
Fated To The Werewolf Huntress

Having a perfect mate is obviously the greatest wish of every werewolf,but what becomes the outcome when you receive the direct opposite of such wish and fantasies. Damien Dark, the young Alpha prince of the red blood pack,in search of his mate inorder to attain the role of the pack's alpha right after his father's death. Fate plays an expensive trick of hers, mating prince Damien alongside Kara Dugan, immediate daughter to Kyle Dugan,leader of the black eagles werewolf Hunter clan. A hunter clan popularly known for their brutality and hatred towards werewolves. Hundreds of werewolf packs has fallen and gone extinct by their toxin blade's and so has the red blood pack earn countless attacks, losses and destruction from this clan, creating a formidable and everlasting hatred between both pack's and clan. Will Damien and Kara both accept their persuasive inner mate bonds, setting aside the long emminity harboured between both clans?. With both clans and packs permit their love, setting aside their historical hatred?. Also what becomes Kara's fate when her long hidden secret relating one of red bloods greatest loss gets unveiled. Will both lovers bond remain firm or brew up more wars and heightened hatred between both clans?. Will Damien result to killing her to please his pack or follow his instincts? With they both conquer such obstacle alongside thousands more?. Find out?

Elvis Asiwe · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

Tyler's request

Episode 21

Location:Red blood pack

Earlier today(during Damien's departure from the royal cottage)

Chris POV

Strictly safeguarding the packs boundaries alongside three other guards,loud yawns frequently evolves my lips signifying resting nessecity.

Striding certain meters away from fellow guards through an unfamiliar direction, cool and hair erecting wind solos and calms my tensed and troubled nerves, earning deep relaxing sighs from me.

Leaning against a tree stump, desperate to munch on my salivating rations, suspicious flickings behind thick brownish and broad greenish coloured leaves captivates my hesitant attention.

"Just great, perfect timing unknown spy"I grumble,re-stuffing the rations into my brownish coloured pack before swinging it around my shoulders.

Striding expertly and extremely observant towards the rustling leaves,surprised expressions clouds my face.

Behold views prince Damien sneaking through an unnoticeable and expertly hidden pathway.

A perfectly hidden pathway impossible to locate despite numerous searches.

Viewing his shadow eventually disperse, previous conversation with prince Drake clouds my memories, surfing undesired and uncomfortable expressions up my face.

Spying prince Damien betrayals his trust but not spying him traps me within an uncomfortable position beneath within Drake shackles.

"This is freaking so messed up.." I heave, battling confused my decision while running my hands along my face.

"How on blood moon am I stuck between both prince's rivalry?" I sigh, weakly face palming myself.

"Betraying prince Damien's trust seems wrong and awful but shattering free prince Drake's shackles around myself is one amongst my major priority, placing myself before other seems best,my freedom seems best compared to mere trust and hesitant towards it certainly sounds dumb. Merging vital information from sneaking prince Damien is certain to lighten prince Damien's shackles around me. I thought, diving expectantly into the hidden pathway.


Trailing wisely behind him,i maintain reasonable distance to prevent triggering his enhanced senses which eventually ruins my important and crucial opportunity.

Arriving before a smooth running and beautiful lake,he expectantly leans against a tree stump, despertely awaiting ones arrival,also ushering me enough time to sneak behind thickened green coloured leaves.

Minutes later

Viewing his saddened self spring up his feets after enlongated minutes awaiting his visitors arrival,wierd and hopeless reactions clouds my face.

Returning cluelessly to Drake ain't an option, returning empty handed finalises death, something important needs occur,a vital event needs occur..!. I thought, gazing both disturbed and depressed at prince Damien's gradual departing self.

Now that's it,it's over,am doomed,am no step away from a lifeless corpse".I quiver, blinking continuously my watery and veiny red coloured eyes.

"Moon goddess rescue your pleading child" I pray whispering and as though being heard and answered,a perfectly pointed arrow expertly swings towards departing Damien,an arrow easily broken by his claws.

"What was what?" I question my inner wolf.

"An assassin I guess" he responds.

"Thought werewolves had enhanced senses and hearing?" A feminine figure mocks, hoping down a sycamore tree while swinging skifully her clutched cross bow.

"Now who in the word is she?" I smile, delighted at rapid event turn outs.


