
Fear the rage of the old man

This is the story about an old man that fought wars, killed people, seeked revenge and obtained it but after that he was alone. Will that change now that he is in Orario? Stay and find out Danmachi AU, i dont own anything except my OCs and this was made out of boredom. English is not my first language so please bear with me book moved from the novels to fanfic

DanielArz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs


After Loki completed the transfer of Clarion to her familia, Clarion went to collect his few things, and then they said their goodbyes to Bast and the remaining member of her familia, Adrian, even if he was mad at Clarion for "leaving", they didn't clarify that so Adrian thought that the reason of his abandonment was that.

They went outside and then started walking in the direction of Twilight Manor, the residence of the Loki familia. During the long walk, Loki and Clarion talked about "interesting" topics. Well, it was a pretty much one-sided conversation as Loki talked and talked about women, how much she would love the opportunity to get her hands on Riveria, even if that was impossible because of the status of Riveria.

Clarion just hummed and nodded and sometimes he did say something but that only was limited to yes and no. Eventually, Loki gave up trying to make Clarion speak so instead she just talked and talked without caring for the answers of Clarion.

Just like that, they spent 20 minutes walking toward the Twilight Manor, and once they reach the front entrance they were greeted by two guards that were from her familia. Said guards noticed Loki walking toward the gate so they opened it and greeted her, they also noticed Clarion who, by now, was famous for killing with his hands the entirety of the Thor familia.

They greeted him too, with fewer formalities but politely nonetheless. Once inside Clarion looked at Loki with a face that said "now what?". Loki just smirked and signaled to him to follow her, so he did just that. Loki led him toward Finn's office and she just entered without bothering to knock. "hmm? Oh, Loki, what do you need me for?". Said Finn and then saw Clarion passing through the door behind Loki so he stood up and said "oh what a surprise, hello Clarion. I hope that you are doing well after the war game" with an extended hand.

Clarion shook his hand, even if the difference in size made it a little awkward, he didn't pay attention to it and replied "I'm keeping myself together. It was a tragedy but I already lived through something similar". As he said that he stopped shaking hands with Finn and went to the chairs that were near and took a seat. After they ended their little greeting Loki said to Finn "Call Riveria and Gareth, we need to inform you three of some great news".

That surprised Finn and made him want to ask some questions about it but kept quiet and went to inform Riveria and Gareth about their impromptu meeting. "I want you to know that here we train the skills someone has to the peak, or at least we try, so I will inform them about yours, hope there's no problem with that". commented Loki to Clarion after Finn left the office to fetch the other 2.

A couple of minutes later and the office had the presence of 5 people. Them being Riveria, Finn, Gareth, Clarion, and Loki. Once they were all seated Loki started talking about the great news that Finn talked about.

She started with the news of Clarion being a member of the Loki familia, so they would have to assign him a room and a role later. Then she told them about the status of Clarion, a recently leveled-up 5 with the potential of a high-end level 6.

That surprised them a little so Riveria, being the scholar she was, said "If you say that he has the potential of a high-end level 6, that means that your next great news is related to his skills. Isn't it?".

Loki grinned and confirmed her supposition about the third news being related to his skills as she started spilling the knowledge about his skills.

She started with Undying Rage, she told them in a mischievous tone "it gives him strength and healing capabilities. They are higher and better the angrier he gets. It essentially makes him an incredibly difficult to deal with berserker".

Finn compared it to his skill Hell Finnegas but the fact that Clarion's skill gives him healing capabilities makes him a good front liner, so he spoke up about it and Gareth agreed to it, and added that "It would be nice if I have someone to be my partner in the frontline GRYAHAHAHAHA".

Clarion just smiled and nodded, and Loki proceed to tell them about the next skill, Blessing Of The Storm. Loki told them about the lightning magic but also about her theory that the skill gives more than what it implies. Riveria catch on to that and said that "maybe the skill can give you wind magic and water magic".

