
Final Choices

Jeanette Washington was a young and upcoming writer, with a couple books under her belt and racing up the charts, which was told it was time to take a much needed holiday. When the time came, she whisked herself off to Rome, looking forward to some sightseeing, relaxing….and though she shouldn’t….some much needed writing. Although, an accident by the name of Ramon Capillini changers all of her plans. But if it’s for the better…or worse….she has yet to decide.

Theresa_Lambe · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs

Chapter Five – Play to win

His mind spun out of control while his body ached to have every part touch her, something that was very much new to him. Her lips were soft, gentle and the sweetness made him ache more, making a longing appear within him. His tongue eased along her lower lip and tentatively, hers brushed his.

With that bold stroke, he pulled her tight against his body. Even sitting in the limo, like they were, he could tell she fit him curve to glorious curve, inch to every amazing inch. He groaned as her hands moved from his chest to his neck, sliding her fingers into his thick hair. Every place she touched, he felt an intense fire; a feeling he never experienced when he was with other women.

His senses soared and his heart pounded. What was happening to him? Flames of fire and ice consumed him. It was irrational to be here, like this, with a woman he knew nothing of, locked in such a tight embrace and lips locked; to feel such potent desire, to have all of his senses consumed. His lips traveled across her cheek to her neck, nipping gently in places, a hard need coursing through his body. Her head fell back and a small groan tore from her lips. Yet, it was what he needed to bring his mind back into reality and to get his raging hormones back under his control.

He pulled away and looked at her. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips were swollen, and below her ear, a faint spot was showing where his teeth had grazed too roughly. To anyone who was to see her, she looked thoroughly ravished and a faint smile tugged at his lips, enjoying the fact that it was due to him, a proud feeling coursing through him.

She opened her eyes, confusion clearly written in the depths. Confusion over what she had done and why. But, mostly, confusion over why he stopped, which might not have been the best thinking. Passion blazed in his eyes as much as it was in hers, that he knew. Desire had strung his body tight, yet he fought it.

She frowned to herself. She should be happy that he had that kind of control, for she surely lacked it, it seemed. No, not true. She lacked it when she was around this man, which in and of itself, was very unusual. A hint that she must not be alone with him in the future, for it seemed he robbed her of her senses something no man ever has done, so best be wise.

"Where are we?" Ramon looked out the window.

"A small restaurant that serves lunch that is one of my favorites. Are you hungry, cara mia?" She flushed, for she was, but not for food.

"Of course." He smiled, sensing her problem.

Two hours later, they were cruising back into town. Jeanette took a deep breath, once again, her eyes savoring the beautiful scenery. Staying here, she finally agreed, she didn't understand how anyone would want to leave it. Than again, so many visitors say that about every place they visited.

"Tell me more about your family, Ramon," she asked as she looked at him. He turned his attention to her and smiled.

"Well, I suppose there is not much more. My family grew up in a loving home, although rather large. It was my great great-grandfather who built that first bank and our family home. It is interesting, being one of the longest families to live in Rome. Our family history clearly states that we are blessed to have so many sons, although, in mine, I am the last of three boys. Having four sisters was quite extraordinary." He laughed as memories flittered through his mind of his siblings.

"Tell me about them." Ramon felt the limo stop and realized they had reached their destination. He helped her out and she glanced around in awe.

"Palatino Hill. The first stop on a grand tour."

"It's wonderful here."

"This place was the first center of the city life in Rome. After that, this became Imperial Headquarters. It was actually in the dirt at the base of that Romulus drew the scared line that outlined the city."

"It's amazing."

"It is quite a spot. A lot of the time, I come just to get away. Have a seat."

"Back to the topic of your family." Ramon laughed and settled down next to her, figuring she wouldn't let it go.

"There is Roberto, but we all call him Bobby, much the oldest, in the way that he looks out for all of us. Than there is Carolina, very spoiled, although, she is very smart. After her was Esmerlada, a designer, the one and only in our family actually; maybe the only one with enough imagination to do that in all truth. Oh, than Rafael who is the V.P. of our uncles shipping company. Than me, followed by Britannia who owns one of the few clothing stores in town. Her biggest seller is Esmi's clothing, in fact. And last is Adrianna who actually just graduated college and is a manager of one of our banks."

"Is anyone married?"

"Bobby is, Carolina as well. Rafael and Adrianna are engaged."

"Wow, really want an impressive family. And are all of you close?"

"It was nice, growing up in such a loving home. Even with so many kids, attention was shared and yes, we all are actually."

"I'm happy for you. Usually kids in such big families, there's always those who don't get enough love."

