
Fated To The Werewolf Huntress

Having a perfect mate is obviously the greatest wish of every werewolf,but what becomes the outcome when you receive the direct opposite of such wish and fantasies. Damien Dark, the young Alpha prince of the red blood pack,in search of his mate inorder to attain the role of the pack's alpha right after his father's death. Fate plays an expensive trick of hers, mating prince Damien alongside Kara Dugan, immediate daughter to Kyle Dugan,leader of the black eagles werewolf Hunter clan. A hunter clan popularly known for their brutality and hatred towards werewolves. Hundreds of werewolf packs has fallen and gone extinct by their toxin blade's and so has the red blood pack earn countless attacks, losses and destruction from this clan, creating a formidable and everlasting hatred between both pack's and clan. Will Damien and Kara both accept their persuasive inner mate bonds, setting aside the long emminity harboured between both clans?. With both clans and packs permit their love, setting aside their historical hatred?. Also what becomes Kara's fate when her long hidden secret relating one of red bloods greatest loss gets unveiled. Will both lovers bond remain firm or brew up more wars and heightened hatred between both clans?. Will Damien result to killing her to please his pack or follow his instincts? With they both conquer such obstacle alongside thousands more?. Find out?

Elvis Asiwe · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

Raging Damien

Episode 26

Location: Black eagles hunters clan

Kara's POV

"Alex,that you?" Her mom gradually unbolts the entrance door.

"Oh shit,she can't see me, seeing me ruins everything..." I shiver.

Pulling my temporarily paralyzed feets towards the bathroom,I turn on both showers, bathtub tap and both steamers.

Hope this works. I contemplate.

"Oh, having your shower.." her footsteps gradually retreats.

That was threatening, I crash flat to the floor.

Alex is definitely earning a painful spank from me.


Minutes later

Location:Black eagles hunter clan

Alex POV.

"Kara...!" I call,window sneaking into the bedroom.

"Kara?..." I call again, observing the rooms vacancy.

"Kara?" I pour down clothes heap, hoping to find her buried under some.

Where on earth is she?.

Could she have been seen by mom or dad?.

Numerous questions fills my head.

"Quit games Kara,where are you!?" I yell, already frustrated.

Wouldn't forgive myself if her lost virginity airs to her father's knowledge. Guilt will result my death

"Over here dummy!" She groan's from the restroom.

"Kara!" I dash towards her.

She lays completely helpless and paralysed besides the bathtub.

"Don't just stare,help me up!" She requests.

"What in the world happened?" I assist her lean against the wall before turning off rushing waters.

"Your Mom Alex,our cover was also blow and feigning bath was the only available idea" she explains.

"Pretty wise of you" I compliment.

"Sure am wise..." She wrigle's her hair strands.

"Got the herbs right?" She inquires,my expression darkens.

"No I didn't.." my head bends in shame.

"You what?....!" She freaks.

"Am sorry Kara,I really am..." I apologise.

"You bitch!,am paralyzed rescuing your ass from prosecution and my cure is am sorry?!!" She lashes.

"Heave breaths Kara, your herbs are over here,trust your best friend" I point towards the basket laying on the mattress.

"You lied?" She calms.

"A joke" I claim.

"An expensive one!" She lash.

"Only needed peek's of your reaction...."

"And it wasn't friendly?" She completes.

"Yeah it wasn't" I heave.

"Am sorry,I really am..." She apologize.

"No need to be.." I grap her palm.

"I should be sorry,you trade your virginity for me,your temporarily paralyzed all because of me and my payment is an expensive joke,I really am stupid" I apologise.

"You look really cute whenever depressed or sad" she joke's.

"Oh damn it Kara,I thought we were having a moment" I face palm myself.

"Quit apologies Alex,you're my best friend,my child hood friend,you're forever forgiven regardless crime committed" she pulls me into a deep and warm hug.

"Let go,the hug strains my sores" she groan's.

"Oops, totally forgot.." we break free.

"Get the herbs..." She wince.

"Right on it.." I dash to the basket.

Reaching the herbs,I squeeze them together before applying on her sore v.

"Feels great.." she whispery moans.

"Dizziness arrives twenty minutes later" I announce, rinsing my palm off the herbs.

"Oh Alex,why wasn't I informed before usage,am not prepared.." she complains.

"Says the girl yelping endlessly for the herb" I chuckle.

