
Killing Gato

"we need to talk" Sasuke suddenly decide to comes to me and demand a conversation

"Can it wait? We are bathing right now" I tell him that and Sasuke nodded and walk away without saying anything

I can sense that he is not too far from the river, looks like he really wants to talk

"Tatsuya-sama?" Haku look at me as i zoned out thinking about what to do with Sasuke

"Nothing, but let's just see what he want to talk about" and i resume my bathing


'There is other god apostle in this world' that information itself is shocking for Sasuke as he thought he was the only one,

But what is more shocking is that Tatsuya's Patreon apparently gave him the Uchiha kekkei genkai and along with one other kekkei genkai

'and yet what i get is.....' Sasuke touch his chest as he feels the texture of his bra

'Not like this is useless or anything, but they always gives me these weird feelings' the discomfort of wearing womans underwear are no longer there for Sasuke

No what really annoyed him is his raging Libido

Sasuke keep feelings more and more arroused everytime he wear the underwear, and along with last night reading his p*rn book, he feels like he will need another release soon

Sasuke sense the two people walking towards him and think that they are finished

Sasuke walk towards them to begin their talk

In the middle of a forest, 3 people are sitting on a tree trunk

The 3 of them are men but only one of them looks like a man

"So Sasuke, what do you wanna talk about" Tatsuya begin the conversation

"This apostle god things. What are they doing? Are they really god? Why choose us to be their apostle?" Sasuke ask a bunch of question at once

'Huh, so he still feels rather suspicious of what i am doing?'

"You see Sasuke, my god has informed me that in the future, there will be a supposed god that will come here and kill everyone

Do you know about Kaguya? The supposed goddess of chakra?" Tatsuya ask Sasuke Knowing that he have told him about Kaguya already

Sasuke nodded and the fact that Tatsuya Know about Kaguya has increased Sasuke's trust towards Tatsuya even more

"She is not a god, she is an alien that come from a race that goes from planet to planet, to plant the chakra tree and suck out the local's life force to use for themself,

Now Kaguya decide to not do that as she fall in love with the local's prince here, so technically she is a traitor and people from her race are going to come here and finish what she refused to do

But that will lead to a catastrophic future for us, Because of that some gods has decide to choose a few mortals to be their champion,

Not all of them are chosen from this world, i myself are from a world called "Earth" i have the ability to cross between that world and this one. watch" with that last line, Tatsuya completely dissapeard from the area

'i can't sense him' Sasuke Range of sensing 500 meter in radius, and even then he still can't sense where Tatsuya is

"See" and Tatsuya teleported back to the tree trunk he is sitting

'I am not lying about the catastrophic future, I am of course reffering to Boruto, that series made me wish that Kaguya would just win and do whatever she wants to do, certaintly better than what Boruto has become' Tatsuya mind wander around the Boruto series and vow to himself to never let that happend

Probably by changing Naruto into a femboy

"I see" Sasuke understand that he is to prevent these alien thing to come here and destroy the world,

And his god would provide him with the power to do so,

With a bunch of panties and woman things.....

"By the way Sasuke, what kind of god are your Patreon" Tatsuya said that with a calm demeanor

But you can see his body shaking from trying to hold his laughter

"He is a..... Complicated, he gives me artifact that boost my power when i wear them but...." Sasuke are rather relucant at telling them about his gods.

Because that would mean they will knpw about the underwear thing

"You mean he gives you panties and stuff?" Tatsuya decide to just barge in and destroy the barrier that Sasuke wants to make

Sasuke eyes turn wide as his secret has been spilled out of the room

"Did your god do that too?" Sasuke ask thinking they are in the same boat

Tatsuya shakes even more as he really tried to hold his laughter down

"No no, my god is a... Aquaintance of your god, and he told me about what your god is doing" 'Good thing i learned how to act when i was a child' Tatsuya lied to His face without skipping a beat

"I... See" Sasuke slumped down as he realise that his secret are out.