"True. Anything else you would like to know?" Ramon gazed into her face and stood entranced. Her face was aglow and a twinkle was in her eye. Her lips curled upward, a devilish smile, he thought. "What are you thinking?

"Just what a perfect plot I could make in Italy." He glanced at her, admitting to himself that seeing her in her realm, she was never sexier but he did raise an eyebrow at her. "I can't help it!" Ramon looked at her, sheer doubt taking his features; although he never knew writers but he would assume that plots and characters consumed their minds quite a bit. "If you catch me writing, than you can lecture me on taking a vacation."

"Deal." Ramon glanced at his watch and a frown replaced his beautiful smile. "I have a meeting rather soon. Time flew, I did not notice. It should only be an hour or so, but you can have use of the limo if you want to go anywhere."

"Oh, no, just drop me back at my room. Jet lag has kicked in, I think." She smiled and something inside him fluttered. His eyes took in her features and noticed the simple dimple that came at the corner of her mouth, a very attractive feature but not one that came out a lot, he noticed.

"Would you care to join me for dinner, cara mia?"

"Where at?"

"Just be ready by 6:30." With a wink and a smile, they were off, plans filtering through his mind.

At 6:30, a knock interrupted Jeanette's process and she had to smile at how precise he was. She ran a hand over her black skirt, fluffed her hair, and gave one last glance in the mirror to make sure she looked okay. She walked out of the bathroom and opened the front door, smiling as brown eyes took in the man before her and handsome was too weak of a word to describe him. Dressed in black slacks and a burgundy shirt that opened at the neck, he looked amazing, mouth watering in fact.

"So, where are we going?"

"For dinner?" Jeanette grabbed her hand bag as she walked out of her room and nodded her head.

"Of course for dinner," she replied. He smiled as his hand settled along the small of her back, such a gentleman and the merest touch sent tingles down her spine. She shivered and wrapped her arms around her stomach, hoping he hadn't noticed.

"Cold, cara mia?" She wanted to scream that it was him that made her shiver. That it was him, with his looks and charm that set tingles racing down her spine. It was that bewitching smile and those sexual brown eyes that made her heart speed up. And…what…none of that could she utter.

Jeanette wanted to believe she could have a mind less affair, but she was afraid it wouldn't be with Ramon. They clicked, in a way she never had with anyone else. And though she wouldn't call it love, she did know it was something, something different.

"What are you thinking about?" Jeanette cleared out those thoughts and looked at the car in front of her. It was black and most certainly sleek. It was also the latest version of a Jaguar.

"Nothing, don't worry. Different car; I'm impressed and I like it." He laughed and opened the door for her. "Where are we going?" she asked yet again.

"My place." Jeanette's heart dropped. She hadn't heard right, right? That was private domain. Why on Earth would he take her there? Not to mention bringing in a stranger to private domain. She glanced at his profile, and not for the first time, wondered what thoughts were going through his head.

"Why?" Ramon glanced over at the beauty and lifted an eyebrow. It wasn't a strange question, but coming from her, she would only want a detailed answer, that he knew.

"Why to what, cara mia?"

"Why to all of this?" She waved her hand, as if expecting that to be the answer.

"I am afraid, my dear, I am not understanding." The lips that were lethal twitched with amusement. He knew perfectly well what she meant and they both knew that, but, he just wouldn't answer. Which was fine, for certainly two can play that game! If he didn't want to answer, she could drag out the answer. She had powers, much like he did, and it was a game she would enjoy playing.

"Really? Such a shame!" She glanced at him and smiled, flashing even white teeth. He glanced at her again and realized she had a trick up her sleeve and his thoughts were to be cautious, but what fun was that?

"Yes, it is," he replied as his eyes took her in for a moment; her eyes twinkled as she looked at him. She reached over and placed her hand on his thigh, a bewitching smirk playing on her lips. His muscles jumped at the touch and his blood flowed to only that spot. It was unreal, the things he felt when she was around, the things she made him think; amazing, to say the least.

"Are you okay, Ramon?" He glanced sharply at her, saw her smirk and knew she was playing. Although his emotions, nor his heart, seemed to want to grasp that. Nor did that particular bulge that was pressing against the zipper of his slacks at the moment; damn, how did she do that? Did she even know what she did?

"Perfectly fine, mio cara mia." Her nails traced a path up this thigh and he gritted the back of his teeth. Temptation soared through his blood and the only thought he possessed was to park his car on the side of the road and ravage her here and now. But, he wasn't that far from his place, nor was he a young man anymore, who couldn't hold his emotions or hormones. Besides, it was too soon to do any real ravishing, not the way she truly deserved or the way he wanted to. "You do not play fair, mio angelo."

"Ah, my dear Ramon, I play to win."