
Fated To The Werewolf Huntress

Having a perfect mate is obviously the greatest wish of every werewolf,but what becomes the outcome when you receive the direct opposite of such wish and fantasies. Damien Dark, the young Alpha prince of the red blood pack,in search of his mate inorder to attain the role of the pack's alpha right after his father's death. Fate plays an expensive trick of hers, mating prince Damien alongside Kara Dugan, immediate daughter to Kyle Dugan,leader of the black eagles werewolf Hunter clan. A hunter clan popularly known for their brutality and hatred towards werewolves. Hundreds of werewolf packs has fallen and gone extinct by their toxin blade's and so has the red blood pack earn countless attacks, losses and destruction from this clan, creating a formidable and everlasting hatred between both pack's and clan. Will Damien and Kara both accept their persuasive inner mate bonds, setting aside the long emminity harboured between both clans?. With both clans and packs permit their love, setting aside their historical hatred?. Also what becomes Kara's fate when her long hidden secret relating one of red bloods greatest loss gets unveiled. Will both lovers bond remain firm or brew up more wars and heightened hatred between both clans?. Will Damien result to killing her to please his pack or follow his instincts? With they both conquer such obstacle alongside thousands more?. Find out?

Elvis Asiwe · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

The Dark's family

Episode 27

Red blood pack

Mrs Dark's POV(Roseline)

"Is he right?..." I ask.

"Am I a partial mom?" I crash on my sofa.

"Hmmm let's see. More attention towards Damien,less towards Drake,stronger bond with Damien,less with Drake,better converser with Damien less...."

"A response Lydia!" I lash at my wolf.

"Yeah Roseline(mrs dark),you're a partial mom" she responds.

"Am a terrible mom..." I face palm myself.

"Am I?" I sigh.

"You're not..." She defends.

"Honesty Lydia, honesty" I chuckle painfully.

"You're not Roseline,you love and cherish your boys but both are unique in different categories and you've got a taste for uniqueness. Damien's uniqueness suits your taste, proving your stronger bond. You as well cherish Drake but his uniqueness glows differently, darkness lingers around his uniqueness and that explains the weaker shared bond. They're both different and special Roseline and you're human and part supernatural,one must be preferable to the other,it's natural" she explains.

"My relationship with my boys are ruined,I need to fix this Lydia,this require fixing" I tighten my palm.

"And how do intend doing such?".

"Ensuring I love Drake and he loves me also. Our shared love must equal my love towards Damien!" I vow.

"Oh Roseline,love can't be bought nor forced,love can only be earned and felt. Pressured love will definitely ruin your once cherished relationship" she advice.

"Drake's my son Lydia,I know him best,his weakness's and strengths are behind my palm,earning his love wouldn't strain a sweat" I thought.

"You were never forced into love Roseline, Mr Dark never attempted such,we genuinely loved ourselves so why implie pressured love on your boy, depriving him genuine love?" She inquires.

"Firstly,Dark and I were mate's,we were destined for love, regardless numerous obstacles our love must remain but Drake's my son,I'll attain lengths and miles for his love,that you need understand" I explain, battling memories shared with alpha dark off my head.

Recalling our powerful shared bond and love ruin's my emotions,that I believe he'll never desire I experience.

"That you force yourself believe but recall Drake was adopted and Damien birthed. A mother's love for her biological child surpasses every love expect the mate bond. An adopted love posses zero chance against the biological love,this I believe explains completely your stronger bond with Damien than Drake" she goes silent.

Could she be right?,does their birth and adoption really determine my love towards them?,does adopting Drake makes me a partial mom?. I run both palms along my jelly hair.

I need to make things right. I exit my room.

Drake's POV.

Gulping another glass of champagne,sly smiles brightens my expression.

"Are we hurt at mom's discouragement or celebrating our close victory over the alphas throne?" Ryker questions.

"Celebrating of course,mom's my least worry" I pop open a bottle of bourbon.

"Another fun begins" I gulp directly from the bottle.

"To think we felt hurt over her motherly impartiality" we mock.

"We're both devious actors and prete....."

"Drake, you in there?" Mom loud bangs interrupts.

Speak of the devil herself. We chuckle.

"Leave mom,am best left alone" I feign anger.

"No I can't" she refuse.