"Panties and stuff?" Haku asked Tatsuya as what she hears intrigued her

"Oh yeah, His god sells him a bunch of panties and bra and other woman stuff, but those item are not just a normal stuff, no they are divine artifacts that will boost your power quite considerably, i don't know how strong are they because my god never went to detail" Tatsuya make up an explanation on the spot that won't paint him as suspicious

"Must be nice" Haku said as she listen to Tatsuya explanation

Panties and bras that can gives you power just for wearing them? Why don't she gets it? (A/N soon my child, you will soon receive them)

"Easy for a girl like you to say" Sasuke grumbled under his breath at Haku's comment

"I am a guy" Haku said nonchalantly

"...." Sasuke looks at Haku, completely speehless

'No way' No matter where He looks at it, she looks like a girl. her face, her skin, her hair, her dress, all of it there is no trance of masculinity at all on 'Him'

"Is that a problem?" This is not Haku's first time of having someone get surprised at his gender, as it is also the reason why she is not brave enough to confess at Tatsuya.

She is afraid that he will gives her this exact expression

"Sasuke" Tatsuys thinks that this is the perfect way to make Sasuke even more convinced at being a Femboy

"There is nothing wrong with wearing a woman's outfit, if you want to do it, and you are happy doing it, then go for it, don't let others opinion affect you

So what if you are a man? It's just an outfit, a clothes, a style, it doesn't change who you are" Haku flinched at the last line

Sasuke nodded at him and leave the two of them alone

Haku on the other hand are still thinking about that last line

It doesn't change who you are

'But what if i do want to change?'


"That's the last of them" Tatsuya and Haku can be seen inside of a room

The room is filled with corpses and blood all over the place

'Finding Gato's place is easier than i thought, he did not even bother trying to hide it and just leave it underground with a bunch of guards

Like those guards can do anything against a ninja' Tatsuya chuckled at the man stupidity

Tatsuya approach the small and evil business man that are squirming behind his desk

"Now are you gonna tell me where do you keep your money or are we gonna start with the torture first?" Tatsuya lean down to the man eye level and grinned evily at him

"Hii!! I'll tell you! I'll tell you!" Gato squirmed even more and while having his hand protecting his face

A few minutes later

"I-it's here sir, take whatever you want" Gato presented a tree house while sweating a bucket with a helpless smile on his face

'This is Zabuza's Hideout' Tatsuya Recognize this place from the series and know immediately that Gato tried to trap him

Also the giant signal of chakra behind the door is a dead give away

"Stay here Haku, make sure he is not running away" Tatsuya said to Haku amd she nodded

'I don't want to know what will happend between them if they met and i am not trying to found out'

He touch the door, preparing himself to go inside and he pushed it


Soon as Tatsuya take one step Inside, he is met with a Giant sword cutting him in half

The tall grey skinned man breath heavily after he swings the giant sword, sweat poring all over his body and his eyes looks dilated

"Ahahahhaa! You fool! You thought-" But before Gato can talk shit about Tatsuya, suddenly Zabuza's Head roll away

"W-what?!" Gato step back in fear as he look at the mighty Zabuza's head rolled away

Gato look at my severed body and only sees an ice clone

"Yeah i am not stupid enough to check it my self" Behind Zabuza comes an unscatched Tatsuya

'He is stil very wounded as he never got the proper treatment from Haku, the fact that he can swing that sword at all is amazing' Tatsuya Look at the headless corpse of Zabuza and he look up to see Haku

'No reaction, i completely Erase his memory of Zabuza, it makes me feel a little bad for him, good thing i am a monster' Tatsuya walk towards the scared shitless Gato.


