

When mercenaries M. and friends reconnect with their supposedly dead mentor, they must learn to survive in a new reality.

MB_1234 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Result of training

We start to train. Rock has already become very strong because of his cybernetics in a few days time.

He can break stones with his bare hands. Gives us a tough time. Even Ester is pretty good using her psychic abilities. Her fighting style is a blend of mental and physical powers. I on the other hand have to rely on my sword and gun. Our mentors are noble and talented.

Our guide Bodhi teaches us how to teleport by manipulating dimensions, Rui teaches us how to use our guns effectively, Aom teaches us healing, Mikaea teaches us advanced swordsmanship and weaponry as well as element manipulation.

These are techniques of the gods. There are various other techniques followed by the school of spirits, school of oni, school of the warrior etc. Our guides often remind us " Be wary when facing your enemy, the world is vast and there are techniques out there even gods do not know about."

2 months have passed since we began training. I get hyped up as I watch the sun rise. Today is the day we go centaur hunting. This is going to test the effect of our training. I exit my dormitory and walk towards the practice hall.

I have been thinking all night about how we will kill the centaur. I have never seen one before. Based on what I have seen in shards I believe they have four legs and the body of a human. The centaurs here are especially powerful. How am I, Aster and Rock gonna hunt down the centaur. I think and walk towards the practice hall. Then Aster pulls me towards the side inside a doorway. In the course of our training I have developed feelings for Ester. She is a beauty and is so talented. My heart skips a beat

"Hey Aster."

"M. I have something important to talk about."

"What is it?"

"I want to drink the elixir of immortality."

"What? Don't we...

Well if you request it then I can't say no."


We reach the practice hall. Rock is waiting for us.

"The time is right. Go for the centaur." our guides tell us.

The Tianshan shrine is located high up in the broken mountains. The wall of the practice hall is atop a cliff. We jump down the cliff. Just a blanket of air is produced by Rock so that we don't get hurt from the fall.

We reach the trees below.

"Found a centaur camp." Rocks tells us.

We find centaur footprints nearby, we follow the trail that leads us to a group of centaurs.

Remember we have to kill the non sentient ones. This is easy game for us. We have to hunt them using our skills only. We use our newfound talents to hunt them down. We return back to the shrine.

Back at the shrine, our guides greet us. We present them the centaur trophy. They are happy with the results.

"Hmmm... you used teleportation and guns to hunt them. It will suffice."

Rest for now.

I was lying in my bed when Aster came in again "We just need the skytool from TaRun. I am sure it will have the location of the elixir."

"But Ester we really shouldn't take what's not ours. What if he finds out?"

"We will surely manage. Nothings gonna happen"

TaRun was in the bath. We managed to take the skytool and look for the location of the elixir.

The location was the village tree at the bottom of the mountain. We kept the skytool back and went to the village. The location was pointing to the meditating saint.

The rishi(saint) is meditating.

"We shouldn't disturb a rishi. He might curse us."

"Lets not be afraid. He is just a gentle saint."

We decide to inquire.

"Foolish hunters. You dare disturb my meditation. Do you know for how long I have been meditating. For how long. Thirty years. For thirty years I have been meditating thinking only of lord Indra. I will put a curse on you."

"No saint. Don't put a curse on us."

"Well there is something you can do. I see you want the elixir of immortality. I have it.

Though to take it you have to do something for me. See a monster comes here to collect money from my community. Protect me, kill him and take this elixir."


"Then teleport to him."

"No. We are proceeding on foot."

We go to where the saint tells us. Rock stays behind. We reach a beautiful forest. There are trees gently swaying and birds chirping. Aster tells me

"M. this forest is so beautiful I would never wanna leave this forest."

"Yeah. It's beautiful."

"Just like the both of us together."

"Aster do you mean."

"Yeah... I love you."

"I love you too."

She comes near me, takes my hands and makes me hug her from behind.

"I would want to stay here forever.."

"Yeah. Me too."

The forest disappears. I wake up in a cauldron full of soup and next to me there is Ester, asleep. And a monster is cooking us.

"You have woken up, you may exit." says the monster.

"What have you done. She won't wake up."

"You are in my world.... Let's just say that I want to eat her as she looks tasty. My name is kalpavat. How dare you protect that rishi. He is not good. Killed my family. When I went to attack him, he placed a curse on me. So, kill the rishi and I would wake her."

"You are a monster. You terrorize the saint and his people."

"Yes. But I am a noble monster. I haven't killed a human since the curse, for years."