"Look,am really sorry, am deeply sorry for my motherly impartiality,it proves ill motherly behavior,I know you're deeply hurt but all I request is your forgiveness and a second chance" she plead.

"A second chance...?" I chuckle.

"Numerous chances have I given, numerous opportunities have you blown to amend your impartiality, we're past second chances mom,it's best you return to Damien" 

"Please Drake please,I really am sorry,I'll perform better,I'll retreat my steps,am currently on my knees!" She cries.

Oh her knees!?, the Luna on her knees ain't an all days event,it assumes sincerity and positive will.

"She's really down her knees Ryker" I sneak peek through the knob hole.

"What do you say we finalize our pretence..?" I ask.

"Choice is yours" he enjoys the ongoing drama.

"Up your feets mom..." I unlock my door.

"Am I forgiven.." she shivers.

"Your future actions dictates that" I explain.

"I'll change,I'll amend my ways, your returned love is another important demand" she requests.

"Your actions again dictates that"I assist her up her feet.

"Thanks alot Drake,thank you!" She pulls me into an unexpected compassionate hug.

"You're killing me mom" I struggle for freedom.

"Oops..." She breaks free from the hug.

"That was one hell of a hug" I gasp for breath.

"My bad.." she pats my shoulder.

"Anyways, thanks alot.." she exits after pecking my forehead.

"Cool drama Drake" Ryker mockingly compliments.

"She ain't forgiven is she?".

"Certainly not, she'll endure my wrath after my ascension,now she's a little pawn within my extremely large and strategic game" I explain.

"That's my master" he proudly whispers.

"That's me Ryker, gullible bitches like mom deserves dumping and recycling,she'll occupy no position during my alpha reign" I exclaim.

"Bold, courageous and heart hardened fellows alone will occupy supreme positions during my alpha's reign" I fantasize ruling over loyal warriors.

"And the council elders?" He inquires.

"All stripped their positions and replaced. Never will greedy and wealth conscious Imbeciles serve my elders. Betraying me requires little efforts. Shove cash bundles up their horrible faces and they're your loyal puppet's, they'll be eliminated during my reign" I plan.

"And replaced by who?" He ask.

"Loyal and powerful warrior werewolves. Warrior Werewolves wrapped around my fingers that slight betrayal threatens their loved ones. Such warrior elders remains loyal and abstain disloyalty or rebellion" i gulp a glass of bourbon.

"Red blood will be rebuilt under my reign Ryker,time alone tells" I laugh miniaciously.

"And our mate?. We're yet to find ours remember?.." He presits.

"All's on me Ryker,am smarter remember, we'll never turn out like my dumb ass brother Damien,trust me" I assure.

"You know our mate's location!?" He gasp.

"That I'll never tell.." I chuckle.

"We're one remember?" He presists.

"We're one that's right but you're the puppet and I the master,my mind is shielded from you but yours forever open to me. Am Drake dark Ryker,I rule over everything,my wolf not excluded" I specify his position.

Wise decision he remains quiet,he needs understand am no one's equal,am no alpha rather am the alpha,the future of red blood pack!.


Damien's POV.

Location:The woods.

"Give me control...!" Ryder persists.

"Never!" I refuse.

"You're rouge and wronged sense's, you're prone to hurting fellow werewolves or even worse, humans!" he advice,I hasten my sprint.

"Let me be.." I huff aside his advice.

"Never!" He battles dormancy.

"Remain input!" I battle his revealing furs and claws.

Am in charge Ryder, accept that!.

"You're raging and heartbroken,you're lost" his advice continues.

"You're sounding pretty annoying Ryder, don't force me block our conversation pathway" I threaten.

"This is a terrible idea Damien,this is all Drake's plan,he's getting to you,if you hurt Kara she'll never forgive you and you'll loose her forever,you'll never earn her love if you go through with this" he advice further.

"She'll love us Ryder,my action will heighten her love towards us" I claim.

"You're sprinting towards your life's greatest mistake" he whispers.

"Enough Ryder,off you go" I shield our communication pathway.

"Better..." I leap up a tree.

Inviting maybe kidnapping Kara to the red blood pack may return our once shared love. Viewing her future kingdom may strengthen our mate bond,that I believe and hope occurs.

Halting before the lake,cool nerve soothing wind whistles past my ear lobes, coolness from the lake.

"Empty..." I whisper.

