
Fenris: Journey of the Forgotten

In a world where werewolves are feared and deemed mindless monsters, Fenris Greyhide struggles to survive, haunted by missing memories from his childhood. Follow Fenris as he searches for Luna, the mysterious mage who abandoned him, unearths hidden truths about both the werewolf and human worlds, and embarks on a quest to discover a lost ritual that could change the fate of his kind. Along the way, Fenris will challenge everything he thought he knew, confronting his past and forging a new path for the future.

DonTheAlpha · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 8: Majestic Prison

Fernis woke up feeling a bit uneasy, he slowly opened up his eyes he was expecting to be waking up to a forest or a place with wooden floors and a window for quick escape routes, but instead his woke up in a large bed too large for just one person stone walls floors and ceiling with a chandelier containing numerous gems.

"Where am I? I don't remember getting here. The last thing I remember was getting hit by that whip. Was I captured by the hunters and did they take me to this .... majestic Prison?", Fenris thought. 

It was unlikely,  he heard tales of werewolves that were caught and not killed and none of the stories ever mentioned being woken up in a room fit for a prince. 

It didn't matter how he got here he had to escape. He got up from his bed, he was bare-chested only wearing trousers, not a problem for him but he did find a white shirt laid on the bed. Were the people who brought him here expecting him to wear it? It didn't matter anyway because of its color, "White? Ah why even bother?", Fenris thought.

 It was easier to get blood stains on white clothes so Fenris didn't care much for it, he looked for a window and found a rose colored one looking through it. He was high in the sky about 30 feet, looking below he found about 10 guards below. "I could make that jump but the guards are a problem. 

I could take them out but I have no idea if there are others and I'd like to get out of here without causing a scene. The people that brought me here may not know I'm awake", Fenris thought.

He exited the room to find himself in a decorated hallway, he closed his eyes using his ears and nose to find where people were no to meet them to avoid 


Fenris heard heartbeats above him so he decided not to go there he chose to go below, anytime he would hear a heartbeat or smelled someone coming near him he would hide or take a different route, then suddenly smelled some scents that were somewhat familiar to him.  

"Werewolves here?Are they prisoners here? Maybe this  really was a prison? If it is, I can only save myself", Fenris thought.

Looking for the stairs and avoiding as many people as he possibly could, Fenris found a door he entered and found a room that seemed to be like a workshop, there were weapons, armors and papers with writings lying all around. 

Fenris looked at the papers he noticed what the writings were, they were runes he also found them inscribed on the armors and swords. "This must be a mage's workshop, a quite unorganized one, Luna was always so neat and tidy with her things",  Fenris thought. 

He suddenly heard a heartbeat behind the door, this had stunned Fenris, because he was expecting to hear steps first but he just suddenly heard a heartbeat. There was nowhere to hide for except…. 

A lady walked into the room, she had short messing her, brunette, and had baggy eyes. "Did someone touch my stuff, I keep everything in a perfect system?"

"It was probably buck, I swear no one gets under my skin the way he does" the woman said. 

She was heading to a table then Fenris appeared grabbing her neck from the back he was hiding behind the opened door. "Don't scream. You're going to tell me everything I want to know, Where am I, how many guards are here and How can I escape? " Fenris asked whispering into the woman's ear.

The woman used one of her hands to touch his face, suddenly his entire body was being electrified causing him to let go of her neck. She started to cough then sent out a telekinetic wave throwing Fenris out of the room and to the edge of the hallway hitting the wall. "Ah what is it with people throwing me around like a ragdoll lately?", Fenris thought.

He brought out his claws, the sound of him hitting the wall so loud, that would surely grab attention, looks like he was going to have to fight after all.

''Fenris you're finally awake", a voice said. Turning around he saw buck coming out from another path with two others from their scent they were also werewolves. 

"Buck you escaped any idea how to get out of here", Fenris said. "Escaped ?Fenris Buddy this isn't a prison", Buck said. 

This didn't exactly stun Fenris, he was no fool, this didn't look like a typical prison   but he was still jumpy because he had no idea how he got here. 

"The wolfsbane I drank at the tavern it should've left my system in a few hours, it's a different time of the day here meaning I've been here for a more than a day, What I've been out for more than a day, what happened", Fenris asked

"Oh about that, I may have given you a little more wolfsbane, tiny droplets just to keep you asleep", Buck said.

"YOU DID WHAT! You could've killed me, you imbecile!",Fenris yelled. Fenris was justified in his anger wolfsbane wasn't a sleep sedative it was basically poison to all werewolves if they were fed or inhaled it in gaseous form they would surely die a painful death.

"He almost did, I had to burn it off from your system ",  a voice said. Turning around he saw the voice came from the woman who threw him to the hallway.

"You must be the most ungrateful patient I've ever had, I heal you and this is how you choose to repay me", the woman said.

Fenris didn't reply; he just turned toward buck, giving him an uncomfortable glare. "You say this place isn't a prison good because I'm leaving", Fenris said

He left the group and went to find the stairs, which was hard because the entire building was like a maze. "Fenris wait", Buck called out. "I only did what I did because I knew you wouldn't have come with me otherwise. At least meet the pack leader if you don't you're going to regret it", Buck said following Fenris.

"Doubt it I'm pretty sure I'll regret it If I stay, you know what happens when werewolves come together", Fenris said still looking for the stairs he was going from hallway to hallway door to door he somehow walked in a circle back to the spot with the woman and the other werewolves.

"Couldn't find the stairs, could you?", the woman asked with a smile. Fenris, feeling embarrassed, turned away and started to walk off once more. 

"Fenris seriously hold up", Buck said, grabbing his arm, Fenris turned back showing him his yellow glowing eyes and growls, Buck took this as a signal to let go of him which he did.

"Look even if you leave what then? You'll just go back to hiding and being on the constant move that's no way to live my friend", Buck said. "If I stay with the rest of you, it's only a matter of time before the hunters come here and I'd rather be far away when that happens", Fenris said. 

"The hunters still found you when you were alone and if it wasn't for me you'd be dead by now" Buck said.

"The hunters only found me when you arrived proving my point I'm leaving and don't even think about trying to stop me", Fenris said

"If the hunters are what you're afraid of you don't have to worry about then I can assure they won't find any of us here", a voice said. 

Turning around once more to see a tall muscular man who was about 1.90 cm in height having long blonde hair going below his neck and green eyes, he slowly walked up to the group.

"Lycan you're back!", Buck said with glee in his voice. The others all had smiles on their faces. They were all genuinely happy to see this man.

"I'm guessing this is the pack leader Buck wanted me to meet", Fenris thought.