
Fenris: Journey of the Forgotten

In a world where werewolves are feared and deemed mindless monsters, Fenris Greyhide struggles to survive, haunted by missing memories from his childhood. Follow Fenris as he searches for Luna, the mysterious mage who abandoned him, unearths hidden truths about both the werewolf and human worlds, and embarks on a quest to discover a lost ritual that could change the fate of his kind. Along the way, Fenris will challenge everything he thought he knew, confronting his past and forging a new path for the future.

DonTheAlpha · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 5: Luna's not Luna?

Fenris was filled with mixed emotions after hearing what the woman said, there was confusion and a bit of hope after years of looking for Luna he was right in front of her mother maybe he could get some answers on where she might be.

"What do you mean you think she's your daughter, you should be certain of it right?", Fenris asked. The woman looked left and right, "There are too many people here we should go somewhere more private", the woman said. She began leaving Fenris started to follow but suddenly stopped.

"What if this is a trap she could be leading me to a place with fewer people so there won't be any casualties, she could be a hunter in disguise as a helpless woman", Fenris thought. Life being hunted had made Fenris very paranoid, to be fair it wasn't outside the realm of possibility that the woman he had just spoken with was a hunter but it didn't matter he wasn't about to give up the only hope he had of finding Luna if the woman turned out to be a hunter Fenris would just deal with her.

He pushed forward following the woman into a small house. "You can have a sit would you like anything to eat", the woman asked. "No, Just tell me what you know of your 'daughter' ", Fenris said in a stern tone. "Very well, but you'll still need to sit down i have questions for you as well", the woman said.

Fenris stood for a few moments but decided to sit down in a dining chair, the woman sat down after him. "Well, I guess I should introduce myself, I am Rosa may I know your name", Rosa asked.

There was silence for a moment. "Fenris, now that the introductions are over mind telling more about your daughter", Fenris asked quite rudely. "

"As I implied earlier I only think she's my daughter, I'm not sure this 'Luna' you described is her", Rosa answered. "What makes you say that". "Well for one my daughter's name is Andrea, the only reason I think the girl you described is her is because the descriptions you gave me sound like her", Rosa answered.

Rosa let out a deep sigh. "I suppose I should start at the beginning. My daughter and I lived simple lives her father died when she was very young so I doubt she remembers him. At the age of ten, she developed the ability to perform magic I was ecstatic by this I'm sure I don't need to tell you why", Rosa said.

Fenris understood what she was talking about in this word there were two kinds of mages Blessed ones and Faiths. Blessed ones are individuals who were born with the ability to do magic and the number of spells they could learn was infinite, faiths however belong to any religious group that served a god, they hide to rise in rank in most situations before they were given the ability to do magic and even then the number of spells was greatly limited due to the god they served, let's say a faith were to worship a fire god, like Pyros then all their spells would have something to do with fire, so being a blessed one was a more favorable situation the problem was being a blessed one was a rarity about only about ten percent of all mages in the world.

So being a blessed one, would guarantee them a good life, they would be sought after by kings, nobles, and any other powerful individuals. "Something tells me that the story doesn't have a happy ending", Fenris said. "It doesn't", Rosa doesn't.

"Over time I began to notice changes in my daughter and I'm not referring to changes that happen to children as they grow up, her behavior seemed different. For one she started to have a fascination with the moon specifically its crescent stage she would draw it on any paper we had when we ran out of it she would draw it anywhere, the walls, the floors, the tables, it had gotten so bad I scolded her time and time again eventually it had died down", Rosa said

"I wanted to tell the town about the good news of her being a blessed one but she begged me not to, saying that she would be taken away and she didn't want to leave me behind, in a way it made sense If someone heard about her a noble could come here and ask for her services offering to help train which would make her leave, but the fact that she thought of this was very strange to me", Rosa said

"As the years went by another strange thing happened to her hair, it was starting to show shades of purple, i asked her about it she claimed it was just bad hair dye but I couldn't smell any on her hair", Rosa said

"There are so many more instances that felt strange to me, she no longer liked her favorite foods, didn't go out with her friends like she usually, didn't do her favorite activities anymore, she didn't even speak like she used to her accent sounded foreign to me, this wasn't all sudden but as more time passed It felt like I was living with a stranger that only looked like my daughter", Rosa said in a saddened tone but she also seemed frightened.

"When she was sixteen she left home, I tried convincing her to stay but she refused she was adamant about leaving saying there was nothing here in this town, that hurt a lot seeing as her own mother was standing right in front of her, I asked her to at least write to me she said she would try it's been six years since then and I haven't heard a word of her", Rosa said looking more saddened this time.

Fenris listened to every word Rosa said, he always wondered about Luna's past and this was quite shocking, to find out her given name wasn't even Luna, he always thought she was abused or mistreated for her to hardly talk about her past, but if what Rosa what's saying was true that wasn't the case at all. Maybe she was lying why would she leave if things weren't terrible for her but Luna left him when things were good between them or was that just how it seemed to him? 

"I've told you my story, now it's your turn. Tell me how did you meet her?", Rosa asked. 

Fenris could've refused to answer but seeing her sad there was an ache in Fenris's heart the entire time she told her story she looked saddened. She was just trying to find any information there was about her daughter and it didn't help that the two looked so similar.

"Five years ago, she saved my life in more ways than one. We traveled together for a while then she then one day disappeared leaving me with only a letter. I've spent the last two years trying to find her and eventually that led me here. I was hoping that she came back here or I could find someone who knew her and tell me where she might've gone", Fenris said

"I'm sorry but I have no idea where she is and I'm sorry about how she left you, I should've raised her better. But her leaving the way she did that does sound like Andrea", Rosa said with the same saddened look on her face he saw on her the moment she began her story.

There was silence between them for a few moments, Fenris didn't know what to say, he had gotten details about Luna's past but still had no idea where she was in other words he had failed trying to find her.

"I should be on my way", Fenris said. He was about to get up from his seat. "Would you tell me about your travels with Andrea please", Rosa asked. Fenris looked at her, they really did look similar so he couldn't refuse her request.

"Alright", Fenris said. He sat down back at his sit and thought of a way to alter certain details he couldn't exactly tell her about him being a werewolf that would surely send her running so he had to alter a lot of details of his adventures with Luna.


I plan on doing side stories of Fenris and luna but not at the next chapter.

DonTheAlphacreators' thoughts