
Field of Magic

Yuga Kanon is something of a sports prodigy, he wasn't overly muscular or anything, but his athletic prowess has always been miles ahead of his peers, being aware of this he wasted no time mastering the basics of every sport he partook in, he was aware of his gifts and used them to Their fullest, most times he would build an ideal body type for someone like him who was slightly lacking in height, so he worked on everything else, his technical efficiency, his creativity in many sports, his control and other such attributes never lacked, though he did it in a way that allowed him to not stand out, he didn't want to be scouted because he stole the limelight in some random match, mostly because he wasn't really interested in the other sports he was just good at them. His favorite sport would always be football, simply because it allowed him to weaponize a talent he had that only he seemed to think cool at the time, as such he went and applied to a soccer youth team, he was barely 16 so he passed the age requirement, now it was to test his skills, though this wasn't just any youth team, he applied to the Asura Youth development academy, the only academy in his home town which had both a 90% rate of players there going pro abroad but also only 1 or 2applicants actually end up making the main team even from the school that the academy premières in, scouts are usually overlooked altogether because Their fundamentals aren't polished as well as the school members, this year though Kanon was sure that at the very least he wouldn't fall behind the academy, and it seemed the head coach of the main team would be present to see if there was any potential so Kanon was somewhat hyped up. Despite being 16 Kanon stood at 5 foot 10 with a lean build, while it was lean, his muscle toning was perfectly done for his frame, he has light brown skin and white hair, he kept it in a dreadlock ponytail and kept his side shaved like a fade he has dark orange eyes and well defined facial features, he had the face of a model yet the body of an athlete and somehow, he made it work.

Folklord · กีฬา
16 Chs

Ego: Monster (p2)- Conflict and Compromise

Positions switched once more and Yuga was back as the Right centre forwards leaving Attacking midfield to Garreth. Although the two forwards couldn't stand each other, they had something they both hated more: people looking down on Asura youth academy while at the club. Yuga passed to Longwei and for the first time in this match, Longwei and Yuga went upfield parallel to one another. Chrono rushed to close off Longwei's dribbling path just for Longwei to make a sharp 360 turn to the right, Chrono tried to follow but mid-turn Longwei passed the ball through Chrono's legs to Yuga.

Yuga darted between Antonio and Adam to face off against Sae, he seemingly passed the ball to Sae just for Garreth to cut between the two to intercept the ball and dribble the ball down the right flank. Jaden stepped up to block him but Garreth cut in drawing Jaden to mark him, he then sent a through ball further down that right wing. Luo Ji darted past Jaden dribbling close to the corner flag and sent a cross towards the 6-yard box. Yuga was the first there as he broke past both centre-backs and leapt to trap the ball mid-air, as he did so though Chrono threw himself in the way to block any kind of shot. This didn't bring him any feeling of safety as he could see a faint golden glow in Yuga's eyes, one more holding intent and control. As Chrono slowly closed in Yuga flicked the ball backwards over Chrono's head to the only other open space in the box, and Longwei was there for the volley, he unhesitantly blasted the ball full force ripping a hole in the top corner of the Yufeng goal making the score 6-3.

Chrono: (How annoying)


Yuga: This formation {Narrows glowing eyes} (These fuckers wouldn't dare)

Both teams were back in their positions but this time Antonio and Adam were over the ball ready to pass and Chrono stood behind the two, upon kick-off Chrono received the ball and both Antonio and Adam ran to make sure Yuga and Longwei couldn't interrupt forcing Chrono to face Garreth one on one. Chrono performed rapid stepovers and then rainbow flicked the ball over Garreth's head breaking past him with ease, Chrono then approached Pisu and performed an elastico to get the ball through Pisu's legs and continued his advance down the Left flank. Chrono set the ball for himself and shot it from thirty yards out towards the top right corner sinking it in perfectly and making the score 6-4.

Yuga: (They did) {Heavy frown} This just isn't cutting it

Longwei: What are you on about this time??

Yuga: I'm sure you're aware we all have our special areas

Longwei: Of course like my Aerial ability and your god damned eyes, what of it?? {annoyed tone}

Yuga: Bai Lee isn't capable of stopping that Chrono guy's area of speciality

Longwei: and that is??

Yuga: His distance shooting, besides it being perfectly straight every time he kicks it, it seems the distance exchanges speed for power

Longwei: So what the closer they are the stronger

Yuga: wrong {Eyes glow even more intently} the further that bastard shoots from the more power there is behind it, so even if you can react to it you couldn't stop it anyway, and willing to bet anything that his sweet spot is shooting from the halfway line

Longwei: because it allows his shots to be so strong they seem fast

Yuga: So you aren't as slow as you look

Longwei: what does that have to do with us then??

Yuga: It doesn't but as a keeper, Bai lee relies on closing down a striker's shooting range with his excellent positioning but that doesn't help with the power of the shot and only partially helps with the speed, put simply Bai Lee's speciality means sod all to Chrono

Longwei: I see (That Chrono bastard recognised Bai Lee's talent and started shooting at a distance that not only makes his talent worthless but the speed and power on the ball makes it difficult for any keeper to react to much less stop)

Chrono: {Glances at Yuga with a frown} That was quick ( I knew his eyes would be annoying but I hoped it would take more than 2 shots for him to figure it out) {Runs up to Sae)

Sae: Do we have a problem??

Chrono: The damned vision brat has my shots figured out, it won't be long till he figures out how to stop them

Sae: You want me to take that green-horned brat seriously??

Chrono: Yes {Aura radiates intently} We didn't bother going all out against Daitech bastards because we wouldn't win if we did, that isn't the case here

Sae: Alright {Golden aura radiates off of him} If I help us win this will you go all out against Daitech??

