
Field of Magic

Yuga Kanon is something of a sports prodigy, he wasn't overly muscular or anything, but his athletic prowess has always been miles ahead of his peers, being aware of this he wasted no time mastering the basics of every sport he partook in, he was aware of his gifts and used them to Their fullest, most times he would build an ideal body type for someone like him who was slightly lacking in height, so he worked on everything else, his technical efficiency, his creativity in many sports, his control and other such attributes never lacked, though he did it in a way that allowed him to not stand out, he didn't want to be scouted because he stole the limelight in some random match, mostly because he wasn't really interested in the other sports he was just good at them. His favorite sport would always be football, simply because it allowed him to weaponize a talent he had that only he seemed to think cool at the time, as such he went and applied to a soccer youth team, he was barely 16 so he passed the age requirement, now it was to test his skills, though this wasn't just any youth team, he applied to the Asura Youth development academy, the only academy in his home town which had both a 90% rate of players there going pro abroad but also only 1 or 2applicants actually end up making the main team even from the school that the academy premières in, scouts are usually overlooked altogether because Their fundamentals aren't polished as well as the school members, this year though Kanon was sure that at the very least he wouldn't fall behind the academy, and it seemed the head coach of the main team would be present to see if there was any potential so Kanon was somewhat hyped up. Despite being 16 Kanon stood at 5 foot 10 with a lean build, while it was lean, his muscle toning was perfectly done for his frame, he has light brown skin and white hair, he kept it in a dreadlock ponytail and kept his side shaved like a fade he has dark orange eyes and well defined facial features, he had the face of a model yet the body of an athlete and somehow, he made it work.

Folklord · กีฬา
16 Chs

Ego: Monster (p1)- Domination

Asura Locker room

Longwei wore a disinterested look on his face as Yuga grabbed him by the shirt holding him against the locker, following Longwei's declaration Yuga held himself till they got back to the locker room before lunging at him in anger.

Yuga: I don't care what bullshit you were on in the first half, but you don't drop a shit performance like that and expect to waltz back on like you fucking own the place

Longwei: Oh?? and what exactly are you going to do to stop me you mediocre brat??

Yuga: I got us up 3-1 while you were standing around doing nothing, at least with Hunter up here with me we would have had more goals

Longwei: That's naive and uninsightful of you little puppet, do you believe the rest of this would have been able to keep up with you in the zone unless I did what I had, or do you believe they would achieve a Zone like level of focus without me angering them first?? {Humoured/ mocking smirk}

Yuga: You could simply have helped them access the zone before without pulling all of this nonsense, what's with the bullshit manipulation?!?! {Tightens grip and rams Longwei against the locker}

Longwei: What I do with this team is none of your business, an ant like you isn't on the level to understand the way my mind works

Yuga: {Tightens grip} Is that so?? {Releases Longwei's jersey with an annoyed sigh} Garreth, you should move up to my position and I'll be the Attacking midfielder in the second half, since most of us are out of the Zone anyway this team should have a fresh set of eyes in your position

Garreth: I have no problem with it {Looks at Longwei} but are you sure you want to take his words to heart??

Yuga: Him?? {Gestures to Longwei in a humoured tone before laughing while pointing a finger in Longwei's face} The only chance he would have at scoring again is if I pitied him and fed a cross his way, other than that he's dead weight on this squad, and Xu Ron isn't obligated to pass to him anymore

Longwei: {Attempts to grab Yuga} You little

Yuga: {Slaps Longwei's hand away} Don't touch me, if you want to prove your worth do it on the field


???'s P.O.V

What the hell?? where did that come from?? I was the one that was meant to finally shut Yuga down and he just had to interfere, didn't he?? In that case, I'll put Longweu out of commission first then I'll take down Yuga. That way my little puppet won't doubt my strength again.


Both teams were lined up once more and this time it was Asura's turn to kick off; Longwei passed to Garreth, who then sent the ball back to Yuga. Yuga briefly scanned the field and sent a through ball down the right flank for Luo Ji. The Asura number 12 took the ball and dribbled upfield with Antonio hawking him down parallel to Luo Ji and Jayden and Sora coming at him from the front. Luo Ji sent a through ball just beyond the two in front of him for Garreth who dribbled the ball towards the left corner of the Yufeng box 18, clashing shoulders with Sae.

As he got to the box Garreth sent a backheel pass to Yuga who now had open space and punted the ball full force at the Yufeng goal, the ball drifted to the top right corner, a shot that Lucas only barely punched beyond goal for a corner from the left-hand side. Yuga looked into the crowd with a frown and then at Longwei; his eyes went back to normal and he strolled unhurriedly to take the corner.

Yuga set the ball and took a passive look at the players in the box before taking two steps back, Yuga sent a left-footed trivela cross at a height little over everyone's head, the ball curled towards Longwei who leapt and sent a bicycle kick over the bar landing heavily on his back. Longwei looked at the empty goal in shock and then at Yuga who tracked back with an air of absolute indifference.

Longwei: (He wasn't expecting me to score??)

Garreth: {Walks up to Longwei} You talked way too much smack in the locker room to pull shit like that and miss so stop messing around

Longwei: What are y--

Garreth: Get up and mark you retard {walks away indifferently}

Longwei: (What's all this shit suddenly??)

