
Return to Mount Olympus. 10

Zeus turned into an eagle and I followed him using Ajax than I returned home .

Zzzzzz !!!

Zeus reverted back into his human form than I appeared behind him giving the other gods a feeling that I was someone that they could manipulate.

The gods who were discussing Zeus new mortal affair turned our way.

Isn't that Titus ? ◇ Athena

Everyone I've brought Titus back home. ◇ Zeus

Apollo , Hercules, and Dionysus welcomed with open arms awkwardly because they were a lot shorter than me now.

You've grown taller little cousin ◇ Apollo

He didn't just become taller but is already approaching the Domain King realm . ◇ Zeus

What !!! ◇ All the gods around

It's true Titus is extremely close to becoming a Domain King. ◇ Athena

" How's everything in the mortal world going since I haven't been around ? "

Typhon our latest threat was defeated 100 years ago and at the moment we are leaving peacefully. ◇ Athena

Titus were you really training for 950 years or were you hiding among the mortals ? ◇ Ares

I released about 30 percent of my divine energy than i released my killing intent which scared him , but I ignored the fool and summoned my hammer to only point it at him.

" Ares if it's a fight your looking for I will give you what you desire. "

Ares stop annoying your cousin , plus you don't stand a chancs at all so back off . ◇ Zeus

Ahahahahahha !!!

All the gods except hera started laughing extremely loud which made the god of war leave t he place since he waw very embarrassed

Zeus gave me a thumps up.

* I nodded my head *

I returned to my temple and put all my treasures , gold , and weapons into my ring .

After 2 days I got used to things and thought that everything would be peaceful until I heard weapons clashing

Clang , Clang , Swish , Clash !!!

In a hurry I came out of my temple only to see Ares and Athena fighting in the colosseum.

I jumped from from my temple and landed slowly in the colosseum than I sat down next to Poseidon and Hercules.

Titus who do you think will win this fight ? ◇ Poseidon

" Athena of course. "

Titus I heard that, I will fight you next !!! ◇ Ares

Clang !!!

Athena punched his head than kicked him across the colosseum than we saw Ares passed out instantly.

Clap, Clap, Clap !!!

All the gods clapped and Celebrated this victory since Athena and Ares are almost tied in every fight.

Titus I want to fight you next . ◇ Hercules

Hercules your a new Ascended god , so you can't face Titus just yet . ◇ Poseidon

" Old man I want to fight against you . "

Titus you don't know for how long I've been waiting for this moment kiddo. ◇ Poseidon

" Same here. "

Father and I jumped from the bleachers than we pointed our weapons at each other .

" Old man I want you to fight against me without holding back since we use ambrosia to heal any fatal injury . "

Titus my son , today I will show you the difference between a Godking and an Ascended god prepare yourself kiddo.

" Today I Titus god of Rain and Lightning will show all the gods of Mount Olympus my true powers . "

The two of us released all of our divine energy which not only shook mount Olympus but it made it extremely cold , rainy and the sky became pure black with random lightning flashing around .

We both jumped in the air than we threw our weapons at each other .

Swish !!!

Boomm !!!

Poseidon's trident pierced my chest , I took it out and used my divine energy to heal myself, and saw Poseidon removing my hammer off his chest .

He used water to heal himself than he charged at me with my own weapon.

Clang , Clang , Clang !!!

Both weapons clashed as if grenades were going off .

When Poseidon got closed to me I used a water bubble to drown him but I saw him smiling than he kicked my face so hard that he dislocated my jaw.

I stopped myself from crashing into the bleachers using telekinesis than fixed my jar .

In a flash I appeared in front of Poseidon , with without wasting any time i used divine ice fist to sent him flying in the air than I noticed that he was bleeding heavily from my punch.

Ahahahahaha !!! ◇ Poseidon

Ahahahahahha !!!

Titus your the most powerful god under me and Zeus , but have you ever dealt with the domain of a God king ?

" Poseidon your very strong but I haven't used my secret technique yet . "

Secret technique ??? ◇ Athena

Whatever....Ocean Domain rise above Mount Olympus . ◇ Poseidon

A Giant wave rised from all over greece than it covered all of Mount Olympus than poseidon's trident that was in my hand teleported in his hand than it glowed bright blue .

Ahhhhhhh !!! ◇ Minor deity

I ignored the nymph that was terrified of Poseidon's power.

Divine ice cloak !!!

Grahhhhhhh !!!

What ???? ◇ All gods

I floated in the air and pulled my hammer from his other hand using telekinesis.

Crkrekkeeke !!!

I raised my hammer in the which was glowing blue .

Ice hammer !!!

I raised my hammer in the sky and pointed it at Poseidon.

" Father you better dodge this one or else your gonna die. "

Divine lightning falling through the sea !!!

Poseidon flew down rapidly and unleashed endless barrage of trident thrust which I

left multiple hole all over my body but I used my Divine energy to heal these minor injuries.

Right before he landed I threw my hammer at him and watched as I left a giant bloody hole in his stomach.

Blaargh !!!

Poseidon spit out a large amount of blood than he fell on the ground extremely hard .

Since he was extremely weakened his Domain disappeared which made the giant wave disappear , than he sat on the ground with a smile on his face .

Ahahahahahahhahah !!!

[ Mount Olympus I Poseidon surrender and declare Titus as the victor of this fight . ]

WOoooooo !!!

Titus, Titus , Titus !!!

All the gods chanted my name than Poseidon who was still injured walked up to me .

Titus you are very close to opening your Domain , and just so you know I wasn't holding back at all , which means that you can fight a Low rank godking and win .

" Father here take this . "

I took some fresh ambrosia from my ring and gave it to him .

Titus since your approaching the godking rank I think you should change your name to something greater or add something to it .

How about Titus Jivian meaning [ Honorable Sky father. ] ◇ Athena

That's a powerful powerful name you truly deserve this name nephew ◇ Zeus

We turned around and saw Zeus drinking wine with Dionysus.