Gazing round the shore,up numerous trees and surrounding gardens, Kara's absence wells my heart.

"She's absent Ryder" I reopen our conversation pathway.

"She's absent!" I punch a tree.

"You weren't expecting her were you?" He ask.

"I was Ryder,I was" I sit on a tree stump.

"She's my mate Ryder,we share similar feelings,she's expected to feel my pain,my loneliness and emptiness. I need her fill those spaces" I heave.

"It feels as though am mate less and in love with myself" I add.

"Truth lurks within your words Damien,she's human and you a supernatural,she's a huntress and you a werewolf,a creature of the night, powerful chemistry lacks between your lineage and togetherness" he explains.

Could Ryder be right?,is Kara an obstacle from my actual mate?,have I been tricked for weeks?, everything sounds undissolvable.

"I doubt so Ryder,we shared similar bond,we felt the mate bond,the mate bond lingered between us,we felt the sparks,she's my mate,Kara's my mate" I force myself believe.

"Your mate and she seems undisturbed, unmoved and unborthered about the rejection,she feels complete and whole without you Damien,wise up" he persuades.

"Mate's experience backwards and obstacles before and after marriage,ours ain't an exception" I defend.

"Your choice Damien.." he sighs.

"Why am I affected by Kara's rejection and you're not,you're my wolf right, we're expected to share similar feelings and emotions?" I arch a brow.

"Am pained by her departure Damien but not extremely hurt or pained" he yawns.

"Why so?" I question further.

"She's wolfless Damien,I share little or no connection with her. Her wolf would've been my connection but her wolflessness destroys the link. You alone are connected to her,am not" he explains.

"This is complicated" I gasp after feeling the soil.

Happy Memories with Kara surf past my gaze. Our first encounter,the kisses,the hugs,how I asked her on a date and much more.

"Where to?" Ryder ask.

"A date centre..." I leap u a tree.

"Date centre?" He whispers confused.

Location:Grace gracims eatery

Damien's POV.

"Oh,grace gracims eatery" he sigh.

"Your first..."

"Date with Kara" I complete.

"Wasn't it fun...." I walk down the memory lane.

Her hot attire, killer smiles,goddess voice and us almost making out.

"Do we head in or stand all day before their entrance door..." Ryder returns my senses.

"We're leaving.." I retreat my steps.

"So what was our visitation purpose?" He inquires.

"The memory lane and a clearer view"

"Clearer view?,of what?" He questions.

"Of love,clearer view of love" I explain.

"I'll go with that,can we return home now,am dizzy and it's night falls" He requests.

"Yeah,yeah,lazy alpha.." I mock.


Location:Red blood pack

POV:Mrs dark POV.

"Damien!" I run to him.

"Good grace's you're alright..." I pull him into a hug.

"You were right mom..." He whimpers.

"Love can never be forced but earned,I learnt such today.." he mumbles while I pull him towards his bedroom.

"Am glad you learnt such.." I pull slightly his chin.

"You're done with the throne right?" I arch a brow.

"I've got a week more mom, situation after that determines my future" I sigh.

"It feels best Drake ascends the throne,he's remained behind your shadow for years and ascending the throne seems the best apology" I suggest.

"This unlike you mom" he stares wierdly at me.

"Only a suggestion" I raise both arm.

"Not sure mom,I'll sleep over it.." he yawns.

"Ponder over it son,am certain you'll make the right decision" I pat his shoulders.

"Yeah mom, good night and thanks alot for today" he lays on his bed.

"Goodnight son" I peck his chin before leaving.


The next day

Location: Black eagles hunters clan

Alex POV.

Our breathing's heightens while I trail kisses down her cleavages.

"Prepared for morning s*x Kara?" I grab her boob's.

"You bet I am.." she responds nastily.

"How about our third party?,high time he gets invited" I dial Tyler's number.

"Alex..." He yawns through the call.

"Pull your yawning ass down my cottage,honey pots awaits you" I laugh seductively.

"Honey pots..." He inquires.

"Kara and I" I explain.

"Isn't it too early for sex,it's only 7am?" He interjects.

"Am horny tyler!,arrive quickly and you sex us both, Virgin me and horny Kara. Loose time and kara defiles me before your arrival meaning you've lost everything and remember,come through my window" I hang up.

"Now where were we?" I pleasure her boobs,she moans lightly.