
Fated To The Werewolf Huntress

Having a perfect mate is obviously the greatest wish of every werewolf,but what becomes the outcome when you receive the direct opposite of such wish and fantasies. Damien Dark, the young Alpha prince of the red blood pack,in search of his mate inorder to attain the role of the pack's alpha right after his father's death. Fate plays an expensive trick of hers, mating prince Damien alongside Kara Dugan, immediate daughter to Kyle Dugan,leader of the black eagles werewolf Hunter clan. A hunter clan popularly known for their brutality and hatred towards werewolves. Hundreds of werewolf packs has fallen and gone extinct by their toxin blade's and so has the red blood pack earn countless attacks, losses and destruction from this clan, creating a formidable and everlasting hatred between both pack's and clan. Will Damien and Kara both accept their persuasive inner mate bonds, setting aside the long emminity harboured between both clans?. With both clans and packs permit their love, setting aside their historical hatred?. Also what becomes Kara's fate when her long hidden secret relating one of red bloods greatest loss gets unveiled. Will both lovers bond remain firm or brew up more wars and heightened hatred between both clans?. Will Damien result to killing her to please his pack or follow his instincts? With they both conquer such obstacle alongside thousands more?. Find out?

Elvis Asiwe · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

drake recruits,Tyler plans

Episode 19

Location:Red blood pack

Drake's POV

"Damn it!" I rage, tightening my morphed fist.

"Pull yourself together Drake, deplete your rage" Ryker annoyingly exclaims.

"Pull myself together huh?" I scoff.

"Pull myself together you suggest rather Damien continuously sneak to the woods, paying homage to Kara or whatsoever identity his mate bears. I bet my all perfect plan was a fatal fail"

"How sure are you?,my guess,he continuously heads to their meeting lake, weeping over her lifeless body" he suggests.

"I doubt that Ryker,he barely expresses sadness or extreme loss" I persuade, unsatisfied with Ryker's theory.

"He never expresses sadness because he never murdered Kara,he battled the moons uncontrollable urge to slit her neck open"I confirm, tightening my hardened jaw.

"I bet this would have been a walk over if only someone hadn't performed an irresponsible action" he accuse, earning groan's from me.

"Okay I admit, murdering Chris wasn't much of a bright idea but what's your deal with his death anyways,we frequently seem unconcerned regarding a low classed death?" I inquire.

"Nothing much expect he would have been the perfect puppet finalizing Kara's death or not" he scoffs.

"Glide over it Ryker,we easily can earn a new puppet" I grin, staring deviously at the hardened expression patrolling guard's.

"Aren't they magnificent?,bet they'll perform better compared to Chris" I chuckle.

"Whatever" he scoffs.

"Hey you" I call, signalling a stationary guard who hastily scurries to my call.

"Good day my prince" he bows, broadening my smile.

"Admit it Ryker,he's smarter,he avoided my name,same trick Chris easily sublimed into" I mumble.

"Whatever Drake,get over with him and return to your room,I crave a lengthy nap" he huffs.

"Your name?" I ask, ignoring Ryker's rude comment.

"Christopher but am majorly referred as Chris" he responds, widening my eyes in shock.

"Seems we've discovered the latest reincarnation" Ryker mocks.

"Quit your disgusting attitude Ryker" I lash, hushing him dead silent.

"So Chris,what's your response being on my positive list?" I ask, earning cringed expressions from him.

"Oh dumbass,how will you like being my friend?" I ask, forcing an ingenuie smile.

Impossible believing myself requesting friendship from a low classed body guard.

Well,any attainable measure to claim the throne. I sigh

"For real,your friend?" He questions in disbelief.

"Of course dumbass,my friend" I answer, maintaining my ingenuie smile.

"Yes my prince,a fool alone declines a friendship offer from a well respected and high classed prince" he accepts, giggling loudly.

"What a hasty little pest you are" I grin.

"I requested your friendship but you don't attain my friendship and trust overnight" I blurt, trapping his low leveled iq within an inevitable position.

"Quit proving dumb Chris, smartest and wisest alone attains my friendship" I huff.

"I really am sorry my prince but I have zero idea your point of direction" he mumbles, earning frustrated groans from me and annoying chuckles from Ryker.

