

Fay kicked some rocks across the ground, she had been put on guard duty and she hated it! Nothing exciting really happens, Fay had nothing to do except kick stones and talk to trees.

Calvin was busy in his study like usual for reasons Fay didn't know, she was forbidden to go inside Calvin's room without his permission and even with his permission, she rarely got to go inside.

Fay took out her folded pocket knife that she always kept in her pocket and started fighting an imaginary enemy, it was given to her as a self-defense weapon by Calvin, she swung it around uncontrollably and rapidly until a familiar voice called out to her, it was Calvin, smiling at her and rolling his eyes.

"Come on, it time for lunch!" called Calvin

"Ok!" answered Fay as her stomach grumbled. Suddenly there was a snap of a twig in the bushes which made Fay quickly turn around, holding her knife tightly in her right hand, she took a large stone and threw it into the bushes.

Leaves rustled and Fay thought she saw a dark figure quickly slip away but out came a cute squirrel from the bushes, she hesitated and quickly ran to join Calvin who was already far away. It was nothing she had told herself and quickly turned her head to the food on the table.

The bread was a bit stale but it was the better than nothing and Fay had grown use to the food.

That day Calvin excused himself from lunch earlier to do something and Fay was left alone, she still couldn't believe it had already been half a year since this whole thing started, it was quite sudden, she was a happy teenage girl living a normal life and going to school with friends but next thing she knew she's a young lost girl trying to survive with her big brother in this horrible world, separated from her family and friends, deep in her heart she knew she would never see her mom again and had grown to know her mom was long gone and DEAD!

A tear rolled down Fay's cheek, she use to always joke around with her brother about a apocalypse happening and watching TV shows that were about zombie apocalypses but now it was really happening and reality had dawned on her. This was her reality now and she had to face it, no longer would she be a kid who plays video games all day but a kid who was fighting for her life,desperate to see another day!

The next day Calvin told Fay that he was going on trip to a nearby village, Fay was use to his expeditions. Calvin didn't let her go with him during these trips because he had said it was dangerous and she was too young to understand but this time when she heard it was a village, she thought that a village couldn't do her any harm and begged Calvin to take her with him but as usual he said no. Fay nagged her brother the whole afternoon until Calvin told her if she stopped asking him, he would bring something back for her, Fay took a minute to think about this, "Ok fine!" she squeaked.

For the rest of the day she help Calvin pack and get ready, she didn't like it when her brother left her since she was scared he would not come back. Fay couldn't imagine a life without her brother, mostly because she didn't want to, the thought of having no mom and then no brother made her shiver in fear, not only will it be harder to survive but it would mean being alone which had been one of her big fears.

Early next morning Calvin had already left when Fay was still asleep, leaving her a note and some food.

Wow! I'm pretty surprised I'm getting these views. if you read this, comment "Hi " and i will respond!

If you have any idea's comment them and i might include them also tell me does this story interest you?

That's all for now


Alpha_Ccreators' thoughts