"Regardless that,it's towards night,we both require lengthy naps" I add.

"I hate you Alex.." she huffs.

"And I love you kara" I smile.

"Lay here while I sleep on the couch.." I adjust the scattered bed to her tastes.

"Am no monster Alex,come lay with me" she ushers.

"No girl,am fine,am perfectly okay" I lie.

Kara's room had duo mattresses so regardless sleep overs,we laid together but on separate beds.

Leaning together on a single bed seems a pretty irresistible temptation towards my long hidden secret.

"Quit reluctancy and join me..." She persuades.

"Join me or I lay on the floor" she threatens.

Now that I must prevent,Kara leaning on the floor proves ill hospitality.

"Okay okay!,no reason making it much of a big deal" I accept.

"Great!" She giggles.

"Lay besides me" she taps the bed.

"Isn't it comfortable and better compared to your hardened couch?" She mocks.

"Certainly it is" I force smile.

"You're warm.." she pulls me into an unexpected cuddle.

Her stinch heightens my sexual cravings and regardless her sore vagina,I desperately crave it's wetness but performing such ruins our long child hood and beautiful friendship.

Her genuine but slight sexual actions worsens situations and deepens sexual desires.

This is certain to be a hell of a night.

"Good night kara" I greet.

"Kara?" Her snores collides my ears.

"Oh geez,how did I end up like this?" I face palm myself.


Location:Red blood pack

Mrs dark POV

"Damien!" I bang his door.

"Scurry off mom,am best left alone!" He ignores my pleads.

"No you're not,we both know you've got devious and negative plans beneath your sleeves. Unimportant and unprofitable plans. They......."

"They're important and profitable mom!" He fire's.

"You're not blamed,you were chosen Luna over night,you never trained and anticipated a position your every life and watch it glide during claiming days,you never experienced such mom,your youthful life were bed's of roses!" He rages further.

"No Damien,you're ultimately wrong,my life was never a bed of roses nor a happily ever after marriage. Trials, obstacles and temptations were the order of my life. They arrive and glide past but I remain standing due to my will of never giving up or lossing faith and the knowledge I had of never undertaking drastic and life threatening decisions remains my pillar. I pondered numerous outcomes before undertaking drastic decision and that today is my secret" I explain, hoping it earns his heart's.

"Our lives both are different mom,you were happily married but here I am battling my Luna's love and the alpha's throne. Different life experiences demand different drastic measures and solutions,that you need understand!" he rejects my advice.

"And what are you to do Damien?!".

"Kidnap your mate hostage?!" I lash.

"Wise idea mom, sight of her future pack and home might rekindle her lost love" he chuckles victoriously.

"No Damien no!,I never meant such!" I bang his door harder.

"See ya later mom" Loud unbearable cracks follows his words.

"Damien...!!" I kick open his door.

"Oh geez Damien,what are you getting into?" I watch dumbfounded his scattered rooms and hugely broken window.

"Prince Damien ma?" Guards scurries into his room.

Guess they all heard the loud noise.

"Gone.." a tear escapes my eyes.

"Get the maids,clean here up and search for my son,I've got problems with the other" I order before exiting the room.


Location: Red blood pack (visitors room)

Mrs Dark POV.

"Trigger your healing Drake and quit unnecessary winces" I assist him off the ground.

"It ain't easy mom,they're broken beyond repair" he complains.

"You bloody lair,nothing is extremely broken for our enhanced healing,not even destroyed eyes" I smack his head.

"Am guessing these are worse than destroyed eyes" he groan's.

"They aren't,you still talk dummy,they can be healed, trigger your healing because we've got catching up to do" I state.

"They're not just healing,it's freaking wierd" he complains further.

"Oh come here!" I adjust his wriggled jaw line.

"Better. Thanks mom,you're the best" his bones perfectly adjusts and heals.

"Now, down to our catch up, you've......"

"Great thing prince Drake survived, guess this is our departing que" elder Logan interrupts.

Oops, totally forgot and ignored their presence.

"Yeah elder Logan,you all are free to leave" I force smile.

"Any related information regarding the future quest for my Luna?" Drake questions.

"Nothing much prince Drake,search harder and discover your mate before time elapses" he advice.

"I've got that under control elder" Drake smirks suspiciously.

"Great,then zero doubt you're an inch away from claiming red blood's alpha throne" logan compliments.

