
Chapter 18

she's didn't feel any remorse whatsoever and as for what happened growing up with her parent she had long learnt self defense and mastered martial arts and marksmanship so after her parents death she had been gathering loyal friends that works together although they called her boss she still treated them as friends she has one more mission in that group which was to find the opposing nameless group then leave the group which is a known fact amongst them all but the group said they'd help her no matter what she faces in future thus she felt grateful inside and out she still had to finish something she started today ........ at the same time feeling hurt about Ken she thought back at the plans she had , thought back at Benny disapproval of him and thought of everything that has happened she felt that she let herself down and kept feeling disgusted and irritated of herself

The ringing of her phone snapped her out her thoughts without checking who it was she picked up and heard an unfamiliar voice from the other end


"Hello, firecracker"


"Me"the other person said with a smirk plastered on the face

"Fuck you" with that she hung up and blocked the number.



Moments later she came back to say hello to her guests..... "hello there"

"ke..."they called out weakly

"owww how do you guys take care of guests" she remarked in a very sarcastic tone , looking at the guests she felt quite relieved at their state and at this point they were worthless to her

"Cindy ... you killed an innocent child and man for your own gratification, hehehe you even destroyed peaceful homes and relationships, how do you look at yourself when you check your mirror??

do you deserve to live ? no ,, a second chance ? no. i don't give second chance to a dumb cunt Even your blood may taste disgusting to my mates here

i don't do this often but i love doing this hehehe"...

saying that she inched closer to the horrified ivy snapping her neck without batting an eyelid she flung the body and covered the eye of Cindy which was horrified even till death

"goodbye little friend" she turned to Ken who looked pale at the scene,she smiled "Ken ...''

"no no no no don't come any closer get away from me devil "

"no darling you don't get to say anything, you wasted my time, my energy , my feelings , my emotions , and you think I'd let it go waste you are delusional , yes I'm a devil and i plan to show you actions speaks louder than voice ..... many young girls have been victim of your impeccable service of cheating and i happened to be one of them so Even if i leave you alive you'd not function as a man leaving you alive is a compromise but sadly i don't compromise tsk tsk tsk , strip him completely naked

"keila please don't do this to me consider your feelings for me I'd change I'd be completely honest and loyal to you please"

"there's no forgiveness for the dead , first off I'd like to see how much pain you can hold sweet cake " she moved away from him to a fireplace and took out a red hot rod smiling ever so sweetly

"baby i want to fuck you , how about that??

without waiting for him to answer she pressed it on his balls

"arrrrrggggghhhhhhh " he screamed well.... cried

not letting him rest from the pain he felt she pressed it down on the tip of his cock again before shoving it into his butt hole , she knew she was being ruthless and evil but at the same time giving the simplest and she knew she was holding back alot

Ken unable to handle the pain he passed out

"tch so weak , wake him up "

"keila stop !!" shocked at the loud voice everyone turned to see the owner of the voice and as expected it was Benny the great the only person keila wouldn't hurt Even if she loses her mind


"you said you wouldn't use methods like this what's wrong with you , you are ughh..... just drop that fucking thing and come with me , husky finish him"

"no i want to do it on my own "

"Husky finish him now!!!"

" Don't you dare!!!"

"....." ' why are they putting me in a spot ,dunno who to listen to ( -_- )

"keila i know you're mad but wouldn't you regret??
