
what happened to me..?

January 13, 2018

I got home from school and just threw myself on my bed and started balling my eyes out.

"Why does this always have to happen to me..? Why can't anybody love me just for who I am..?" I say to myself.

As I sit up from barrying my head on my arms I hear a car door slam shut. As I look out the window I realize that My stepdad just got home from work.

"W-why is he home so e-early?!?.." I say under my breath.

The reason I don't want him to be home is because most of the time he comes home drunk and just yells at me and doesn't even remember anything the next day because of how wasted he is or when he just yells at me and calls me a pussy for crying when I had a bad day after getting bullied day after day after day...

All he does is scream at me and when my mom gets home he acts like nothing happened when he isn't wasted. He acts like he loves me and that he wanted to come home early to come see me and comfort me when I'm sad. Even though he doesn't do that I still appreciate that he makes my mom happy and that he has changed her life.

My mom used to do a lot of drugs and she would come home really late at night either drunk or high. I used to bot get any sleep because I had to worry If my mom was okay and if she came home safely. I used to get only 3 hours of sleep and just get judged about my baggy eyes or when my grades were horrible..

Till this day I still get bullied...


Next chapter will be about my daily school life.