
Fated to the wolves

Kaiah was as normal and boring as it gets until she loses everything and finds herself drawn to making changes she never saw coming. She unknowingly enters a completely different she must learn to live in and love, all while trying to uncover all her family secrets because they’re coming for her and she doesn’t know who, when or why. Come along for the journey of love and self discovery and she if Kaiah makes it out alive.

DaoistetSCd1 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

They're watching

Kaiah's POV

When I woke up alone in my new bed in a completely new room I thought I must've gotten really wasted and had an insanely crazy dream. "ugh" I throw my legs over the side of the bed, stretch then head to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. As I open my room door the scent of vanilla and cedar drift to my nose and instant butterflies appear to be dancing around in my stomach. "it wasn't a dream" I whisper to myself as I round the corner and see him staring out the front window sipping what I assume is coffee from a mug. He turns around and I'm stunned by how gorgeous he is as I look him up and down. He smirks as he catches me checking him out and I glance down at my feet blushing.

"good morning, I wasn't sure if I should stay but I didn't want to leave you without saying anything. I made some coffee." He smiles at me.

"thank you, I could definitely use it." I say as I grab a cup and sit at the table. "that's not the kind of person I am just so you know" I say quietly not looking up to meet his eyes.

"what do you mean?" he furrows his brows at me and takes the seat across from me.

"I don't usually get in a strangers car and have one night stands I mean."

"I'm not judging you, I never got the impression you were that type of girl." He replies with a smile. "well I should get going, I don't want to intrude or make you uncomfortable." He says as he gets up and walks toward the front door as I silently follow him, as he's walking down the porch steps this feeling of longing and sadness at his absence hits me and I catch up to him turn him around and kiss him. "thank you" I whisper as I pull away.

His hand comes up to caress my cheek and then suddenly his head snaps up as if he's heard something, I look around the square of land I own and don't find anything in the surrounding trees. When he finally looks back at me his face is completely serious "you should call a car and maybe go get groceries and such while you can, you can't survive off of coffee and beans" he chuckles at the contents of my kitchen but I can tell it's forced.

"yeah I think I'll to that" I respond as I step back onto the porch feeling rejected.

"I left my number on the counter if you need anything" he says with a small smile then climbs in his car and drives away. I stand there on my porch hugging myself as this overwhelming feeling of loneliness threatens to overcome me. After a couple of minutes I take a deep breath and head back inside ordering a car and finishing my coffee while getting ready for the day.

Jack POV

"Alpha Jack it appears the rumor is true, a woman has bought the maple cabin. Our patrol saw her get there late last night... with a werewolf" the beta reports. That cabin had been the meeting place for the alphas in our alliance for over a century, I can't believe we got so caught up we let this happen.

"I attended my first ever alphas meeting there when I was just a kid with my father" I say with a sad smile at the memory of my father who's now gone.

"Would you like us to scare her off alpha? We don't know who the wolf was but we can find out and see if he'll be a problem."

"No! We are not monsters and we do not operate in that manner. My father had a great relationship with old man maple and his father before him. I will handle this." I say standing and heading out to the forest.

"would you like the patrol guard to meet you there for backup?" my beta asks following me out

I let out an exasperated sigh "no for fucks sake I'm the alpha and she's just a woman, I'll be fine." I say striping down to shift so I can make it to the cabin faster. "as a matter of fact let the guys on patrol know they can go home" I throw over my shoulder as I shift and run off in the direction of the neutral space between the 4 pacts in the area.

Once I'm close enough I shift back and put on some clothes that were stored in a hollow tree trunk and walk the remaining way to the cabin. As I approach the trees edge I hear talking and when I look out to the front of the cabin I see a short woman with mid length blonde curls on her toes kissing a man, as my beta stated I can sense he's a werewolf. I lift my nose to the air and his scent is familiar, as they pull away I recognize Calian the neighboring packs next in line alpha. The current alpha being my best friend for as long as I can remember. I take a closer look at the girl as her robe slips off one of her shoulders and I catch a glimpse of an intricate design of the moon and swirls marking her neck and shoulder. The moment I saw it I knew who she was and Calian had no idea what he was doing.

"I know you can hear me, it's Jack. You need to leave now, I will be advising Troy of this and he will not be happy. He can explain to you himself." I speak out knowing only he would hear me. Once I see him leave I quickly return to my packhouse and dial the number of my oldest and closest friend "she's here Troy, she bought the maple cabin and I found her kissing Calian this morning. How did this happen? I thought she could never come here." I say as he answers.

"it's begun." He whispers before hanging up.