
Fierce Red

Almora, a girl with powers her kind considers dangerous and harmful but her love is nothing but trouble to her. "I warned you about this but you wouldn't listen to me" someone said to her. "I'm not going back on my words. It's what I want and that's final" she said standing her ground. "Come with me and let me show you what will happen if you do this" the person said to her. She followed till they got to an open space and something looking like a portal appeared in front of her showing things of the future. "Nooooo!!!" she shouted. "I don't believe in all this. I trust in myself and I believe what I'm doing is right so no one can stop me" she said staring sternly at the person.

Awaleeyah · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Almost raped

"What do you think you are doing?" Almora pushed him away. "What do you mean by that?. I'm not going to hurt you" Evans said, walking back to her but Almora moved away from him.

"I'm not in for this Evans" she said, staring sternly at him. He moved again enclosing the gap between them and tried to kiss her forcefully. Almora raised her knee and kicked him on the groin.

"What the.." he couldn't complete it and bent down holding on to where he was hit. Almora quickly turned and tried to open the door only to find it locked. Evans started laughing like a maniac from behind her.

Seeing that she couldn't open the door. She turned to look at the laughing maniac. "I didn't say we were done" Evans said, looking at her with lust in his eyes.

"Give me the keys Evans" she said, stretching her hand forward indicating him to drop it on her hands. "Or else what?" he bent his head slightly as he stood up and walked towards her still not taking his eyes away.

"Just give me what I want baby and I will let you go" he sneered. "I'm not your baby. Never call me that again" she yelled at him. "So it's my body you were after in this relationship all along" she half yelled at him almost in tears.

"What did you think?. That I loved you" he scoffed. "I just wanted to know how a Red would taste like" he walked slowly to her, licking his lips. Almora felt disgusted by his sight. "And I thought you really cared for me" she scoffed, turning her head to the side.

"You let Lucian have a taste and you don't want me to" he sneered and a resounding slap was heard in the room. Almora had slapped him hard. "How could you think so cheap?. You disgust me" her breathing was becoming uneasy. "I feel suffocated staying in a room with you. Now hand me the keys".

She had continued to move back as he moved slowly to her but finally her back hit the wall. He held her arm tightly pinning her to the wall as she struggled. "Let go of me, you bastard" she spat on him.

"How dare you!!!" he yelled, his eyes already red. "Since you don't want it the easy way, then we will have it the hard way". He grabbed her and yanked her to the bed. Due to the force to which he had thrown her, she hit her head hard on the wooden part of the bed.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!" she yelped in pain. Evans began to hurriedly remove his trousers and jumped on Almora like a psycho. Almora whimpered as tears began to fall from her face. Almora didn't know that Evans had cast a spell so that no noise will be heard from his room.

He smelt her hair and then her neck. Almora saw this as an opportunity and quickly grabbed the keys from his pocket without him knowing. With the little strength left in her, she raised her knee and hit his balls. "Arggghhh" he yelped as he rolled to the side and held it in pain. Almora quickly got up but he held her hand tightly.

She tried to free herself but his grasp was too strong. Her eyes suddenly turned red making her body go hot and immediately Evans let go. Her eyes went back to normal and she rushed to the door and quickly got it opened.

Her hair was already lose. She was already sweaty and her head was already bleeding. Immediately the door was opened, she ran all the way down. On her way, she bumped into Oliver but she just said "Sorry" and hurried away immediately.

Almora ran all the way back to her room. Immediately she opened the door and entered. She shut the door behind her and leaned on it then she slid down crying.

Amy and Stacy were scared at the way the door suddenly opened but seeing it was Almora they calmed down and we're also surprised. Looking at her appearance and the way she was crying, they felt scared and worried and quickly rushed to her.

"Al what's wrong?" Amy asked, with concern all over her face. "I thought you were sleeping out at Evan's" Stacy said.

She looked up at her friends and said "He is a...a...a mo..mo..nster". She broke down crying again. Amy and Stacy's eyes went wide at what she said.

Oliver quickly hurried back to his room. "I saw Almora in a weird state just now" he said immediately he was in the room. Lucian whose eyes were closed, opened them immediately he heard her name and sat up. "What kind of state?" he asked.

"She was scared like very scared. She looked like she had seen something that wanted to take her life away. She bumped into me and just said 'Sorry' and ran away" Oliver explained. "I thought she said she was going to sleep out in Evan's dorm" Brian said.

"That's true. She was coming from the direction of his dorm" Oliver said. " That bastard!" Lucian got up immediately and was about to walk to the door when Oliver said "Before we go to meet Evans, let's go and check on her first. She might need our help".

Sorry for not uploading yesterday. I promise by next week everything will be back to normal.