Chrono: I will

Sae: In that case let's crush these naive insects

Both teams were once again Lined up with everyone on Yufeng back in their natural positions, Longwei passed to Yuga this time who passed back to Tantai who passed it back to Bai Lee. Yufeng rushed out for a high press and Bai Lee cleared it down the Left flank for Xu Ron who had made his run. As soon as Xu Ron trapped the ball however Sae was in front of him with completely black eyes and a red circle for pupils, the golden aura around him burnt brightly as he stared Xu Ron in the eye with absolute indifference. Xu Ron flinched momentarily but still went tried to force his way past Sae, Xu Ron tried a 360 left turn to force his way around the outside just for Sae to turn parallel to him and perfectly block off Xu Ron's path while taking the ball in the same motion.

Sae: {Scoffs} Insects like you aren't even worth facing the Daitech B team

Sae ducked low and muscled his way to the inside of the field in one swift motion and broke free of Xu Ron; Sae made his way to the halfway line before Garreth came up to face him one on one.

Garreth: Forgotten me already {Golden aura begins to leak} how embarrassing

Sae: {Frowns} (I forgot about this one)

Sae faked right and cut left to advance but Sae saw through him and was there to intercept the ball, Sae then immediately attempted a sharp right side 360 just for Garreth to perfectly parallel him and block off his options again Sea flicked the ball back then used his back heel to send it over both of their heads. Garreth tracked back in perfect tempo and once again seemed to block off Sae. with gritted teeth Sae tried to pass the ball back to John with a back heel just for Xu Ron to intercept it and send a cross towards the far right side of the Yufeng box 18.

Sae: (Shit) close your mark!! {Begins sprinting back}

Luo Ji was there to receive the cross but was met by Jaden who flung himself into a sliding challenge, Luo performed a sharp backheel cut to break past and was one on one with Lucas, that being said he couldn't afford to control the ball as if he didn't shoot first-time Ricardo would get the ball, especially at the angle he coming in at, yet for some reason despite knowing that full well Luo Ji couldn't help but get pissed off. Since when did he become one to be carried along with the flow of the game, he couldn't help but want to break out of his predicament in an extraordinary and flashy way. Luo Ji faked the shot drawing Riccardo's tackle before going for a sharp 360 turn in the opposite direction guiding the ball as he did so from his right foot into a space for his left foot to shoot.

Luo Ji: {Enters the zone} Eat it

Luo Ji rams the ball full force through Lucas' legs scoring a goal of his own putting Asura youth up further, making the score 7-4. Luo Ji ran to the wing and broke into a knee slide roaring in victory while both Lucas and Riccardo shared a look of shock, Luo Ji's momentary evolution came much too quickly for them to react to.

Riccardo: (What's this shit now?? Do these Asura fuckers think I'm some kind of joke?!) {Gets up slowly with an annoyed look on his face} Too bad that number 7 won't be getting his own evolution goal now that I'm angry

Both teams were back in position and Chrono rolled for Sae who dribbled straight at both Longwei and Yuga, surprisingly enough for him, they let him go and rushed to mark Chrono, Sae didn't have time to process how they could ignore him when Garreth was on him. Sae gritted his and faked a pass making Garreth open his legs, Sae then pushed the ball through Garreth's legs with his balancing foot and broke past Garreth in one swift motion, Garreth tried to follow but Sae had already made a significant amount of space for himself so he wouldn't be catching up at this speed. Sae closed in on Pisu and immediately tried to dart left, as soon Pisu challenged Sae crossed his dribbling foot over the ball and flicked it the other way with his trailing foot. Sae cut in and got to the ball first once more leaving Pisu behind, not wasting a second Sae dribbled towards the 18-yard box this time Garreth had almost caught up and Pisu was also giving chase this time.

Sae: (I guess this is where we work our magic) {Subtle grin}

Sae chipped the ball ever so slightly and volleyed the ball towards the top left crossbar, the ball bounced off it back out of the box towards the centre circle, and Chrono momentarily broke past Yuga and Longwei's heavy mark, He ran full force and drilled the ball towards the Asura goal. Colour Drained from Garreth's face as the ball tore past him instantly, the ball went for the top right corner but Bai Lee got a hand to it, unfortunately for him, that is. All of Asura watched in shock as Bai Lee lay on the ground screaming in agony clutching both of his arms as the ball rolled to a stop beside his head in the goal securing Yufeng's goal and making the score 7-5. Longwei was about to attack Chrono but Yuga restrained him.

Longwei: Let me go you damn squirt!!! That's taking things too far!! { Struggling to break free}

Yuga: Do you think fucking violence will help us in any way?! Don't lose your fucking head over this!! Not until the match is over!!

Longwei: {Muscles Yuga off of him} (Really??) The fucking match?! your brother on the pitch is down and you still care about this fucking joke of a game?!?! It's not even a league match, besides your fuking ambition nothing is on the line you selfish fuck!! {Slugs Yuga across the face)

Yuga: (It's better this way) Take your anger out on me then, you can't get carded for fighting with a teammate in this tournament, but don't ruin Bai Lee's efforts, I want to crush the bastard as well after all {Looks at Chrono's departing back intently}

Yeongha: I don't need to tell you what to do now do I??

Hyung Ji: Of course not {Gets up} I planned to crush the bastard myself anyway {Enters the zone}

The next two chapters will bring the Ego sub-arc to a close and usher in the second subarc the Reunion Arc, all the details of this sub-arc will soon be properly ironed out but there is the possibility for some major changes to come before then. Ask any question at all in the comment section and talk about any queries or suggestions yo may have I am always open to them, thank you for the time you put into my work

Folklordcreators' thoughts