"Finally,a reasonable alpha amidst us" Another elder,elder Luke adds, beaming smile's up our faces.


Mrs dark POV.

"Up my room!" I order immediately after the elders departure.

"Your room?,what for?" Drake questions.

"Another question and I'll go all Luna on you!" I threaten.

"Now Drake,quit time exhaustion, you alone ain't my priority" I point towards my rooms direction.

"Hope this ends well" he pray.

"Certainly it will" I slam my door after our entrance.

"Now Drake,spill it out!" I demand.

"Spill what out?" His expression cringes.

"Weird occurrence within this palace" I specify.

"I've got zero idea what you're talking about mom" he feigns.

"Quit lies Drakeam no fool. Yeah I've been extremely occupied while tempoarily running red blood but my watchful gaze and alertness remains constant. Your unexplainable and wierd relationship with guard Chris never glide unnoticed and events unexpectedly occuring at your will and favour seems wierd, everything seems wierd and....."

"Everything working at my favour?" He laughs.

"Yeah...?" I arch a brow.

"Nothing works at my favour mom!,since birth it's always been Damien, everything functions at his taste and favour and now you express worry and uncomfortability observing little favour switch,why hate me this much mum?,why?!!" He lash.

"I hate you not son,I desire honest response only" I explain.

"Honest response to what?" He arch both brows.

"Are you sharing bribes so as to claim the alphas throne?" I ask.

"Certainly not mother, and why think so?.

Oh I see, favourite son Damien appears loosing the throne and you feel uncomfortable with me ascending it,I really can't believe you mom,your hatred appears all clear in HD!" He slams the door after his exit.

That didn't go as planned. I heave.


Drake's POV.

Location:Drake's bedroom

"Damien is depressed,he intends kidnapping his mate and mother is suspicious, they're all on our tail Drake" Ryker informs,I smile.

Their strategies are great and challenging Ryker but am better and it only proves nothing stops me from ascending that throne, absolutely nothing!.


Location:Blueys motel.

Tyler's POV

"Good day..." I greet the Blondie, slim but busty female receptionist.

"Good day sir. How can Blueys motels be of help" she maintains her killer smile.

Regardless sizes and class, customers are always referred as "sir's" or "ma's".

Feels great addressed with much respect.

"Any available lodge miss?" I force smile.

"Room thirty nine,fifty five,twelve,fifty two,forty one and numerous more are available sir" she scans a huge file.

Room details file,I guess.

"Room thirty six available?" I pull down my black coloured glasses.

"I guess. A sec for observation" she requests.

"Take your time..." I smile.

"Yeah,room thirty six appears available but seems unconducive for lodging. Two couples lodged out few minutes ago" she explains.

"Perfect..."I grin,she cringes.

"I'll take that" I place few dollars on the counter.

"Room 36 sir is unconducive,it's yet hygiened and I bet the departed couple has sex within it so it's currently a sperm stain bedroom..." She expresses disgust at the word sperm.

"That's right miss,your words were perfectly diluted but I insist lodging room thirty six..." I presist.

"I really am sorry sir but ushering an unhealthy reserve to our customer's ain't our motels aim" she further refuses.

"Would such aim be amended through this?" I double my payment.

"Record my payment and keep the rest" I wrigle the bribe across her cash tasty eyes.

"Room thirty six is on the right at the end of the hall way" she grabs the cash then shove the room's keys into my palm.

Literally,no one resists cash.

"Nice doing business with you...." She stuffs all cash into her pocket.

"Aren't some meant for the motel?" Inquisitively I ask.

"Room thirty six is untidy sir, recommending such for a customer may rid me my job so every clue including payment needs perfect hiding" she explains.

"And I thought I break given rules" I grin.

Such cleverness deserves special appreciation.

"Survival.." she whispers.

"Anyways enjoy your cash and maintain our secret..." I head towards the hallway.


Gliding ajar room thirty six entrance door, irritating and chocking stinch's collide my nostrils.

Stinch constituting sperms and sweats.

"Typical Dolan,ejaculates over everything" I chuckle.

"He definitely had Kara good..." I run both fingers along blood stains on the mattress.

Focus Tyler,focus!.I spank my head.

Climbing a stool leaned before the wardrobe,I finger search the wardrobes top for the hidden object.

"Gotcha.."I grab the recording camera.

"Once again Kara, you're within my grasp" I save the recorded sex clip.