
Fated To His Darkness

FATED TO HIS DARKNESS "Are you trying to gain my attention?" he asked, a note of cynicism and gave her his devilish smile. ______________________________________________ "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how... In a world where vampires and witches secretly coexist with humans, there lived a fragile and timid vampire named Aliena. Her life took a tragic turn when her mother left her, leaving her in the care of her cruel stepfamily, the Anwars, who despised her for being different. Aliena was not like other vampires. She possessed no remarkable abilities or strengths, often the target of her stepsisters' mockery and mistreatment. Forced to live in secrecy among humans in the Mundane universe, her life was a never-ending nightmare. But destiny had different plans for Aliena. The vampire kingdom of Nacrifa, in the mysterious realm known as the Dark Universe, was on the brink of war. The current king, summoned all vampires in the Mundane universe back. Upon her arrival in Nacrifa, Aliena was introduced to a world of darkness, magic, and intrigue. The royal court was a complex web of vampire politics, where alliances were fragile, and betrayals were commonplace. Amidst the chaos, Aliena found herself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic Crown Prince, Sebastian. He was not a pure vampire but a rare hybrid, born of both vampire and witch bloodlines, and carried an air of mystery and danger. As Sebastian and Aliena spent more time together, their connection deepened, and a forbidden romance blossomed. But the path to their love was not smooth, as both their worlds were threatened by external forces. Dark creatures and powerful adversaries sought to tear apart the kingdom of Nacrifa, and Aliena discovered her unique abilities could be the key to victory. Yet, the mysteries didn't end there. The Crown Prince harbored a hidden identity that even his closest confidants were unaware of. Secrets from the past began to unravel, and their intertwined destinies became entangled in a tapestry of love, magic, and danger. As the war loomed over Nacrifa, Aliena had to find the strength within herself to rise above her weaknesses and embrace her true self. In a world where strength came in many forms, she had to prove that even the weakest vampire had a role to play in the kingdom's survival.

Deborah_13 · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Am I Beautiful?

Numerous luggages were meticulously lined up in my room, most of them containing my step-siblings' belongings. I let out a heavy sigh as I looked around. Today was the day my family and I were returning to our kingdom.

I felt a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation, unsure whether returning to our kingdom meant relief from my step-family's oppressive presence, or if I'd be confined to their company for the foreseeable future.

With a sense of resignation, I bent down and removed the duvet from the mattress, folding it with precision before stuffing it into one of the bags. It was the final item I needed to pack. As I scanned the room, I noticed that there was no trace of my mother's presence, not even a memento to remember her by.

The door creaked open, and Hermia, my sister, entered. "Do you need a hand, sister?" she kindly offered.

"Yes, thank you," I replied.

Together, we wrestled with the luggage, carefully making our way downstairs. The entire family was gathered there, including a person I had never seen before.

He had striking white hair tied in a ponytail and a gaze with greenish, forest-green eyes. A thought crossed my mind: was he a vampire? His attire, a white long gown, and the staff-like object with a white, glowing orb certainly subjected it.

My father, noticing our hesitation to approach, signaled for Hermia and me to come closer. "This is the wizard of our kingdom. He's been sent to transport everyone back," my father informed us.

Hermia and I walked over to the group, and the wizard requested that we form a circle. This was intriguing; I had never seen a wizard before, let alone witnessed magic.

With some incantations, the wizard worked his magic, and in an instant, we were transported to a dense forest. In the blink of an eye, the wizard announced his departure, leaving us bewildered and alone in the unfamiliar woods. How would we find our way?

"The car will be here any moment now," I overheard my father say, as if he had read my thoughts.

"Father," Lydia called out.

"Yes?" he responded.

"What title do you hold in this kingdom? Are you a noble?" Lydia inquired.

"Yes, darling. I am the Duke of Asteria, and your stepmother is the Duchess," my father responded, a hint of pride in his voice.

"Your mother has explained it all, Lydia," my father added.

Unbeknownst to me, my father held the title of Duke, a revelation that caught me by surprise. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together.

"This place is going to be fun," Hermia whispered in my ear. "And the forest is stunning."

I recalled the wizard who had left us in the woods and examined our surroundings. The forest was indeed beautiful, characterized by dark, vibrant greenery, tall trees, and an abundance of nature.

Soon, the sound of a car approaching broke the forest's tranquility.

After a lengthy journey, we were ushered into a magnificent mansion. The size and grandeur of the place left me in awe. As we arrived at the entrance, three men, dressed in similar attire and appearing as guards, respectfully bowed to us. We were then guided inside by a maid, while other maids took care of our luggage.

I couldn't help but notice that everything in the Dark Universe seemed ancient. Even during the car ride, I had spotted people dressed in antiquated clothing, although they still used modern technology. It was the 21st century, yet they dressed as if they lived in a bygone era, perhaps even riding horses. Clearly, things were different here, but it was all so enchanting and breathtaking.

Further inside the mansion, a man descended the staircase, looking to be in his late thirties, though I suspected he was much older.

"Butler Peor!" my father exclaimed as they embraced, displaying a camaraderie that suggested years of friendship.

"Peor, meet my family," my father introduced us to the man.

"It's such a lovely family you have, Duke Edward," Butler Peor commented.

