
Chapter 23

The guy, Brian’s age but taller and heavier, wandered over, wearing a gentle smile. “Let’s see what moves you got.”

A friendly game ensued. Brian worked up a sweat and shed his T-shirt. They played like sportsmen with no cheap shots, but with occasional brushes of their bodies that Brian liked. He wondered if the guy did some of them intentionally. For someone rather poor at sports, Brian made some baskets. After a while, panting in the hot sun, they called a stop, heading to the water fountain, taking turns.

The guy offered his hand. “I’m Dylan.”


“That’s an awesome puka shell necklace. I love it.” He brushed his finger over the necklace Jim had given Brian, letting his hand linger.

“You new around here?”

“Yeah, just got released from prison, so I’m living with my mom down the street.”

Brian’s heart almost stopped.