
2. Town.

Ryan had done some pretty weird stuff in his life, but stripping in a dungeon and changing clothes was a first.

Currently he was wearing a black vest like shirt with a small zipper in the front, over his shoulders was a leather holster with a large magnet on the back allowing the massive door sized buster sword to rest safely. That thing sure looked heavy but he could lift it with a single hand.

On his wrist was an odd looking bangle with a couple of round slots.

Around his waist was a simple black belt, with some baggy black pants leading to black combat boots.

Currently that was it for now, he would already attract a lot of attention with the door sized sword but he always wanted a buster sword.

Right now he just wanted to get some money for an inn room and then he could go over the various items in his ring.

Once he was done dressing he jogged out if the darkness and headed deeper into the dungeon. The door sized sword on his back not posing any problem.

The dungeon was rather large and it took him a while to find a goblin. Hell he barely even saw any other dungeon goers.

With a burst of speed he was already in front of the goblin swinging the blade down slicing it in half with ease.

It collapsed onto the ground dead and took him a couple of minutes to find the magic stone. It was a small red crystal in the middle of the chest.

"So this is a magic crystal huh?" Ryan picks it up easily slinging the buster sword over his shoulder onto the magnet.

It didn't seem particularly special but who was he to judge. Pocketing the stone he moved deeper into the dungeon.

Didn't take him long this time to find another goblin. Didn't matter which way the sword hit the goblin, it cut through it like butter. He made sure to avoid the magic crystal so as not to destroy it.

"Can't be destroying my profits." Pocketing another stone he moves on, about 2 hours later he had 15 magic stones just to make sure he had enough to buy guild membership and maybe a room for the night.

"Alright this should be enough, head back to the guild, sell the stone and get a guild card and then go to find myself a place fo stay." Ryan says happily, his pockets filled with magic crystals. "Probably need a bag at some point too."

He had tried once more to store the magic stone in his ring but it wasn't happening.

Remembering the way back to the entrance he managed to kill a couple more goblins on the way out that had respawned.

By the time he was out of the dungeon he had 17 stones in his pockets and it was a tad troublesome.

Making his way back to the guild his sword sure did attract quite a bit of attention.

Walking inside he found the previous worker and walked up. "Hello, I would like to exchange these stones and join the guild." Ryan asks putting the stones on the counter and drawing the attention of the worker.

It was a red haired woman with wolf like ears on the top of her head.

She looks at the stones and counts them, "Alright I'll give you 1700 valis since you intend to join the guild." She says pulling out a paper. "The fee will be 1000 valis for a guild card, this also covers a starter pack and a dungeon advisor."

"Okay, that should be helpful." Ryan says.

"Alright your name, familia, and rank please." She requests.

"Ryan Grim, No familia, No rank." He tells her calmly.

Her eyebrows twitch. "No Familia or Rank?" She says eyeing the large sword on the teens back.

"No why? Is that a requirement?" Ryan asks with a frown.

"Lying to the guild is a punishable offence you know?" She says sternly.

"Do you want to check? I don't have a rank nor familia I just got to town today." Ryan says unhappy to be called a liar.

"Listen if this is some way of confessing to me I'm not interested." She says loudly putting the paper back under the counter.

Many of the people in the room turn to look over and watch the show.

"Are you stupid? I've met you a grand total of two times, you must have an ego the size of the tower to think I'm confessing to you." Ryan says angrily before scooping up his magic stones and moving over to a different counter as everyone else is gobsmacked.

Rose was gob smacked herself. She had been hit on numerous times at the guild and always turned them down because she didn't want to be with an adventurer who would only die in the dungeon and leave her alone. Off to the side she hears.

"Hello, I would like to register to join the guild please and exchange these stones. Also is it required to be part of a familia to go to the dungeon?" Ryan asks.

"Hmph your just some scammer saying he doesn't have a familia or rank to try to get famous when you pop up in a year as level 2!" She says angrily to the teen who glares at her.

"You wanna check it? When it comes out I was telling the truth I want a full formal apology." Ryan had no idea what was wrong with this bitch. He just wanted to register and then fuck off to find an inn.

"Sure and when I find out your a liar I'll send you to jail and fine you!" She says equally as angry at the liar.

"Then do it right here, what do you need to do? Check my back or something?" Ryan asks getting more pissed off by the second, taking the sword off his back he rests it against the counter before removing his sword magnet and vest. Luckily the gods had did a number on his body and he looked fit as could be. Sitting on the floor he calls out. "Well I'm waiting!"