
Fight Against Darkness

After the world shifting event known as The Destruction of Bright, the world of sorcery comes to light. Sixteen years later, spunky Daniel Fash partners up with the quiet girl Laura Crescent in a sorcerer school. They go out on a mission to take down an otherworldly beast. Unknowingly, the beast was being controlled by a mysterious sorcerer. The journey they’ll take will be a gruesome one, will they be able to stay strong for each other?

Mono_Hardin · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

0: Prologue

It was the year 2018,

 Bright was a relatively small country divided into three major cities; Shine-A, Shine-B, Shine-C. These cities were the heart of the most famous and successful continent on the planet, Dayland. Built by three rulers, the Dayton Siblings. The eldest Asarath, then Leuvis, and Elena. Their rule, backed by formidable sorcery, remained unchallenged throughout history. They come from a joined British noble family and a powerful clan of Japanese swordsmen. 

 Bright was built around four-hundred years ago, as the capital of Dayland. Bright boasted infrastructure, blending European and Asian architectural influences. Wooden buildings stood side by side with complex castle structures, towering skyscrapers, and toll roads above the ground. It was possible because of that power they had. Sorcery that complimented their rule over the people. However, due to certain chains of events, they changed their ways of ruling, they decided to keep sorcery hidden from the entire world. It would be unfair if a war would take place and sorcery had partake in it. It would a one-sided battle taking countless lives. Any sorcerer that would practice magic in public would be subject to lifetime jail or immediate execution. They were strict. Soon after Bright was built, around a hundred years later, sorcery was completely forgotten from the minds of the masses. It became nothing more than a fairytale for children.

 Then an unprecedented event happened. Tragedy struck when large-scale terrorist attack involving a group of sorcerers. In twelve minutes, all three of the cities were nearly leveled to the ground. That attack killed tens of thousands of people. Three perpetrators were suspect, but they disappeared before anyone could capture them. The Dark Kin, The Manipulator, and The Death Flower. At the moment of need, the sorcery world had to take responsibility for the atrocities of these three criminals.

 What used to be a secret society became public knowledge. It was the headline to every news media for over three years. Everyone living in Dayland were in fear and mourning for years.

 Three sorcerer families of hierarchy since ancient times decided to enforce rules, agreed with the parliament, to prevent an event like this to ever happen again. 

 The law is as followed:

1. Citizens who awaken their sorcery must enroll in a sorcerer school and undergo training for three years.

1.1. After graduating the school, they will work as a sorcerer until they are allowed to retire.

1.2. After retiring, they will work as a supervisor or a teacher in the same school.

1.3. If they do not choose to work as a sorcerer, they will be put on a "dangerous individuals" list and will be monitored constantly.

2. Sorcery only awakens below the age of fifteen, and those awakened must enroll when they reach the age of fifteen, with exceptions under special circumstances. 

2.1. Exceptions such as "late bloomers". Awakening sorcery above the age of fifteen. Those late bloomers will not need to undergo three years, but only one year of sorcerer school. Enough to gain overall control of their sorcery.

2.2. They will be allowed to live life as they choose. Then they will be put on a "dangerous individuals" list and will be monitored constantly.

2.3. If those late bloomers decide they will be a sorcerer later in their life, they will be welcomed and undergo three years in sorcerer school.

3. Citizens that are categorized as Core-User are exempt from enrollment. 

3.1. If they enroll, they must undergo the same training.

3.2. If they do not, due to their exceptional physical prowess, they are exempt from competing in any sports.

4. Unlicensed use of sorcery will result in punishment.

4.1. Self-defense is still not permitted. However, after an assessment from a High-ranking sorcerer, the punishment might be a lighter sentence, (probation or suspended sentence).

4.2. Unlicensed use of sorcery will only be an offense when the mana used exceed a low level. 

5. Usage of sorcery that involves any written crime (e.g., assault, murder, robbery, arson) will be deemed a mana criminal and be punished under the old sorcery law without a court hearing.

5.1. Punishment ranges from ten years jail time to death penalty.

 It wasn't simply a declaration of rules. Many people that had awoken their sorcery were refusing to enroll, simply because they had a better life to live. A year is a lot of time wasted. Consequently, these dissenters faced imprisonment or even death, leaving dozens, dead in the process. The aftermath of the incident now known as The Destruction of Bright City, lingered for four long years, plunging Dayton into a state of fear and chaos.

 The awakening of sorcery in children was an exceptionally rare occurrence, with only one in a hundred-thousand being blessed with such abilities. Early signs of sorcery included having at least twice the physical prowess of their peers.

 As the dust began to settle, Dayton started to find its way back to normalcy. The citizens hoped that the strict rules imposed by the sorcerer families would protect them from future attacks, while the memory of the devastating event continued to haunt the collective consciousness.

 Awoken inside a dark pit, underground. He sat on his knees, laying docile. His head was glitching all over the place. Everything that had happen, reverted into his memories. 

 A nightmare that lasted six whole months. He awakens and the only thing circulating within his mind was one word, vengeance. It was the only thing he can think of, it was the only he will achieve within his lifespan.