Kael Reynolds] [You valiantly sacrificed yourself for the sake of your friends.] [Your selfless action will be rewarded.] [Congratulations, Kael, you will be reborn for the last time.] 'last time?' I thought to myself Alright, one final fucking run. 

Gxmbling_Addict · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Lilith Luceran

"Arghhh" I groaned as I slowly started to gain consciousness.

All I could feel was the aching of every muscle in my body.

Luckily, I couldn't immediately feel any burns, only muscle pain.

For someone who just got struck by lightning, I was doing pretty goof.

I opened my eyes to the interior of what I'm guessing is the school infirmary. 

*Snore* *Snore*

I looked to my right.

Sitting there, sleeping, was none other than the headmaster, Kai Stone.

"Hey, wake the fuck up" I said.

*Snore* *Snore*

"HEY!" I shouted.

His eyes shot open, startled.

Once he had laid eyes on me his mouth turned upwards into a mischievous smile. 

"There he is!" he said while snickering.

"What? That shit wasn't my fault." I said to him, 

"I could already envision how it happened!" he exclaimed

This was the happiest I've ever seen him.

"First, Lilith walked in to the dorm. You were stunned by her beauty and charm. She had never seen you before so she asked calmly: "I've never seen you here before, who are you?" and you stood there like a dumbass, because you had never seen aa woman with such grace before. She felt your disgusting, leering eyes on her and she was put on alert. Then you stupidly tried to grab your id in your pocket and she thought you were going to grab a weapon, so she lit your ass up!" He said while holding his side, laughing uncontrollably.

"That was NOT how it happened" I yelled.

I could feel a headache already.

"I had taken a nap, so I was groggy and didn't really realize what was going on." I proclaimed.

"OHHH, that's why huh?" he responded 

This geezer was like a middle-schooler.

Is he accusing me of having a crush or some shit?

Sure, she was pretty, but in terms of true age I'm the oldest human on this planet.

Or pretty much ever.

But, I don't feel anything anymore.

I'm basically a monk.

I think.


Hours later I was discharged and Kai walked me, once again, to the dorms.

This time he actually showed me how to use the elevator-thing.

You were supposed to input mana into the small handprint things in order for the elevator to work.

That geezer forgot one thing.

No-one has taught me how to use mana yet.

I didn't even know how to use the one skill I was given.

"You don't know how to release mana?" 

I shook my head.

"You never taught me dumbass." I responded.

"Well, usually the kids here can figure out the bare minimum on their own" he shot back.

Fuck him, bringing talent into this.

"How do I get up then?" I asked 

"Maybe, the damn stairs?" he replied

There are stairs here?

He promptly took me to where the stairs were. 

The 'stairs' he was referring to was the fire escape stairs you would normally find on the back of buildings.

"I'll leave you to it" He said, as he promptly disappeared from sight.

How does he do that?

I pulled out the piece of paper that showed my dorm number. 

8-2B The paper read.

The 8th floor?

Damn it.


Finally, I stood in front of the door to my dorm room.

'it was a long journey, but finally, we arrive to our salvation' I tell myself.

I put the key in and turn the knob.

Inside, was a nicely furnished room, with one bed, a large desk with a mirror on it, and one small closet.

It was clear that students were supposed to further furnish the room themselves.

There was even a master bathroom connected to the room with all of the necessities you might need.

This was heaven.

I collapsed on my bed.

It was the softest thing I've ever felt. 

After I was done feeling the bed I looked over at the desk.

On the desk was a folder with my class schedule, and the bio's of every student in my class. 

I started to sift through the bio's until I got to the girl who I met in the lobby.

My jaw dropped.

There, in bold letters was the name 'Lilith Luceran'.

I sat down in the chair, trying to process what was happening.

I should've understood the moment she used lightning magic.

Lightning magic was the signature magic of the Luceran's.

Fuck me. 

Well, that wasn't a good first impression.

I looked further into her bio. 

Her talent was listed as a S+.

I sifted through to look at my talent.

Mine was listed at C-. 

Yup, I'm screwed.


Sunday, came and gone.

Suddenly I was thrust into Monday, my dreaded first day of school.

I made sure to get to class, at least half an hour early, to make sure I got to introduce myself to the teachers and make a good first impression. 

The first class was simple homeroom.

When I got to the room, I double and triple checked to make sure I was going into the right room. 

"Huuuu" I exhaled.

I opened the door, expecting dozens of students to be inside.

Instead, there was only one student and one teacher.

The teacher must be Mrs. Anderson, an old, long-time retired ex-player.

The student was the only problem.

There, sitting in the back of class was Lilith, AKA my arch enemy.

Mrs. Anderson was the first to notice me. 

"You must be the new student!" she said excitedly 

As she took a closer look at me her eyes got a little less excited. 

'did she just evaluate how powerful I am by just looking at me?' 

No, that was impossible.

"I'm Mrs. Anderson, take a seat, any should be fine." she said, a little colder this time.

"Ok, Thanks." I said

I then proceeded to walk over to my arch nemesis.

She made sure not to acknowledge my presence until now.

By burying her face into some book.

"Hey, your not going to apologize?" I asked her.

She put down her book and looked as me as if I was vermin.

"Why should I apologize?" she asked, right back.

"Well, for one, you shot a hundred fucking lightning bolts into me for no reason." I answered her question.

"Not for no reason, you made a sudden movement that could be perceived as threatening." She responded in a monotone voice. 

At this point more students were flowing into the class.

I didn't care.

I was going to get her to apologize.

Sure I reached into my pocket and maybe it was a bad time to do it. 

But, shooting me with lightning?

That was unnecessary. 

"That doesn't excuse nearly killing me does it?" I remarked.

I continued:

"You could have shot maybe just one right? Instead, you tried to fucking kill me." 

"I didn't try to kill anyone." She proclaimed, once again in her monotone voice.

"The doctor told me I was struck seventeen times. I couldn't even feel after the first two! I was unconscious and you shot me fifteen more time!" 

At this point I was yelling.

I could feel more and more eyes watching our conversation.

I didn't care.

She almost killed me and refused to apologize. 

She didn't respond.

"Look, I'll forget the whole thing if you just, apologize."

I only wanted to hear one thing.

'I'm sorry' 

I was going to get it.

Lilith looked at me without a single change in her facial expression.

As if she was pondering the pros and cons of apologizing.

Then she did something unexpected.

Her bottom lip started to quiver, and her eyes started to tear up.

She was clearly acting.

Her expression moments before was clear, unwavering and stoic.

Then she suddenly starts crying?

What was even her objective?

To get people to think I was bullying her? A Luceran?

Yeah right, no ones going to buy that shit.

"What the fuck are you talking about dude?!" I hear a deep male voice shout out behind me.

Lilith bolted out of the class. 

It then occurred to me that nearly all 29 other students were watching me.

"Who the fuck even are you?!" I hear another voice shout.

No way her plan actually worked.

Then Mrs. Anderson speaks up:

"Class, welcome our new student, Kael Reynolds."

While she said those words she glared at me, not only that, but her inflection clearly stated one thing.

She was pissed.

At me.

Now I was the bad guy?

I just got damn near electrocuted to death two days ago for fucks sake!

I looked around the class.

Angry glares, indifferent glances, grins.

I felt like a caged dog.

How the fuck was I going to get out of this?

Action picks up from here.

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