

When mercenaries M. and friends reconnect with their supposedly dead mentor, they must learn to survive in a new reality.

MB_1234 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Job gone wrong

I rushed towards the door, realizing I was running late once again. As I swung the door open, I was greeted by the sight of Ester and Rock already settled in.

"Hi," Ester offered a friendly greeting.

"You're late," Rock stated, his tone serious.

"May I come in?" I inquired, seeking permission from our mentor, Sir Han.

"Before you step inside, you need to explain why you're late. Again," Sir Han emphasized, his patience wearing thin.

For the past three days, I had been consistently late to the club meetings, missing crucial parts of our planning sessions.

"Just as we finish discussing all the vital aspects of our plan, that's when you decide to show up," he pointed out.

"Sorry, Sir Han. I've been having a hard time lately," I tried to justify my tardiness.

"We're all going through tough times. Nonetheless, we still manage to contribute to both the club and to each other. It appears to me that you simply don't prioritize our briefing sessions. Remember, it's been 200 days since our last bounty—the Centaurian we defeated—and the 200,000 coins we earned from that should be enough to last us a few more months. Truth be told, I do care about earning coin, gaining experience, and ensuring the safety of people. But I find it hard to concentrate during theoretical discussions. I prefer hands-on practice."

"I understand that you're mourning a loss, but you cannot let your personal issues interfere with our practice sessions and strategic planning. Remember, a solid plan is the foundation of any successful mission. And right now, we need a foolproof strategy to bring down the golem that's been terrorizing the 221 3C colony for days," Sir Han reminded me.

Ah, that fateful day. I've been trying my hardest to forget it.

"I've been training rigorously day and night with my swords. We will bring that golem down, no doubt about it," I assured him with determination.

The bounty on the golem's head was substantial, and we couldn't afford to let this opportunity slip through our fingers.

"Don't worry. My fists alone will be enough to bring it down," Rock chimed in confidently, flexing his muscles. His strength was unparalleled in our group.

"But there's more to this mission than just the bounty," Ester interjected, her tone serious.

We had been laying low for the past 200 days, and I was curious as to why we were suddenly breaking cover.

"Yes, the bounty is significant, but this is also about settling a personal score," Sir Han revealed, his voice filled with a mix of anger and determination. "That golem is responsible for orphaning me years ago. By taking it down, we'll finally have our revenge."

"And besides, we need to get back into action and earn some coin," I added, trying to lighten the mood slightly.

"For me, it's less about the money and more about avenging the wrongs of the past," I confessed.

"A golem that has caused so much pain to our mentor? We absolutely cannot let this slide," Rock agreed, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by a serious expression.

"I have faith in you all, but don't underestimate this enemy. It won't be an easy fight. Make sure you're well-prepared," Sir Han advised, his experienced eyes scanning each of us.

Mmm, is defeating a golem really that challenging? I better step up my training.

"Golem won't know what hit it. Since it's already evening, let's meet up at the club and proceed from there," Rock suggested, his usual upbeat attitude returning.

We left the club, each hopping onto our hoverbikes, and sped off towards our destination.

"I know exactly where the golem resides. Follow my lead," Sir Han instructed as we navigated through the terrain.

Arriving at the golem's cave, we noticed signs of a recent battle. However, the cave was eerily empty, save for a ghostly figure standing in the shadows.

"This cave seems unusually large for a golem of this size," I remarked, my curiosity piqued.

"The golem? Oh, it won't be causing any more trouble. I took care of it," the figure claimed, stepping forward into the light.

"And who might you be?" I asked, trying to size him up.

"My apologies for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Aad," he replied.

"Aad? As in Aad the rogue legend?" Ester whispered, her eyes widening in recognition.

"And what are you? A slave?" Rock asked, his tone mocking.

"Do not insult me. I am a rogue oni general, bound by a pact," Aad responded, his voice steady.

"Bound to whom?" I questioned, intrigued.

"Bound to me," a new voice chimed in from behind us. We turned around to see a young girl, who introduced herself as Ystria, a magical girl.

"Sorry to disappoint, but the golem's body is of great importance to us. We're taking it, whether you like it or not," I declared, my tone firm.

"No, the bounty is mine. You're just a bunch of rookie mercenaries. Aad, deal with them. I have other matters to attend to," Ystria stated before teleporting away.

We are going against a general class. This could end badly.

" Yeah, bring it on" I said. The minion came at me with full speed and tried to drive his claws into my gut. I dodged barely and cut off his hand with my sword. The oni screamed at me I lost balance and my swords fell down. The oni plunged at me. I think this is it, I am gonna lose my arm. I closed my eyes and I heard the sound of flesh being torn apart and a scream. As I opened my eyes I saw the oni lying down dead with blood all over. Han had saved me . Looking at them I saw Aster and Rocks had also killed their opponents. Guess I have quite a little to go before I reach their power level.

"You are my son. I wont let them harm you." Han said. Thank you Han. You think of me as your son. I am tearing up. This is taking my thoughts away from the absence of my family.

Aad was furious and shot a ball of fire at us. We dodged the fireball. The shot was so powerful that it punched a hole right through the cave wall. " My powers will attract quite the attention. Guess I have to finish you off before the marines arrive." The marines serving under the general of 221 3C could arrive any minute because of the shot. We could lose the bounty if we don't kill Aad and flee soon enough. "M, Aster, Rock give it your best shot. He is powerful but there are four of us." " Harbinger fire" Aad shouted out his attack. But Hands protected us with his magic shield. But commander level magic is no match for a general class. The shield was destroyed but we are safe. We are safe for now. We will have to fight strategically. Han fired at Aad with his rifle. But the bullet passed right through Aad without inflicting damage.

So he immaterialized himself.

"Hahahaha. I am a general class. You don't stand a chance. "

If only I could take him by surprise from behind.

Aad yelled " Harbinger fire level 9000". The cave shook as fire surrounded us. Han chanted a spell which caused the fire to explode as it vanished. I was thrown to the edge of the cavern. Aah quite painful. As I got up I saw a magical seal planted there. " That seal is set to explode as I die. So either you die or the cave explodes." As per my basic knowledge of seals I knew seals could be destroyed by a bomb. Aster also said that it is a self destruct type seal. Rock has enough bombs to destroy the seal. "We wouldn't be able to get out of this alive unless we destroy the seals. This enemy is far stronger than the golem." exclaimed sir Han. " I will hold him off while Rock plants the bombs. "

After Rock planted all the bombs Han said we should get out while he holds off Aad. " The bounty is what matters. Go before he kills us all" . "But sir Han" we pleaded. "No buts. You vowed to listen to me when you signed up for this. I will weaken him with my magic then I escape before the seal explodes. You guys go after Ystria. Check your gps."

We exit the cave praying. Let Han win this.

As we reached the foot of the mountain the seal exploded. Wonder if Aad is dead.