"Finally, vital information for prince Drake" I mumble, watching prince Drake shatter emotionally after harsh rejection from his mate and our future Luna.

Their visible sparks and shared connections requires no sooth Sayer confirming her his mate,their revolving loveable sparks explains it all.

He's mate sure is a bad ass hottie.I compliment, unable to pull off staring towards her bouncy boobs.

Now there's my que. I state, glancing finally at departed Kara and shattered prince Damien before carefully super speeding outta the lake, abandoning prince Damien within his personal delima.


Current time

Location:,Red blood back.

Arriving before prince Drake's bedroom after lying my entrance past the hallway guards, slight taps against his bedroom door aroused his deep authority etched voice.

"Come in, door's unlocked" he orders.

"My prince.." I respectfully bow, shutting his quaking door after easy entrance.

"The spy" he grins

"what news have you for me,bet they are all positive" he giggles girlishly, tossing his half burnt cigarette into a watered bowl filled with numerous uncompleted cigarettes.

"All positive and at your favour my prince" I force a smile, broadening his devious smile.

Impossible believing dark hearted prince Drake raised and nutured under similar parents as cheerful and kind hearted prince Damien.

Betraying kind hearted prince Damien ain't willful but prince Drake has me stuck within an inevitable spot and survival seems the major priority regardless cost and price attached.

"Why the delay,spill it out Chris,what news have you beneficial towards my aim?" Prince Damien inquires, staring both eagarly and impatiently at my reluctant expression.

"Quit irrelevant delays and set loose the cat from the bag!" Again he orders, slightly heightening his voice pitch, signifying his brewing rage.

Nah not me,I ain't sliding towards prince Drake's enraged personality, never. I thought.

"Well earlier today, prince Damien snuck past the packs boundaries. As narrated,he headed towards a beautiful lake,there he conversed a beautiful damsel.

"Hmm, beautiful damsel".

"Let me guess".

"Blonde hair and curvy nature" he smirks, earning nods from me.

"Kara" he whispers,boardening his negative expression.

"A beautiful damsel suspected being his mate,our Luna. Their visibly shared sparks proves her prince Damien's long searched mate,she's no doubt our future Luna" I explain.

"Aged news Chris,skip to the current and relevant information" he hushs, expressing visibly his discomfort.

"Attaining conversation peak, Kara declined prince Damien being her moonly chosen mate" I explain, broadening his gaze and expression in ultimate shock.

"News mix-up Chris, did Kara reject Damien as her alpha?,her moonly chosen mate?" He clearly questions, unable hiding extreme happiness etched within his tone.

"Yes my prince" I respond, earning joyous leaps from him.

Such monster, joyous at his brothers downfall and dismay" I snort,disgusted at his undying urge and cravings for power and fame.

"Something else my prince" I shiver.

"Go on" he orders.

"She's a non she wolf,she smelt human" I reveal.

"Aged news you need not ponder on Chris,return to your post and remain shut" he orders, happily engrossed by event turn outs.

"She smelt human" I ponder further, ignoring his warnings while exiting his room.

Drake's POV.

Damien rejected by his mate,those words happily and continuously resounds up my memories, heightening my boundless joy.

"With Damien rejected,claiming the Alpha's throne appears a child's task, patience till his time exhaustion seems the final step to victory, definitely victory smells great" I chuckle, popping open a bottle of whiskey.

"To victory and power Ryker" we both chuckle,delighted at the latest news.

Damien's POV

Arriving at the royal cottage, ignoring whistling bows and greetings from guards and female servants,I head up my room, crashing to the wall besides my bed.

Ryder remains quiet since our rejection,our second rejection. It hurts more compared to the first rejection.

First rejection hurt but less compared to extreme emotional pains currently surging through our hearts.

First rejection likely was our first encounter, the werewolf mate bond likewise the moon goddess seemed wierd and complicated to her regarding her being human and a non she wolf but currently we both have knowledge of it all,the complicated mate bond,the moon goddess,all sound familiar and aged to us.

Also we

Striding slowly towards my bed, I crash weakly against it's soft comfy nature, drenching it's beautiful texture and appearance with my salty tears.

"Love's unfair" I weep harder.

"Let me be, am best left alone" I yell at presistent knocks on my door

"Quit childish acts and get this door open Damien!. Recall we're werewolves gifted with enhanced senses, your childish and horrible sober fills all ears within the royal cottage!" Mom lashes, extremely infuriated.