"So, do you have anymore tricks up your sleeve?" Tatsuya said with a kunai pointing at Gato's neck

"I am sorry! I am sorry! Please forgive me!" If Gato still have enough shit to let out then he would have

Haku hold the back of Gato's Neck and almost freeze it

"Calm down, just bring us to your money and we will let you go, Isn't that simple?" Tatsuya said with a smile of the Devil trying to deceive this evil man

"O-of course! please follow me!" Gato once again lead them towards another place


"Now isn't this easy" Tatsuya look at the room filled with deeds, money, and all kind of valuables

"Now you are gonna transfer all of this deeds to old man Tazuna, alright?" Gato can't do anything but nod his head in fear for losing it

"Annnd that's all of it, good boy Gato" Tatsuya have half the mind of turning him into a femboy but he decide not to, he is too old for that

Haku look at Tatsuya while Pouting at seeing someone like Gato getting praised, even if she knows he is not serious

"Kill him Haku" And snap, without even a second Haku Bream Gato's neck out of jelousy for having Tatsuya-sama praising him

After that Haku walk infront of Tarsuya while looking down, presenting her hear to be pat by him

'Cute' Tatsuya chuckled and gives her what she deserve

He pet her head for a good 5 minutes she purred like a cat under his arm

He then take his hand off Haku's head much to her displeasure

"Alright that's enough, we need to bring all of this back to the village, after that we can spend time together again okay?" Haku nodded her head so fast and she became a blur trying to collect everything as fast as possible

"I am finished! Tatsuya-sama!" In just a few seconds she already put every money bags, gold, jewels, and deed in seperate bags, ready to be carried outside

(There is no storage scroll because who's gonna use it? Gato can't use them)

Her amazing speed are used for something as trivial as collecting money, all to please Tatsuya and spend time with him

"Okay then, let's get back to the village" Haku and Tatsuya pick up the bags and they both walk together


As they walk back to the village, Tatsuya decide to open up his system again

Because of Haku he have opened up so many function that he can't even keep track of it

'hm? The bundle is finished?' he looked at the bundle section and there is nothing more of them

'well no matter, there is a lot of other function to explore' Tatsuya begin to look one by one

The lvl 4 function, Interact : Dream

He can enter the dream of his character when they are asleep, completely control the reality around them and even how they think when they in the dream

The memories of the dream would still linger in their mind even after they wake up

'This is good' Tatsuya begin to think on how to use this function

'this is basically make me able to do anything to my character without consequences. And completely control the reality on their dream? That's ridiculous'

Lvl 5 Function Modification

Some world is not advanced enough to have plastic surgery, so this Fucntion will take care of that problem for ya

But unlike Plastic surgery, you can change anything about them (with a proper price) and it will completely natural and not made of sillicone

'it's just an advance plastic surgery, nothing major' Tatsuya dismiss that Function as usefull but not too usefull

Lvl 6 function : Projection

You can't stay in 20 worlds at the same time, so this function will let you project a clone of you in each world and control them yourself,

The clone will be indistinguishable from the real you, they will act like you and you can check their memories after you came back if you want, if not just let them fade into nothing.

'oh so this is basically advance shadow clone, a clone that will not die if it's hit once in the face, and i can control it my self, yeah it's advance shadow clone' Tatsuya use the projection and make one clone

He then proceed to put them in his actual world, replacing the previous ice clone he make with a stronger one

'I don't know what those ice clone are doing back there, but I am sure it will be fine'

Lvl 7 function : possesion

This will let you posses your character body and use it as your own

'why would i want to posses their body?' Tatsuya can't think of a way this function can be used

Lvl 8 function : Interact : thought

This function will let you interact with your character's thought, reading their mind and giving them suggestion.

The character will not sense anything and just think that your suggestion is the product of their own mind

'ohh... This is good, i can think of so many ways to use this, especially to finish those quest'

Lvl 9 function : Control

Control your characters body like your projection, they won't remember anything as you control them.

'now this can be usefull, the possesion is really useless with this around'

Lvl 10 Function : Brainwash

Changing the memories of your character,

'it's pretty self explanatory'

Lvl 11 function : Travel

Use to travel to you character's world

'again, pretty self explanatory' Tatsuya memorise the new function to use them for later open up Haku's character

[Yuki Haku


Black Choker

Pink Yukata

White panties

Geta (japanese wooden shoe)


Feminity: 10

Submision: 20(max)

Humiliation: 5

Depravity: 5]

System level 11

Tatsuya look at the maxed out Submision stats and thoughts begin to gather in his mind

What can he do with her? How much can he push her? Will she break?

