
Chapter Eleven - "An Unlikely Hero"

When nothing happened, they weakly opened their eyes. Scorn was latched onto Bjorn's neck. And no matter how aggressively she shook, he wouldn't let go. He chomped harder, making her cry out in pain. He made her move so much, she slammed herself into the cave. Scorn stood from her.

"Where is Porro??" Ferif asked.

"The bastard got so overwhelmed from killing his lover, he drowned himself." Scorn replied, spitting out Bjorn's fur.

"I see." Ferif said, nodding. "Is it over?" Scorn glanced back to Bjorn, who didn't seem to be breathing.

"Yes. I think it is." He looked back at Ferif. "Krone?"

"Yes sir?"

"I think we have our new queen." Scorn said, smirking slightly down at Ferif, who was overcome with joy.

"Really?! Me? The queen!" Ferif asked, prancing slightly and panting. "Terrific!" She cried out.

"Yes yes, very terrific indeed. But, I think it's time we get back home, and tell Lo'ain all of our adventures, eh?" Krone asked, nudging Ferif.

"Oh yes!" She said as Krone and Scorn started into the forest back home. Ferif stopped, and turn to grab a tuft of Soot's fur. In honor of him. Then she heard rustling. She swiftly turned her head. Bjorn stood beside the cave in twigs and grass. She was grinning wildly, bleeding from her mouth and head. Her eyes wider than ever, the same big pupils and terrifying stare.

"Ferif! Come along now." Krone called. Ferif turned.

"Coming!" She turned back to face Bjorn. But she was gone. Ferif brushed if off, and trotted to where her father and Scorn was.

"I see you got Soot's fur." Krone said, looking at her.

"Yes sir." She replied between her teeth.

"He will be..deply missed."

"...I know, father."