"Okay,you don't become my friend without earning it,you've gotta perform tiny little and stress excluding tasks to attain my genuine friendship and trust" I basically explain.

"Task like?"

"Spying on Damien" I interrupt.

"To earn my adequate friendship,you need spy on Damien, account his every move, majorly his constant sneaking to the woods and after that report to me. You see,easy peasy" I explain smiling.

"Damien?, your elder brother,our current eldest alpha?" He questions foolishly, expressing second thoughts.

"Oh damn it,you bitches continuously express unexplained weakness towards prince Damien. He ain't your creator remember!" I yell, recalling previous Chris reaction towards same offer.

"Your expression,it signifies retreating and opting out right?" I question, gazing intensely inquisitive at his frightened expression.

"Certainly my prince, plotting against prince Damien seems wrong and negative,he's so much of a caretaker to betray" he explains, heightening my brewing rage.

"You jerk face,never did i mention plotting,all required form you is accounting appropriate records of his every day activities and report to me,that's spying not plotting!" I yell, flinching his frightened self.

"Seems best you are taught and brought to knowledge benefits of accepting my friendship and implications of adhering rejection " I smirk, bestowing him impressions of the worst.

"Earning my friendship like wise trust grants you a work over ability, I have the power to rescue your whooped ass from incoming messes and you earn appropriate and all day protection. Memerize an all day protection from an alpha, twenty four hours every week, fifty two weeks every year,no doubt you'll emerge unstoppable and one amongst blood moons most feared and respected guard. Finally,you earn daily as my friend,more wages added to your guardly income.

"To The implications Chris" I chuckle deviously.

"Your life messes up Chris,I'll attain every measures ensuring your god damn pathetic life a living hell,you'll request death which is certain never to come rather toture and excessive punishment shall attain it's peak when bored and satisfied, I'll result detaching your dumbass head from your neck socket" he flinches, broadening my constant smile.

"Also,I screw your lovely mate. All she wolves are extremely hot and sexy,we both have knowledge of that so screwing your wife before your very eyes wouldn't be gross or disgusting. Also quit that faithful expression revolving your face,no she wolfs excessively faithful to decline sexual pleasures from a hot, good looking and sexy prince, she'll gladly drool at my charms,right before your dumbstruck eyes"

"Playing impossible and difficult to get,I'll threaten her likewise her family and females being weaker species with softened heart, she'll comply under the threats of a prince,no doubt regarding that" I chuckle deviously.

"You a monster!" he curse, angrily clentching his fist.

"I get that alot so I'll let it slide" I smirk.

"The ball's within your court Chris, the devil awaits your response,a friendship decline or heart warming acceptance" I laugh minaciously.

"Am in,stay clear my mate, that's all" he reluctantly agrees.

"Wise choice Chris, friendship obligation commences immediately,trace Damien using his scent and spy his activities, simple" I persuade, continuously tapping his shoulders.

"Something else Chris" I halt his exiting steps.

"I've got eyes on you,never disclose our conversation and latest friendship to anyone, recall the implications" I threaten, earning understood nods from him.

"Perfect,go commence the spying" I order, viewing his saddened self gradually exit.

"He'll perform better compared to past Chris" I smile.

"Of course he will,you literally threatened his life, family and everything valuable he stands for and protects" Ryker judges.

"Quit your judging Ryker,you raged I murdered Chris but moon goddess currently provides another Chris so we should be greatful for that am make us this second chance wisely" I exclaim, striding down the hallway towards my bedroom.


Location: The woods (the lake)

Damien's POV

"Perfect method requesting a conversation Kara" I grunt painfully, pulling out the wolfsbane laced spear.

"I wasn't requesting Damien and you deserve such pain every hour and day of your life" she blurts.

"Perfect method apologizing an attempted murder"I huff,viewing the broadened injury gradually close up.

"Who would have thought the all good looking and innocent Damien possesses a gaint monster within" she taunt's, twinging her werewolf murdering cross bow.

"I was birthed an alpha Kara,I was birthed possessing a restless wolf blarbing non stop up my head and recall me mentioning never to judge a book by its cover,I mentioned such back at grace gracims eatery" I defend.

"Yeah you did,you had absolute knowledge the beast you are,a grey coloured flesh tasty wolf resides within you" she further attacks, making me heave in fustrastion.

"I never requested this okay,I was birthed such" I continually defend, battling Ryder's brewing rage.

