
FFF Class sımulators

super short sypnosis: simulation + dungeons + modern day + action -------- After leaving class, Eren survives a car accident and undergoes an Awakening. Now he has a system and a title given by the system, just like the hunters on television. After starting his hunting career with great excitement with his title , he soon learns that he is not that special and is banned from going above the F level due to his special title. He lives a boring life by doing ordinary jobs such as training recruits and hunting in low-level dungeons, earning pocket money, but strange events occur in the last F-level dungeon he enters. The hunters who enter the dungeon with him betray him because of the feature of his headgear. Eren slowly loses consciousness as he looks at the spear sticking into his back and the tip coming out of his chest, but his -surviving- title does not allow him to die. Doctors at the hospital made Eren's heart beat again after a 2-hour struggle. He becomes the subject of the news because he came back to life after spending 2 hours dead, but there is something that no one knows, and that is the strange message that Eren received from the system. [ Congratulations, you have met all the conditions for your title to evolve - stay at level F for at least a year - stay dead for at least 6666 seconds] Eren's title - survivor - evolved into the title - living multiple times - and he awakened a new ability. He now has the ability to simulate the lives of other creatures in other worlds, and thanks to this ability, he begins to grow stronger rapidly. When Eren thinks everything is going well in his life, he receives a message from the system and realizes that the world is not as simple as it seems. wsa 2024 After a month break, I will continue to edit old chapters and publish new chapters.

OLD_storage · สมัยใหม่
77 Chs

f class hunter

When we were about to clear the rainforest completely, a tens of meters long snake emerged from a small river and blocked our way

We've all seen a little system window above the snake's head that appears and disappears for a moment and says dungeon boss

I stood out because I had better physical characteristics than the majority of the people in our group and because I thought I was far from dead thanks to my talent

The big snake pounced on me with unexpected speed, but luckily I was able to dodge its blow at the last moment.

I heard an old man behind me say "leave it to me" and I turned around and saw the snake miss me and land on the ground.

A white-haired man in a suit threw a small scalpel from his pocket towards the snake

When the scalpel hit the snake, the old man began to move his hands as if he was still holding the scalpel

The scalpel started to move by itself in the air, and when I looked back at the man, I saw his hands moving rapidly in a blur, and before I knew it, the snake's brain had been delicately separated from its body.

When the dungeon boss died, the portal started to form again about ten meters away from us

Everyone in the dungeon gathered around the old man and began to congratulate him

"Just as expected from Prof. Dr. Gazi, you are magnificent as always, sir"

When I heard that the man was respectfully referred to as prof by everyone, I approached him, wondering who he was, and asked, "Are you famous?"

Thinking about that time, even my reflection in the mirror was blushing now.

I spit the water out of my mouth and went back to my room

The man I saw that day was actually one of the most famous neurosurgeons in the world and I didn't realize it even though I lived with him for a month.

After going to my room and putting on my hunter clothes, I went to the mirror and checked myself one last time.

I had a slender but firm body and black hair with black eyebrows After ripping off the band-aid that was stuck to my cheek and putting it aside, I glanced at my profile

Because of the title I got, the hunters association wouldn't let me go above level f.

In the past two years, there have been many people like me who have risked death to obtain the same title and the only ability it has.

As these people leveled up, they became disasters, destroying themselves and the people around them.

In fact, one of them was a rich man who, thanks to the Hunters he bought, was able to enter high-level dungeons and quickly become a B-level hunter. Just one day later, a B-level portal suddenly appeared right in front of his house in the city center, killing him, his family and 70,000 people living in the city.

The situation was taken up by the hunters' association and resolved in a short time and immediately afterwards the hunters' association issued a press release

Since then, hunters with - survivor - headgear have been banned from going above level F.

" Profile "

[ Profile

Name : eren black

Title : -survivor-

Age : 25

Lvl : F 7 ( 60 / 100 )

Time remaining : 3 hours

Power : 4

Defense : 3

Speed : 5

Mana : 0

Luck : ?

Attraction : 6

Abilities ;

Active abilities ;

Passive abilities ;

Almost : when your life is in danger, your luck will increase to help you survive, and in return you will receive monster charms equal to the amount of luck you get]

The remaining time on my profile page was something that was on everyone's profile page. If a hunter didn't level up until the remaining time was up, they would drop down one level.

Each time the hunters leveled up, they received one assignable stat point. Of course, if you re-leveled to a level you had already reached, you received no reward.

After a hunter reached level ten, he or she was given a promotion mission related to his or her title by the system.

After tidying up my clothes for the last time, I made my way to the dining hall.

When I left the room I saw two men walking down the hallway joking with each other and I cursed my luck and tried to ignore them but it was too late

"Yooo cockroach, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"My name is eren, not cockroach"

"Ahh come on, the name cockroach suits you better, you know those little things are just as capable of surviving as you are."

I ignored their laughter and went down to the mess hall, I didn't really have a disagreement with them, in general people liked to make fun of me because I didn't have to participate in dungeons like the other Hunters.

Hunting a few f-level monsters every day is enough to make a living

The energy core from the brain of an F-level monster was worth only 10 dollars, and every time the monster level increased, the amount increased exponentially by 10

I could just go into a dungeon and hunt some monsters and make 30-40 dollars a day, but the problem was that the hunters' association used to pay each hunter 1000 dollars, but now the number of hunters has increased so much that they stopped paying any fees.

I went down to the cafeteria, picked up a serving plate, went to the line of people and waited for my turn to come

I walked around the dining hall with my plate of food in my hand, looking for an empty table to sit at. After finding a place to sit, I quickly sat down and ate my meal before anyone else came near me and left the hostel and walked to the bus stop.

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