
Fated To His Darkness

FATED TO HIS DARKNESS "Are you trying to gain my attention?" he asked, a note of cynicism and gave her his devilish smile. ______________________________________________ "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how... In a world where vampires and witches secretly coexist with humans, there lived a fragile and timid vampire named Aliena. Her life took a tragic turn when her mother left her, leaving her in the care of her cruel stepfamily, the Anwars, who despised her for being different. Aliena was not like other vampires. She possessed no remarkable abilities or strengths, often the target of her stepsisters' mockery and mistreatment. Forced to live in secrecy among humans in the Mundane universe, her life was a never-ending nightmare. But destiny had different plans for Aliena. The vampire kingdom of Nacrifa, in the mysterious realm known as the Dark Universe, was on the brink of war. The current king, summoned all vampires in the Mundane universe back. Upon her arrival in Nacrifa, Aliena was introduced to a world of darkness, magic, and intrigue. The royal court was a complex web of vampire politics, where alliances were fragile, and betrayals were commonplace. Amidst the chaos, Aliena found herself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic Crown Prince, Sebastian. He was not a pure vampire but a rare hybrid, born of both vampire and witch bloodlines, and carried an air of mystery and danger. As Sebastian and Aliena spent more time together, their connection deepened, and a forbidden romance blossomed. But the path to their love was not smooth, as both their worlds were threatened by external forces. Dark creatures and powerful adversaries sought to tear apart the kingdom of Nacrifa, and Aliena discovered her unique abilities could be the key to victory. Yet, the mysteries didn't end there. The Crown Prince harbored a hidden identity that even his closest confidants were unaware of. Secrets from the past began to unravel, and their intertwined destinies became entangled in a tapestry of love, magic, and danger. As the war loomed over Nacrifa, Aliena had to find the strength within herself to rise above her weaknesses and embrace her true self. In a world where strength came in many forms, she had to prove that even the weakest vampire had a role to play in the kingdom's survival.

Deborah_13 · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


Former King Egeus Scheller made his grand entrance into the ballroom where the Royal ball was scheduled to take place later that evening. Egeus wandered around the room, helping himself to blueberries from various bowls, savoring each one.

The servants he encountered respectfully bowed to him as he moved through the hall, nodding his approval at the preparations made for the event. He admired the intricate decor that adorned the high ceiling and engaged in conversations with arriving nobles.

Egeus was a figure of great respect, given his exceptional rule during his prime when he served as the Kingdom's monarch. He had passed the crown to his son, the current King, and that was enough to earn him the admiration of all who wished to be closer to the royal throne. Egeus mingled with Dukes and Lords, but his attention soon turned to his enigmatic grandson.

"Excuse me," Egeus politely excused himself from his associates and made his way to his grandson, Sebastian. A friendly pat on the back caused Sebastian to spill the wine he was holding.

"Crown Prince Sebastian," Egeus addressed him.

Sebastian, slightly irritated, responded, "What are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to catch up on lost time with you."

"Why did you return?"

"That's none of your concern," Egeus chuckled, seemingly more interested in inspecting his long nails. "We do have some serious matters to discuss. How about we talk after the ball?" he suggested.

Sebastian agreed with a nod and left the ballroom to change his wine-soaked clothes, courtesy of his grandfather's actions.

Egeus watched his grandson's departure with a fading smile and a sigh of frustration. Sebastian, while cold and distant to most, appeared to trust his grandfather. However, this trust would soon be put to the test, as Egeus had plans that could potentially disrupt their bond forever.

"Where is she?" Egeus muttered to himself, his expression fraught with worry and determination.


"Ow, Dinna, you're practically squeezing the air out of me," I complained as Dinna tightened the laces of my corset gown.

"Sorry, it's supposed to be this way," she explained.

Today was the night of the ball, and I felt an unusual nervousness creeping in, although I couldn't pinpoint the source.

"Nervous?" Dinna inquired, suspicious.

"No," I responded unconvincingly.

"Lies. Your heartbeat is faster than usual," she pointed out, her keen vampire senses picking up on the subtle changes.

"You're right," I admitted.

"I am too," she added.

Dinna secured the final lace before saying, "Let me brief you about the Royal family."

"Okay," I agreed, sitting up attentively.

"If you encounter any of them, simply bow in respect and leave, unless they engage you in conversation, which I doubt will happen. The King and Queen have nine children, but the King also has an illegitimate son, Crown Prince Sebastian, the next in line for the throne."

"Illegitimate?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Yes, his father had an affair with a witch, but the witch was captured and killed, as vampires detest witches."

"So you mean Prince Sebastian is half-witch and half-vampire?" I inquired, a look of bewilderment crossing my face.

"Rumors suggest that the Queen ordered the death of Sebastian's mother because she was engaged to the King at that time."