Clarion looked at her and then to the ground while he thought and thought until he remembered something and commented it to everyone "When I was fighting against the Udaeus, I felt something refresh me. I didn't give it too much attention as I was under the effects of my Undying Rage so I thought that it gave me a normal boost in strength and that's it".

Finn brought his hand to his chin and thought of something "My skill, Hell Fineggas gives me strength at the price of a portion of my mind. It makes me feel a little refreshed but not quite like a splash of water or a cool wind during a hot day. More like a potion poured over a wound".

"Now that I think about it, it kind of felt like a cool wind. Maybe my skill also gives me the other attributes of a storm". Added Clarion to what Finn said and Loki also jumped in and said "Don't forget about the Thunder. While it is effectively just the sound of the Lightning, do remember that Zeus is the God of Thunder. In Tenkai, Zeus was very powerful. Maybe it would also mean that you can use sound magic"

Gareth about something interesting and said it aloud "Maybe you can make something silent or very loud. I have the skill Dvergr Enhance, so if a throw a spear toward something it will make a very loud boom initially and a lot more in the way to the target of my spear throw. If you make that loud action into a silent one, it would be very dangerous for our enemies"

They all catch on to that and then Riveria said "Finally something came out of your mouth that wasn't alcohol or more alcohol". Gareth's right brow twitched and he replied "you are just jealous that I'm still young and that I can enjoy life"

'So they get along but still quarrel over simple things just like the members of their races' mused Clarion after Riveria and Gareth sparked at each other.

Loki interrupted them before they could continue and proceeded to talk about the last skill and the one with the most potential, at least to her. Eye of the Fallen King. The name itself was interesting, not only to her but also to the executives of the Loki familia.

Riveria thought of a legend about the past. Gareth remembered that when he was a kid his father always told him 'The fallen king will come for you if you misbehave'. And Finn thought about the same legend of the past that Riveria thought of.

Then all of the sudden the three of them said in unison "The name sounds familiar". And they all looked at each other and laughed a little. But this also rang a bell in the mind of Loki, as she remembers a very powerful God with the same title. Powerful enough to survive the collapse of a realm and stand next to Ouranos or even over him if he needed. Or at least that is what a lot of gods and goddesses agreed to.

Loki told them about said God and shared with them her knowledge about him. The God of Time and Space, War and Peace, Death and Life. And more importantly, one of the four gods of Creation and the second god of Destruction.

They all were surprised to hear about that, hell, even Clarion was surprised, you could say shocked even and that would still be low for what they felt. A God with so many divinities.

"Maybe he descended long before Ouranos descended because in the past there were stories about a king that could control the dead. A King so obsessed with power that he became corrupted by it. I know for sure that Spirits aren't that powerful to bless someone and to this moment I didn't meet a spirit related to death. Maybe he was blessed by someone powerful enough to break the laws of reality and the natural order of this realm. And maybe that same blessing was gifted to his descendants"

"So you are implying that I am the descendant of a power-hungry King that was blessed by one of the most powerful gods to ever exist," said Clarion with a low tone because he was thinking about the possibility of him being a descendant of the said king and maybe that existed someone with the same skills over the world.

"That would be an interesting hypothesis. As that could explain the overpowered skills" commented Riveria as she was struck in a thinking pose while mumbling things about gods and descendants.

Gareth just whistled and nodded. Then he said, "Well that's a little too much information for me". Finn laughed at his remark but he also thought about the possibility of another person like Clarion walking around the world.

"Don't get distracted by that. Get worried about the skill because it gives Clarion the ability to manipulate at his behest the environment. Do you understand what I mean?". Loki added wood to the fire that was the mind of every mortal inside the office.

Silent fell in the office and then Riveria broke it when she said "When you say environment, does it specify what kind of environment? Because if it doesn't. That would mean, Clarion can control. A portion. Of reality"

A heavy silence fell on the heads of the mortals and Loki didn't need to say anything as Clarion added to what Riveria said "if we go with that. The environment has different factors to consider. But two are always present. And those are. Space. And... Time"