"Get this door open!!"she yells, banging the door non stop.

"Quit pulling my strings Damien,I might result smashing this door open" she threatens, seriousness etched within her tone.

"A sec my mom!" Weakling I yell, rescuing my precious door from the Luna's wrath.

Twisting open the door's knob after sluggishly pulling myself off the bed,mom's enraged force knocks me backwards.

"Ouch.." I wince, applying slight pressure against my floor crash elbow.

"Not cool mom" I grumble.

"Serves your stubborn ass right" she scoffs.

"You intend discussing your cry baby predicament or returning to my important duties as the acting alpha seems best?" She further questions.

"I don't wanna talk about it.Return to your duties mom,am perfectly okay,also my weeps wouldn't be heard again" I assure, returning to my bed.

"Certainly not Damien,you know me better than this, exiting ain't an option until your problems are slightly resolved. Recall problems shared are half solved" she persuades.

"Like earlier mentioned, discussion's about it ain't best,it worsens situation alone." I decline, battling fiercing extreme pains desiring freedom.

"You're emotionally hurt Damien,spill it out, burying it within isn't the best option" she persuades, sitting besides me on the bed.

"She rejected me mom,kara rejected me,am lost!!" I cry, outbursting all hidden pains and anguish right on her shoulders.

"Oh my...."she gasp.

"Overcoming such trauma ain't easy. I really am sorry" she consoles, hoping it soothes and reduces the pain.

"Stare into my eyes Damien" she orders, pulling my eyes to stare into hers.

"Listen Damien, things similar to this are destined to occur but all are challenges and scaling through dosent tag you victorious rather your means of scaling through does. If truly Kara is your moonly chosen mate destined together from birth, then be rest assured she'll return but if not, letting go the alpha's throne seems best" she advice, pulling me into a warm motherly hug after earning my affirmative nod.

"It hurts mom,it hurts alot" I whimper.

"I know Damien but scale through it, you're an alpha remember..." she encourages, comforting my hardened spines.


Location: Black eagles hunters clan

Kara's POV.

Arriving the hallway after successfully sneaking past watch bay guards, wrong and guilty feelings wallows my heart.

He loved me and I rejected him, it seems am a monster,an emotional monster. I sigh.

"You made the right decision Kara, co-exitence between werewolves and hunters is impossible"I assure myself,knobing open my bedrooms door.

"Yeah Kara,you made the right decision" Alex mocks, startling my lost and emotion crowded self.

"What in the world was that for?" I question dangerously.

"Slight revenge for your lies" she scoffs.

"Lies?" I arch a brow.

"Yeah, your damn lies!. You never went jogging, you paid a visit to your so called werewolf mate" she huff's angrily.

"You followed me" I sigh.

"Yeah I trailed behind you and me raging over you would've been the current situation but your rejection act rescued your ass from my wrath" she hisses again.

"Rejecting his mate bond was best Kara,many reasons stands against you both. Firstly,he's a birthed lair,he lied perfectly about his true nature. Secondly,he's a werewolf and we both know co-existence between werewolves and hunters is Impossible so marriage or dating between you both is a big fat no" she explains, earning reluctant nods from me.

"Great speech Alex, assume the clans life coach and trust me later" Tyler chuckles, shutting the door right after gradual healing Dolan bonded

"How in the world did you both sneak unnoticed past the guards?" Alex growls.

"Same method Kara applies sneaking to the werewolf lover or rather absorbed me" Wincing Dolan chuckles.

"Whatever,why on Earth are you here, obviously not for a rematch" I mock.

"To inform we have you wrapped within our grasp" they smirk.

"What plans have you this time" I inquire uninterested.

"We mean this princess" he grins.

"Watch!..." he shoves a video into my plans.

"Oh geez!..." I gasp.

The video displays one amongst my numerous conversations with Damien,a conversation where his werewolf nature was discussed.

"Mess with us and we leak this to your dad, exposing his precious daughter affair with a werewolf,no mere werewolf but an alpha...." Tyler threatens, heightening my undying shock.

"You didn't risk your way here to shove a video up my face, what really do you want?" I ask.

"Perfect" Dolan smirks.

"We want sexual satisfaction,a threesome night with the princess for the video deletion" Dolan explains.

"What!!" I shierk.

"You wouldn't!...." Alex snap's.