
Meeting him for the first time

 Walking down the stairs I couldn't help but wonder how self-centered my father can be, selling his only daughter for a business deal with the most successful company in the whole of country Z, I couldn't help but feel teary as I walked down to my so called engagement .I guess I should be happy that I'm getting married to the richest business man in country Z but what's marriage without love and I'm sure of one thing Jason isn't cable of falling in love cause he's gay everyone knows he's having an affair with his so called bodyguard David cause David is like the only person that has ever been seen 5 feet close to Jason, thinking of the fact that I won't be able to touch my husband or go 5 feet's close to him gave me goosebumps drowning in my own thoughts I didn't realize when I completely descended the stairs only to be brought back to reality by my father. 

 Here's my beautiful angel he said with a wide smile on his face I quickly change my facial expressions and put on a beautiful smile which I'm sure made me more beautiful before looking down quietly my dad then introduced me to Jason,This is my daughter Evelyn he said as he walked away 

 The moment I raise my head up I was mesmerized by the beautiful figure standing in front of me, I couldn't help but stare.His eyes were as beautiful as the sea level horizoing,his lips where like a strawberry bubble gum his nose were perfectly shaped and his jawlines made him look even more handsome. I snapped back to reality so I won't be caught staring at him awkwardly .

I'm Jason Smith he said introducing himself so formally, I'm Evelyn Boswell I said with a smile on my face, rest assured I kept my distance so as not to get him angered which may lead to him embarrassing me. Soon enough my dad was back and they quickly spoke about the preparation for the wedding and soon enough the date was finalized I know, finalizing the wedding date on the engagement party? well yes that was like the only time my dad could get close enough to talk to Jason that's how wealthy he is and my dad couldn't wait to sell his only daughter just to partner with their company and be called the" father in law of the Jason Smith". Finally the party was over and I was back to my room and I couldn't help but think about the beautiful creature I saw earlier today that will soon be my husband I was kind of excited to my surprise but realizing the fact that I won't be able to touch his beautiful body brought me down from cloud nine and I fell asleep.

 Isn't she beautiful David said trying to tease Jason but Jason became cold and said you know this is just a business deal, so does that mean if you guys get married I can have her for myself David asked shamelessly but Jason just said yes as though he didn't care if David f**ks his wife , good night Jason said causally and went into his room took a bath and tried to sleep but he couldn't only for him to realize he was thinking of how cute Evelyn was when her face turned red earlier from looking at him, he's body began to feel hot as he went back into the shower.

  I woke up early in the morning by the noise of my door opening. Good morning ma'am they said at the same time only for me to be shocked by what I was seeing in front of me, my helper Gloria which I consider my best friend was holding what seem to be a wedding dress with a smile on her face she said good ma'am please get up from the bed so we can get you ready for your wedding. I felt like I was dreaming so I pinched myself but it was all real, I couldn't believe how fast my dad was willing to sell his only daughter for money I felt like crying cause the thought of my dad loving money and his reputation more than his only daughter couldn't help but break my heart.Noticing the sad look on my face Gloria told the other helpers to give us a minute, the moment they left I broke into an uncontrollably sobbing Gloria could only console me by saying everything will be okay, but when she said that I cried the more cause I knew nothing will be okay. I was getting married to a monster that would never love me, what on earth I'm I going to do after the wedding as if Gloria could read my mind she said don't worry you're beautiful he'll fall for you. No Gloria he won't he's gay, I said but Gloria smiled and said he's only rumoured to be a gay there's no concrete evidence that he actually is gay ,but Gloria it changes nothing cause we're not in love and you know the first night of every young lady is important and she holds it dearly, let's assume that his not gay for ones how will I even hold my first night dearly when we don't have feelings for each other so regardless of if he's gay or not I still have a reason to cry. After she finally got me to stop crying,I went into the bathroom and when I came out of my bathroom I couldn't believe who was standing in my room it's the well known make-up artist Lisa Edward. I would have been excited but due to the circumstances I could only put on a fake smile as I sat down and she did my makeup and a well known hairstylist Kristen Stewart did my hair I looked so beautiful, I would have been happy but I was sad, they left the room and Gloria helped in dressing me when she was done she led me outside standing by my side. She was like the sister I never had , I new one thing for sure I was going to miss her so much.

  He finally went to bed, He woke up early that morning and lazily strolled to the bathroom with an expressionless face he took his bath and got dressed in a black tuxedo which made him look like the fallen angel. He stepped out of the house and got into his car before his driver drove the car he said to the maidens get her room done before I get back and the car zoomed off.