
Something About Today Is Off, Girl...

Charlotte woke up with this horrible gut feeling which she could feel in her bones. "Today is going to be difficult." she grumbled as she turned off her alarms, tossed off her covers, and rolled off the bed. As she stretched and stumbled into the bathroom to take her shower, Ylva, her beautiful one eyed black cat, hopped off her silk pillow on the bed and followed her master into the shower. "Oh! You're joining me today, eh?" Charlotte cooed at Ylva as she scooped the silky black cat up and put her up on the special shelf which she had installed in her shower to keep her cat dry while keeping her company. "Here you go." Charlotte whispered as she scratched Ylva's ear, turned around, turned on the water, and let the water heat up.

"*sigh* Girl... I have the worst feeling about today. I feel like something is going to happen. It'll be just my luck that I rip my pants, get food stuck in my teeth while I am talking to a hot guy, or fall on my butt at work." she said as she slid under the warm water and gently started soaping up her body. "No! I'm not being a Debbie Downer. I just feel like something is wrong about today. I don't know why, but I can feel it like it's creeping up my spine." Charlotte whined as the cat meowed in a very annoyed tone. "Whatever. Fine. I'll try to be positive today. You are lucky you are like my only friend. Come on. It's time to dry off." Charlotte grumbled as she turned off the water and got out of the shower.

"I'm just saying though that something is off about today, Ylva. Something is off..."