"And the King did nothing about it?"

"He craved power and didn't want to displease the Queen, whose family held the power he sought."

"The Queen must have been jealous," I surmised.

"Perhaps," Dinna responded. "But Sebastian's mother managed to escape and gave birth to him. She was eventually captured and killed when he was just eight. Sebastian was brought to the palace and proclaimed as the next heir to the throne."

I imagined the immense weight that must have borne on Sebastian's shoulders, witnessing the death of his own mother and being taken in by the very family that had ordered her execution.

"I'm not entirely sure of the details, as these events took place 300 years ago," Dinna admitted.

I leaned back, processing the complicated history of the Royal family. What I had initially thought would be a straightforward monarchy was far more intricate and daunting.

"Tell me more about the Prince," I requested.

"I don't know much," Dinna confessed.

"Tell me what you do know," I urged.

Dinna sighed before sharing, "He's over 200 years old, the most feared prince in this Universe. Yet, every lady wants to be with him due to his incredible good looks, and he doesn't hesitate to kill."

I hadn't expected to hear such a description from Dinna, but I accepted it for what it was.

"Is he really that terrifying?" I asked, a sense of unease creeping in.

"Very. I'm fortunate to have never crossed paths with him," Dinna admitted.

A series of deep sighs escaped me, causing me to question the state of this Universe. I decided that I'd steer clear of the Royal family's tangled matters and live my life without interference. I shifted the conversation to topics I found more fascinating and less disconcerting.

"Many Kingdoms exist in the Dark Universe, just as there are different countries in the Mundane Universe," Dinna explained.

"Really? What's our Kingdom called?" I asked.

"It's called Nacrifa."

"Okay," I noted the name mentally. "Why is this place called the Dark Universe?"

Dinna hesitated before replying, "I'm not sure. It's a part of our history, and you can find more information in the Royal library. You have the privilege to access it since your father is a Duke."

I nodded, my curiosity mostly satisfied. I had asked all the questions I wanted to. There was a brief pause before I asked one more thing.

"All done," Dinna exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

I rose from my seat and closed my eyes, taking a moment to center myself. Then, I opened my eyes and gazed into the full-length mirror, a sight that left me breathless. I wore a red sequined gown adorned with golden stones, highlighting my figure in all the right places. A pair of red gloves extended to my forearms, and the dress had a straight corset style, displaying a hint of cleavage.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the stunning reflection in the mirror. My long blonde hair cascaded down to my waist.

Dinna beamed with satisfaction and presented me with a pair of shoes.

"And for the final touch," she declared, producing a golden mask and a blue mask. She handed me the golden one and explained, "It's a masquerade ball."

A moment of silence passed between us before Dinna couldn't contain her excitement.

"Oh, Aliena, you look so beautiful and enchanting, like a goddess," she complimented.

I brushed off the flattery with a laugh, attributing the dress to my father's impeccable taste.

A knock on the door interrupted our moment, and Dinna stepped out to answer it. My father entered the room as she left.

"Good day, Father."

"Come here, darling," he beckoned with open arms, and I embraced him warmly. We parted after a few seconds, and my father commented, "You look beautiful, just like your mother."

The mention of my mother brought tears to my eyes. He reached into his pocket and presented a small box.

"Father!" I exclaimed in delight, accepting the box. I opened it to find a gold necklace with a red crystal pendant.

"This necklace belonged to your mother," he explained, gazing at it with a touch of nostalgia. "She wanted me to give it to you on your eighteenth birthday, little did I know it would be a farewell gift. I apologize for not presenting it to you earlier."

I was deeply moved by the gift. My father took the necklace and clasped it around my neck, and I fingered the pendant thoughtfully.

"Thank you," I said, feeling a connection to my mother and her legacy.

"You remind me so much of your mother. You're her spitting image. I loved her deeply and can't understand why she chose to leave," my father confessed.

"It's okay," I replied, even though I was struggling with my own internal questions. Why had she left? Was it because of my weakness?

"Alright, I've arranged for a car to take you and your handmaid to the ball. Your mother and sisters are already on their way. We'll wait for you outside so we can enter as a family."

Family? I couldn't help but think about the bullying and cruelty I endured from my stepfamily. It seemed that my father had already replaced the notion of "steps" with "family."

"Okay," I agreed with a nod.

My father gave me one last look before exiting the room. Dinna returned, and I immediately sought comfort in her arms, shedding a few tears.

"It's okay," Dinna whispered, patting my back gently.

I wasn't entirely sure why I was crying, but it may have been a mix of emotions regarding my mother. When my tears subsided, I and Dinna boarded the car my father had arranged.

Throughout the journey, I couldn't help but play with the necklace my father had given me, feeling an inexplicable connection to it.