"He is our butler," my father informed us.

We exchanged pleasantries with Butler Peor before maids led us to our respective rooms. Upon entering my room, I collapsed onto the plush bed.

The softness and comfort of the bed were unlike anything I had experienced before. It could have easily accommodated seven more people. The room itself was incredibly spacious and adorned with ancient artifacts and antiquities.

I heard a faint knock on the door and assumed it was Hermia. I opened the door, but the person standing before me was a young girl, just a couple of years older than me, dressed in the attire I had observed on a few maids. She possessed delicate features.

"Good day, milady," she greeted, bowing her head.

"Good day. How may I help you?" I responded.

"Your father, Humble Sir Duke Edward, has assigned me to be your handmaid," she explained, her head still bowed.

A handmaid? I hadn't been entitled to a handmaid while I was in the Mundane Universe. Lydia had forcibly made me tell my father that I didn't need one, and truthfully, I didn't. I had witnessed the impact of handmaids on Lydia.

Lydia and Helena couldn't function without assistance. Their handmaids helped them with bathing, dressing, and even waking up. Hermia had a handmaid as well, but she was more independent.

"Come in," I invited her, opening the door wider.

She entered hesitantly, surveying the room as if searching for a task. Then she turned to me and asked, "Would you like me to help you with something?"

"No," I replied with a smile, gently closing the door. "What's your name?"

"It's Dinna, Dinna Sylveon."

"Okay, Dinna. I want you to be more than just a handmaid. I want you to be my friend," I proposed.

I saw this as an opportunity. Rather than being a traditional handmaid, Dinna could be my friend, teaching me about the Universe and sharing her knowledge. She would learn from me, and I would learn from her.

Dinna appeared puzzled, bowing her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, but I'm nothing more than a commoner. Commoners don't usually associate with nobles, especially nobles of your high status."

"What do you mean?" I asked, disappointment creeping into my eyes. "Commoner? I don't quite understand how this Universe operates. Be my friend," I insisted.

A week passed since I had arrived in the Dark Universe, and I was beginning to find it a bit dull. Dinna and I had been bonding, and my stepmother and stepsisters hadn't mistreated me because my father was always present, and I mostly stayed indoors.

"Are you ready for the ball?" Dinna asked while taking care of my hair. I allowed Dinna to assist today because she had pleaded earnestly.

"I'm not sure," I replied, my eyes growing heavy as bedtime approached.

A grand ball was scheduled to take place in two days, and everyone was attending. I would get to meet many of my kind.

"It's going to be amazing," Dinna assured me. "Commoners were invited too. This will be my first time attending a royal ball," she said excitedly.

"But don't you find it suspicious?" I inquired, veering away from the ball topic.

"Suspicious?" she echoed. "What's suspicious?"

"I mean, the king's sudden summons for everyone to return. It seems odd."

"Well, it's suspicious, but what can we do? We might find out more at the ball," Dinna reasoned.

"Speaking of the ball, what is the royal family like?" I asked. I had asked Dinna many questions about the Universe, but I had never inquired about the royal family.

"The royal family?" she repeated. "They are power-hungry, each one of them with their own desires to fulfill."

"How do you know?" I inquired skeptically.

"I used to work in the royal palace before I was transferred to serve your father," Dinna explained.

"I see," I replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to know more about them. It seems appropriate, especially since my father has connections with them."

"Of course, it's proper," she agreed. "But they are not to be trifled with, especially Prince Sebastian."

"Oh, please, let's change the topic from something so depressing," I suggested. "What else can we talk about?"

"Depressing, you say? The Royal family mustn't hear you say that they are depressing," she cautioned.

"Whatever," I replied, rolling my eyes. "How old are you, Dinna?"

"I am 22, milady."

"Call me Aliena."

"Okay, Aliena," she emphasized the name.

"My guess was correct; you are two years older than me," I observed.

"I suppose you are 20."

"That's right," I confirmed.

Lydia was 22, the same age as Dinna, while Hermia was 18, and Helena was 19. I watched Dinna through the mirror as she combed my hair with great enthusiasm. She seemed so cheerful, and I couldn't help but wonder what had her in such high spirits. The ball couldn't be the sole cause.

"Is it the ball that's making you so joyful, or is it something else?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Of course, it's the ball. Why?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious."

"Aren't you excited? You should be because your beauty will surely captivate decent, good-looking men at the ball," she commented.

"What beauty?" I asked, perplexed.

She completed my hair, rolling it into a messy bun, before answering, "You are the most beautiful person I've ever set my eyes on. Don't you know your beauty could make a thousand men fall for you?"

"I don't think so," I laughed.

"Well, you are more beautiful than your sisters," she declared. Her words caught me by surprise, and I sputtered in disbelief.

"Are you serious?"

"Absolutely," she responded. "I have to return to my quarters now," she said, and I nodded.

Once she left, I found myself alone in front of the mirror. I gazed at my reflection, my blonde hair and red eyes framed by long eyelashes. My stepfamily had always made me believe I was anything but beautiful.

I had to wonder: Am I beautiful? While people in the Mundane Universe had often told me I was beautiful, I couldn't help but question the sincerity of their compliments.

I had no clear answer to that question, but based on the comments from others, the answer was yes.