
Fenris: Journey of the Forgotten

In a world where werewolves are feared and deemed mindless monsters, Fenris Greyhide struggles to survive, haunted by missing memories from his childhood. Follow Fenris as he searches for Luna, the mysterious mage who abandoned him, unearths hidden truths about both the werewolf and human worlds, and embarks on a quest to discover a lost ritual that could change the fate of his kind. Along the way, Fenris will challenge everything he thought he knew, confronting his past and forging a new path for the future.

DonTheAlpha · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 7: Runes

So Looking at the weapons the hunters were holding, Fenris noticed they had runes inscribed on them and they were glowing. Runes were a form of magic where a magical spell could be sealed into an object making whoever wields them, mage or not cast a spell through that weapon.

There was something similar to this process called enchantment where spells could be placed in gems and the one holding it could perform magical spells as long as they held the gem, or were on the item they touched.

The difference between runes and enchantment was that runes were more refined it took a certain level of skill for a mage to create a rune and they could seal just about any kind of magic by altering the symbols enchantment however was different.

Only certain gems could store certain spells in them for example a ruby gem could only store fire spells while a sapphire gem could store Ice spells.

Fenris knew of this because it was one of the things Luna had taught him. He didn't know what spells were stored in the weapons just by looking at them, but he knew it would be a tough fight even if he wasn't poisoned by Wolfsbane right now. The wolfsbane poison would eventually wear off but not anytime soon.

He struggled with all his might and got up resting one hand on a tool, his eyes glowed yellow and his fangs showed, he started to growl, he was angry which was good anger helped him it made him stronger and he needed all the strength he could muster.

"Ah I didn't expect this to happen as I ran into you, you must have bad luck", Buck joked.

Fenris couldn't even glance at Buck right now, he had to gauge the situation the four hunters were approaching, they had runed weapons and they outnumbered Fneris and Buck it was unlikely that they were going to survive.

"Damn it, well If I'm going down I'm taking you all with me!", Fenris yelled bringing out his claws and positioning both of his arms to the side. One of the hunters flung the whip he was holding, it extended and grew in size it hit Fenris in his chest and sent him flying behind the barkeep's counter he passed through a wooden wall and hit a stone wall. He landed in the rubble of wood and broken kegs with spilled drinks.

"Fenris, are you okay!", Buck shouted. "What a stupid question", Fenris thought, he wanted to speak the word but couldn't he was coughing out blood. He would healed by now if it wasn't for the wolfsbane in his system and now after that hit he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

Buck brought out his claws and went for the attack his eyes also glowed yellow he went to attack the hunter with the whip but before he could reach him an explosion happened right in front of Buck pushing him back he maintained his stand and looked to the left he saw one of the hunters aiming a bow an arrow him, the hunter released the arrow but Buck was able to evade it still the impact of the explosion sent Buck flying back.

The four of them started to surround him, then surprisingly Buck had a smirk on his face

He placed his hands on the ground then suddenly Ice came from his hand and enveloped the floor from buck to the hunters, trapping the hunters' feet in ice. The hunters were stunned at this sight they couldn't believe and neither could Fenris he managed to take a look at the battle every few seconds.

'Did he just? No impossible It's just the wolfsbane messing with my head", Fenris thought dozing off once again. The reason they were all stunned was because werewolves weren't supposed to be able to perform magic. Maybe they could if they were wielding an enchanted or runed weapon but that was highly unlikely.

Buck rushed to the hunter who had the whip, they were all still stunned and Buck appeared in front of him before they could truly process what was going on. Buck placed his hands on the hunter's face the one with the whip. The hunter's body slowly began to freeze, then Buck clenched his hand into a fist breaking the frozen hunter's body into pieces. "That's for Fenris", Buck said.

"Jasmine where's the magic object that's making him do this!", the hunter holding the sword said. The hunter holding the spear looked at Buck, he was wearing a laced up shirt, leather pants and a boots with mud on them.

"I can't find it", he doesn't seem to have any Jasmine one of the hunters said in a frightening voice.

"That's impossible!', the hunter with the sword said. "Levi set us free from this ice" he said referring to the hunter with the bow. Levi aim the arrow on the ice and fire then a huge explosion sent them all flying to the edges of the tavern breaking the Ice in the process.

They all got back up quickly and were ready to continue the fight. Levi aimed at buck and continuously fired explosive arrows towards him. Buck was incredibly fast and agile, manged to evade every single one of the arrows by pouncy and leaping side to side.

At the rate this was going the entire tavern was going to get destroyed the tables seats were all broken and one of the wooden pillars was also damaged.

Buck stood a few meters from the three hunters not taking his eyes off then for one second, he stopped dodging because it seemed the hunter with a bow was out of arrows.

He smiled at this fact, brought his claws out and swiped both his arms and swung them both in an x shape.

Then wind two wind slashes appeared the hunters were surprised once more but no so much they were stunned they readied themselves for it but the two attacks had completely missed them.

"You Missed", the hunter with the sword said. "Did I?", Buck asked with a smile on face. Then suddenly the roof of the tavern started to crumble. The hunters didn't understand what was happening until they turned around and saw where the wind attacks hit. It had destroyed two of the pillars supporting the whole tavern, with one already being destroyed by the explosions made by one of them only one pillar remained intact and it was at Buck's right.

"I'd love to continue this but I like being not flat", Buck used his claws to generate two more wind attacks to generate two more winds slahes this time hitting the hunters they weren't injured just knocked on the floor.

The roof was still coming on the them, Buck used his incredible speed to get an unconscious Fenris out of the room his was flung into and head toward the exit. The hunters got up from the ground, buck went through the exit before they did, then you used one of the claws to generate another wind slash aiming for the final pillar, it destroyed the pillar and the building complete collapsed with the hunters still inside.

Buck stared at the destroyed building and placed Fenris down. It was night and destruction caused quite a ruckus which attracted a small crowd. "What happened", "Was anyone still inside", "Were we attacked by bansits", they all wanted answers.

Buck stood, staring at them for a while not saying anything then he showed he fangs and gave a loud roar. They all scattered fleeing for their lives.

"That takes care of one problem now for the next", Buck said.

Using his enhanced hearing he was listening for any sign of life in the wreckage he didn't hear anything then the he heard a slight groan. He followed it and found Jasmine one of the hunters she was holding a spear stuck between rubblea. Buck looked at her and she looked at Buck it was they were in a staring contest then buck stomped in her neck killing her instantly.

"Whew that could have been troublesome", Buck said. "Time to leave this place I' m sure Fenris wouldn't mind tagging along"