"Oh God damn it,I was extremely dumb and foolish drooling at your charms. The ideas,they were obvious,they were right before me,the mate bond,the sparks,the moon goddess and your extreme charming features,they all are wolf gifted" she adds, expressing regrets.

"Okay Kara,quit the wierd games,what really are you after?" I question, battling my freedom seeking claws.

"Nothing much Damien, only witnessing suffering and painful expressions up your cute and misleading face" she responds, earning wild chuckles from me.

"Of course not Kara,we both have knowledge you desire seeing me unhurt,your expressions ruins your words" I chuckle louder.

"And how sure are you?. Am a freaking huntress Damien,princess over one amongst the most fierce and ruthless hunter clan feared by packs and fellow hunter clans,you bet I'll desire seeing a werewolf unhurt,no mere werewolf but an alpha" she scoffs.

"Of course princess,you desire seeing me unhurt,despite assuring yourself you don't,your inner desires betrays you" I persuades, advancing gradually towards her.

"Inner desires?" She Shutters.

"Inner desires similar to?" She questions further.

"Inner desires similar to this" I respond, pulling her unprepared self into a tight warm and comforting hug.

"Mmmm.." we both moan, feeling the sparks and mate bond kick in.

"This is unfair" she protests weakly amidst heavy moans.

"You crave this princess,it pulls your head nuts, you don't intend permanently lossing this feeling explaining why hurting and killing me is Impossible" I whisper seductively, running my moist tongue along her ear lobes, earning moan filled grunts from her.

"Quit your dumb actions" she lash, knocking her heavy metal carved cross bow against my head after retrieving her senses.

"Never in your damn life attempt such again!" she feign annoyance, aiming the cross bow towards my neck region.

"I had you there princess" I chuckle, heightening her rage.

"Am a Huntress Damien's, coexistence between us both is impossible" she huffs, shielding her reddened cheeks.

"An important question Damien,why are you undetectable?" She wiredly ask, earning cringed expressions from me.

"I have zero idea your question" I respond.

"My wristwatch here is a werewolf detector,it beeps coloured green signifying non werewolf and coloured red signifying a werewolf but currently it beeps colour green despite you being a werewolf,how's that so?" She questions.

"Honestly I have zero idea but your clan invented such right?"

"Yeah.." she shrugs.

"Great,You guys the predretors need be the expert over these technologies,not us the prey's" I explain, earning nods from her.

"The roar,ask her,ask her,we ain't departing without my curiosity resolved" Ryder persuades, making me groan in tiredness.

"Am freaking fed up with your horrible voice constantly blarbing within my head" I huff.

"So you intend discussing the roar during the full moon or seems best undiscussed?" I question, arching a brow.

"What roar?" She requestion's, feigning pretence.

"An event hanging our lips ajar occured during the full moon Kara,you don't expect me ignoring it's mystery" I presist.

"Am royalty Damien,am princess of the most dangerous hunter clan,you don't expect me werewolf blood surging through my veins,such is impossible, I'll you ignore the mystery,it seems best for us both" she finalize with an eye roll.

"Something else Damien,the night you rescued me,you murded a girl right?" She questions, earning hastily nods from me.

"Yeah,I mudered the female amongst both evil twins attempting your death" I explain, making her face palm herself.

"You have zero idea the implications of your actions. You mudered a huntress Damien,a werewolf murded a huntress and when uncovered the penalty is war,war Damien WAR!" She yells.

"War?" I chuckle.

"Your psychopathic clan murdered my dad,the alpha of our pack, your packs actions equivalents war and not me murdering a medium classed huntress" I lash.

"You have zero idea your opponent. My dad, the king over the hunters never participated in the war which claimed your dad's life,your dad was murdered by an anonymous hunter,an unknown mere hunter,I'll need you memerize a werewolf and hunter war indulging my dad's, he's ruthlessness and unpredictable strategies,you an inexperience aged twenty six werewolf is incapable preventing his wrath, you quiver right before his knees" she explains, abandoning me drowning within the unpleasant imagination.


Tyler's POV

Location: The woods

"Perfect?" I whisper, replaying the audio containing Kara's conversation with the werewolf.

"Proof for Kara's downfall" I chuckle, observing their diverged attention before exiting my hiding position.