

When mercenaries M. and friends reconnect with their supposedly dead mentor, they must learn to survive in a new reality.

MB_1234 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

The warring faction

TaRun: "So you guys have started keeping tabs on them."

Unknown: "Yeah. The peace of the world depends on the strongest. We have no other option."

TaRun: "I have the capability to protect my students."

"Don't be naive. You know you can't win against them."

M. : "You are leaving me no option I have to attack you."

"Wrong choice. You don't know who I am connected to."

"As if I care. Wake Aster. She is important to me."

"No, you are bad. I will kill her then eat her flesh."

I get out of the cauldron. Then I try to take Aster out of it. The soup is getting really hot.

"Idiot. Take this."Kalpavat swings a club at my head. I grasp the club and twist it so that Kalpavat falls down.

"Wake Aster up. Now."

The soup is starting to get really hot.

I blow on the fire using the full power of my lungs. The fire starts to wane.

Kalpavat gets up on his feet and tries to thrust his claws into me. I punch him . He is thrown away. I pull Aster out of the cauldron. She does not wake up.

"Why wake her up let her spend her final days in my made up heaven." Kalpavat


Then a voice inside me tells me "Kill him. Kill Kalpavat. She will wake up."

Can I trust this voice. If she does not wake up I will lose her for good. Maybe Kalpavat knows how to wake her up.

"Fine. If you don't wake her up I will make you do it."

"She is as good as dead. There is no point in trying."

I feel pure rage. I walk up to him. "If she doesn't wake up guess I will take my time to torture you first."

I thrust my sword into his right hand.

"Hurts doesn't it?"

"It hurts. It hurts."

I dice his hand.

"Aaaah. Aaaah. It hurts."

"Kill him. Kill him." Fine guess I will have to kill him. I try to slit his throat with my sword. But his body divides into crows and he flies towards the exit. "You cut my hand off. I will make you pay." The crows materialize into the monster again. He swoops down at Aster. I use teleportation to teleport myself near him and slice his leg off.

"Hahaha kill me but you can't wake her up. There is no way you can wake her up."

"He is lying." The voice speaks again.

"Whatever voice you are hearing is lying to you." says Kalpavat." Give me yourself and I will wake her up."

"Not gonna happen."

"Fine. I will eat you both."

Kalpavat charges at me. I point my sword at him. Before my sword touches him he divides himself into crows again. I get mad and kill one of them.

"Weed out the grass, and it grows again."

Few of the crows turn into Kalpavat's left hand and grasp my right hand. He uses his head and bites my chest.

The voice in my head says "Listen I will lend you my powers. You will be able to kill him then."

Power. You think I need power to kill him. This is what I trained for? To be defeated?

No I can sense it. The crows are an illusion. I grasp his hand and pull him. What is it that makes him immune to my attack? Its like my attack barely connects. If it goes on like this Ester will die. I must kill him. Somehow. I try to pull his hand toward me. The hand is decapitated and then it turns into a crow again. Shit. This time I get a good hold of his head and use teleportation to teleport myself and him into a different dimension.

"Fool. Where have you teleported me to? "

This time I must try my best. What is this dimension? I attack him again. He can still divide into the crows. The crows swoop at me. Such force. The crow is about to break my skull. I swing my sword. But before I can hit him an arm materializes and grasps it. Shit I am about to lose my eye....

"Use my power." the voice says. Can I trust this voice?

"No." I refuse. " Okay if you don't use our help you should try to teleport him to somewhere he is weaker."

This split second before the crow hits me the time in my mind turns into an eternity.

Guess I have no choice. Have to comply to the voice.

"Fine. Lend me your power"....aaah.

My head is pierced by the crow..... I collapse to the ground. But I am not dead? We are teleported to a different world. I am standing in the midst of a crater. I can't see clearly. There is a volcano in the distance. I see a town below the volcano. My senses are dulled.

The sky is beautiful blue and pink.

"Where am I ?"

He laughs..." Welcome to the king's country."

The king's country?

He chants a mantra. I hear him calling on the king.

"This is not a fair fight."

"I agree. I shall give you your partner."

A portal opens in the sky. Ester is summoned, she falls from the sky. I catch her before she falls.

She opens her eyes.

"Weren't we in the forest? You disappeared suddenly. I was looking for you."

"We face a threat now. That was a hallucination. "

"A threat?" she falls asleep again.

Kalpavat laughs.

"Kalpavat you called upon me to face two mortals? I don't have the time."

"But master. These are special humans. They crossed over before from Earth."

"You need my help to fight them? Fine..."

"But master..."

His right leg snaps in half.

Meanwhile, in the shrine,

TaRun: Let's see. Downloading info from the sky, my monitor tells me the precise events. The monster was in love with the saint's daughter. He tried to woo her, hence the saint killed his family by placing a curse on all of them.

"It is time now. Kill him." the voice says.

"Fine." I agree to the voice.

I thrust my sword into the prostrate monster.

The volcano roars in the distance "You killed my underling? His leg would have healed in the hospital... but you have killed him."

I try to teleport. But I cant.

"Did you expect a fair fight from these tricksters?" The familiar voice came from behind. It was a tall man in black armor. He came towards us. "My name is Franz. I am here to save you from impending calamity. That volcano in the distance. It is the right hand of the king."

The volcano stands up from the ground. It transforms into a giant monster.

"Lend me a hand will you?"

"But we are weak in this world. How do you expect us to fight?"