Lucas took the goal kick sending it upfield to Chrono who was being marked by Pisu, Chrono leapt and controlled it with his chest and used his knee to guide the ball over Tantai's head, a shadowy figure bolted past the 2 down their left side and got to the ball first turning in to face Tantai head on, the player got close to Tantai who didn't back off either and drew the ball back sharply with his right foot flicking it slightly and smacking it back down so it would bounce behind him. The figure took a step forward and flicked it over Tantai and himself with the back heel of his left foot. The figure went around Longwei and broke into the box to meet Bai lee almost there to close him off entirely.

The figure forced the shot right past Bai Lee to the right side of the goal just for Yuga to boot it against the top post as it was about to go in effectively clearing it towards the centre of the pitch as he did so his Eye shone an intense Neon, he wasted no time turning and sprinting towards the Yufeng goal. The ball dropped towards Garreth who sent Luo Ji yet another through ball, Luo Ji pushed to the edge of the box and sent a cross in for Longwei who had cut into the left side of the 6-yard box, he back-heeled the ball towards the penalty spot just for Yuga to be there and for the shot; Yuga performed a fake shot with a back heel chop as the earlier figure slide flew passed him attempting to stop the shot, after which Yuga set the ball and performed a rabona to plant the ball in the top corner putting Asura up 5-1, and Sae who was in the zone could do nothing but stare at the ball he failed to stop in distraught.

Yuga: I advise you to give up, no matter how good that Chrono guy is {Walks away} He'll never turn this score around while I'm here

Both teams returned to their positions, Chrono had a blank look on his face as stood over the ball with a frown, he looked up at the spectators seeing the terror in the eyes of the Yufeng supporters, he looked back at his teammates, lastly, he looked at his opponents, the relief in their eyes, the victorious smiles plastered on their faces. If he was being honest, no matter how much he wanted to learn under Coach Yeongha, no matter how much he wanted to wear the Asura jersey, their joy today disgusted him more than anything he had encountered in the 16 years he's lived.

Chrono: {Aura turns dark gold} I think it's about time you lot realised something {Passes ball to Sae}

Sae passed the ball to Chrono immediately; Chrono tore past Longwei, Garreth and Yuga in a short burst of speed, before anyone realised what was happening he shot the ball from 40 yards out planting it in the top left corner.

Chrono: The only reason you stood even a slight chance till now is that I permitted it {Gives Yuga and Longwei a side glance} Never forget that fact

Yuga: (Looks like this bastard is even better than last time I saw him go all out) {Mild trembling} Well shit (The trembling can't be a good sign) {Eye begin to glow white}

Longwei: {Also trembling} (Just when I was beginning to think we had won this match he decided to go all out huh??) This isn't good {Frowns}

The match restarted with Asura's kick-off and Garreth passed to Longwei who immediately began dribbling upfield, when he got to Chrono however he back-heeled the ball to Garreth and began sprinting just to find Chrono was following. Garreth laid the ball off to Yuga who sent an outer right-footed driven cross to Xu Ron who was sprinting down the wing parallel to Longwei. Xu Ron controlled the ball on his right lap and tried to play a through ball to Longwei just for Hanzo to intercept the cross and dribble past Xu Ron.

Hanzo: Hope you didn't forget about the rest of us {Grins}

Hanzo cuts in and starts dribbling towards Yuga but lays it off for Sae who sends a driven cross-upfield to Antonio who ran parallel to Adam. Mo Xu rushed early to challenge but the duo got past him with a simple one-two, giving Antonio space down the to dribble straight past Pisu, Pisu tried to cooperate with Tantai and Ai Fei to close off Antonio but he sent a Rabona chip to Adam. As adam lines up for the shot, Tantai throws himself in the way and the shot blasts off of his chest high into the air. The ball spun rapidly as it seemed to momentarily pause in the air, everyone within the box looked up at it intently trying to reposition themselves to get it, however, the ball fell away from the box towards the left, the only open space on the field and there Chrono was darting at the falling ball with his eyes trained on the goal. The ball bounced and spun into Chrono foot as he volleyed it with his right leg, sinking a powerful shot into the top left corner taking the score to 5 - 3, Bai Lee wasn't even close

Chrono: {Looks at the scoreboard} (20 minutes left} Victory isn't too far-fetched at this point

Yuga: (What the hell is this?? Why the hell aren't I contributing to stopping this guy?!) {Walks towards centre field}

Longwei: (How the hell did I lose him so quickly??) {Walks to Yuga} You know what we both need to do right??

Yuga: (I still don't like you Longwei) Damn straight

Both: {Glare at Chrono's back} (If I have to work with this fucker then I'll do it properly) we're destroying this guy

Garreth: {Walks up to the two of them} Feel free to leave both Adam and Antonio to me (I've been quite tired of those two for a while anyway)

And just like that, although only momentarily; The three forwards of Asura held a faint golden glow to them, in that moment they were more than equal to Chrono but even the players themselves didn't know it.

We are now nearing the end of the Ego sub-arc, if you have any questions at all feel free to ask in the comment section; if you have any thoughts and suggestions about the plot I'd be more than willing to hear everyone out. and for those that don't watch or play football I will be using soccer terminology heavily in the future. I will try my best to explain them in the author's notes. As for the terms so far this is their simplified explanation:

Trivela: Kicking the ball with the outer part of your foot

Rabona: crossing your kicking foot behind your balancing foot and kicking the ball

In any case, I apologise for the slow release of content as I want my stories moments to have meaning so I don't want to rush into anything. Please support my book and drop a few reviews whenever you stop by to read a chapter, I want to know what my reader's expect of my books

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