Like a kid with a new toy, Tatsuya laugh in his mind thinking of the possibilities for the future

'but her Depravity are too low..... Maybe i need to slow it down as to not break her too fast' Tatsuya think on what to do with her.

'well there is the Quest function, i can just follow what's in there' Tatsuya open up the Quest function




Wear a Bra

Req : Feminity lvl 10

Reward : B-Cup


Over your body and soul to a person

Req : Submision lvl 20

Reward : Kekkei Genkai Awakening


Wear a sexy Underwear outside

Req : Humiliation lvl 5

Reward : Increased chakra control


Gives somebody a handjob

Req : Depravity lvl 5

Reward : Physical boosting Bracelet]

'Alright, Not too hard, i can finish the Feminity Quest and the Humiliation Quest with Interact thoughts easily,

Depravity and Submision thought' Tatsuya look at the submision Quest

'As expected of the max level submision, overing your body and soul to someone? Well we all know who's that someone is but isn't Haku already doing that? Or does it needs to be a verbal declaration or some thing?'

He keep thinking about what to do in the future as he walk towards Tazuna's house


"You killed him!?" The sound of an old man can be heard enveloping the whole house

Infront of the house we see a middle aged woman with her hand covering her mouth and eyes filled with tears

There is an old man with his mout open and eyes bulged in shock at the information

"Mama, what's happening?" A kid walk behind the woman to see what's the commotion outside

The kid's eyes widen as he sees the thing outside of his house.

Gato's severed head are on ground, his body are nowhere to be seen, he is completely and utterly Dead!

"Yeah. As i said it's kinda what we do, kill bad guys and take his money, but seeing that this country is struggling enough we are not gonna take too much" Tatsuya said as he tried to paint himself as a good person

In truth he had already taken 10million ryo and put them in his system.

'well Gato have much more money than that so this is just small changes' In the official story, Gato's property can't be taken by the Wave village,

Because the deeds is not signed, so the Daimyo can't give them his property outside of Wave.

But now Because of Tatsuya, every single Property Gato have can be transfered to Tazuna and Wave

"This will create trouble for the Daimyo, we Ninjas are not allowed to meddle in the civillian business" Kakashi appear behind Tazuna to lecture Tatsuya

"You are not allowed to meddle, i can do whatever i want because i don't have that headband yet" Tatsuya use technicality and look like Kakashi take that as a no problem

Soon all the Team 7 are at the frpnt of the door and they see what is happening

"You killed Gato?! Why don't you called us?!" Naruto throw tantrum as he feels like his fight has been stolen from him

Sasuke feels the same as well but he did not said anything as he is not too invested in killing Gato

"B-but what about Zabuza?!" Sakura asked, she remember Zabuza is still alive,

"Oh, yeah i met him, he is severly wounded and can't even move properly, so i took him out as well" Tatduya explained to team 7 amd they look at him with wide eye

"You killed Zabuza?" Sasuke asked, not believing Tatsuya as even Kakashi can't beat Zabuza

"Yeah, his body are still in his hideout, i don't feel like walking around with 2 severed heads on me so i just leave him there, i take his sword thought" Tatsuya showed the Giant sword behind his back

Sasuke look at Tatsuya, Kakashi being stronger than him is fine, but he is only a few years older than him, and yet he is much stronger than him,

Sasuke's goal seems to keep getting further and further as he realise just how weak he is

Tatsuya look at Sasuke's expression and realise that he will tried to ask for more power soon

"Anyway can we get inside? These bags of money and stuff are heavy you know?" Tsunami heard Tatsuya and realise that she js being Rude, she then invite the two people in while team 7 tried to help them with the bags.

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

And that's done, sorry if this chapter are rather boring, there really is nothing that can be done to make it more interesting.

Gato is weak, Zabuza are wounded, the mood are too tense for me slip in a lewd acts, so i have to end these moody chapter soon

Next chapter is going to be the first R18 scene on this story, i don't know if i can do it as i have never written any smut before.

Anyway, see you later!