
Feeling of Serenity

Serenity , a female werewolf ,who often gets in to trouble , finds love but there is a problem . Not only is her love a vampire , its a girl? Will the new couple be able to get passed the challenges ahead ? Or will there be disruption.

AshJay16 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter one

What's something I never liked?

School .

In Sayine it's mandatory . Learning about Vampires , Werewolves and other beings is considered important . Even if it's the same shit every single year , After a while it gets boring .

"Lady Serenity,"

All I have to do is attend . Most of the time, I'm not learning. Going to Golden leaf High isn't all it's cracked up to be . The people are preppy and rude and the teachers are the devil's spawn . It's just praised because it's for the 'Elite'.

Every year they always start off the first assembly with, 'Hundreds of years ago vampires and werewolves had an extremely silly war that really has nothing to do with us ,blah blah blah '. I never really listened . It's the type of stuff you would learn in 2nd grade .

"Lady Serenity!"

In the end they say ' everyone came to an agreement and now we live in a peaceful world where everything is sunshine and rainbows. ' Well ,if you ask me , that's a load of BS .

They say we live in peace but we are constantly separated ,even in class . Vampires on one side , werewolves on the other . They act like we bite . Those bloodsuckers are the ones we should be looking out for .

"Lady Serenity, it seems you have something on your mind , would you like to share it with the rest of the class ? Seeing as you haven't been responding for the past 5 minutes .If not , detention !" Miss Gayelle , my History Teacher yelled.

I didn't realize that she had been yelling my name for that long . All the eyes of the class were on me , even the vampires .


"Nothing to say ? Detention ," She said , almost grinning . She's the type of person to look terrifying when they smile. Her teeth are jagged and yellow , her lips are as thin as paper and as black as charcoal, the complete opposite, to her skin . She's the definition of terrifying .

Miss Gayelle has been giving me detentions since the first day of school .It's like she waits all day for the moment . I'm convinced she hates me for existing . She is a Vampire , I can't blame her for constantly being miserable after all ,It's in her nature .

This is why nobody likes history ,the teachers are stuck up and they go on as if we actually want to learn about the ass whopping the Vampires took in every lesson . It's like they are performing a ritual .


"Again Serenity ?" Scarlett, my best friend of 5 years asked . Scarlett has jet black silky long hair and tanned skin . Her eyes are light brown , she's the definition of beautiful . She would be even more pretty if she put effort into her look. She's quite the 'tomboy'. That's part of the reason why she's my best friend . Her being a Tomboy and the fact she's a werewolf .

"Are you going to get detention every time ?" Scar said , clearly tired .

I was barely concentrating on what she said , I was too busy looking across the hall . Neveyah ,was sneaking what looked like a two headed snake in to her twin sisters locker . Heaven and Neveyah had been joking around with each other since day one , It never gets old .

"Are you listening to me ? See! You're daydreaming again , just like what you did in Miss Gayelle's lesson !" She exclaimed .

"I'm not daydreaming ,look ! "I said pointing at Heaven who was approaching her locker . Scar immediately pulled out her phone and started to record , she knew something was about to Happen . Everyone did . After all , it's tradition to start the year off with a prank , who better to do it than Heaven and Neveyah? 3...2...1!

"Ahhh!" Heaven screamed in a high pitched voice as the snakes jumped out at her . The hall burst out into laughter . " Hahaha , that was a good one Nev! Heaven said after catching her breath , "I almost had a heart attack !"

"Of course ! It never fails !" Neveyah replied , laughing .

Suddenly, Ryhs and her squad walked in . "Oh come on ," Scar said , rolling her eyes . The crowd went silent .

Rhys is the ultimate Queen Bee . She's the most popular girl in school, even for the werewolves .She's also the most despised , stuck up , evil, brat in the school .

If there's one person in the world left that hates her , It's ME ! I hate her with all of my guts .

Two years ago I accidentally split my drink on Rhys at a party , it stained her perfect white dress . Since then she has hidden my PE locker keys and if she can't get to them she'll hide my clothes . Without fail .

If that's not a reason to hate her then I don't know what is . She just doesn't know when to rest .

Bottom line is that she's horrible and looking at ME?! WHAT!

"Hey locker!" Rhys said in a snobby tone .

I let out a groan . How many times will she do this ? She's a real dickhead .

"Ready for the play ? " She said , grinning .

Rhys is the complete opposite of Miss Gayelle when grinning . She has Pure white skin and ruby eyes . Her hair is silver and her lips are pink and plump . Her face has no pores and she looks like a complete angel from the outside . Of course ,on the inside she's demonic .

The school play is an ongoing joke the elders do every year . They do it because they think it's "funny" that humans think we are blood suckers and eat them whenever we want . To be honest , I don't know why the vampires even join in on the joke , we all know that the humans have got them down to the T.

We either do Little Red Riding Hood, or Dracula . This year it's Little Red Riding Hood .

I was chosen to be , you guessed it , a tree… I didn't want to get involved so I didn't sign myself up for a role . Sooner or later the roles filled out and the last one left was a tree . That's what you get for not trying .

Bummer .

"Yeah, are you ?" Scar replied in my place, noticing I was taking too long to reply .

"Ha , I'm always ready !" Rhys said , smirking . You have no idea how much I wanted to wipe that smirk off of her "perfect" face .


"The tree's rustling " Sarah , our Narrator said .

That was my cue . In the script it says the tree's are supposed to move and make noise . What it actually means is that I should wave my hands about like a fool and whistle .

Of course when I did the room erupted with laughter . They find it funny that I , out of all the people, gets chosen to be the one and only tree . Hilarious right ?

"Wow ! What an amazing tree !" Someone from the crowd shouted , clearly making fun of me . Surprise surprise , everyone laughed . I rolled my eyes .

"Hey!" A familiar voice shouted . The room went silent .

Don't laugh at her ! She's the best tree I've ever seen ! You're all acting like you could do any better ! If you don't shut up , I'll rip your head off ! Don't test me! " The voice said .

If the voice didn't say that , i wouldn't have realized that the voice was rhys's
