

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · แฟนตาซี
96 Chs



Her awkwardness was adorable, although it was also slightly annoying. Not her, but you could tell how uncomfortable she was doing everyday mundane things that should be normal to anybody.

She always stood as if she was waiting for orders or waiting for me to ask her to do something, unless I forced her to sit. It was beginning to irritate me. At least she had put her clothes on, but now she was standing at the door with her eyes straight ahead and her hands behind her back. We had just bathed together, yet she was still trying to act like my servant. It was as if it was uncomfortable for her to be herself, or maybe she wasn't used to being herself and only used to being the version of what everyone wanted her to be. It was like watching someone who had been institutionalized.

A knock sounded on the door. I knew the car was ready. I watched her move to open it before standing back in her corner as if she could blend into the bookcase. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other like she was pressed with pee but didn't say a word.

As I saw my Beta walking in, I noticed that he also saw my mate, Ania. He was aware of my struggle with her, to treat her like a person and not a slave who always catered to my every whim. If I muttered about something, she would immediately move to clean it or fix it.

Even when I helped her out of the bath, Ania quickly got dressed and raced around to clean up the mess I had made the night before, even after I told her not to. She muttered about how it was her job to clean. I shook my head and let her continue doing whatever she wanted to. Even when I tried to help, she would beat me to it.

It had reached a point where I would try to race her, doing some tasks quicker than she could. But I could see that it bothered her when I did things that were initially bestowed upon her. She probably thought she would get into trouble if someone walked in on me cleaning my own room.

"Morning Ania," Dwight greeted her, and she bowed respectfully, baring her neck to him.

"Morning Beta," she answered politely. Dwight scratched his neck awkwardly while looking at me. I knew it also irritated him that she used his title, especially since she would outrank him once she realized that I was her mate. I was hoping to have a conversation with her, for her to ask me anything. However, I was starting to realize that the chances of her ever asking for anything were very slim.

A growl escaped from me as she addressed him, and she jumped in surprise. Her eyes quickly darted to the floor. I clicked my tongue before Dwight's voice flitted through my head as he mind-linked me.

"I thought you two were on the same page," he exclaimed.

"So did I, but she still insists on being my servant. She's been standing there for 10 minutes now," I said.

"But I could have sworn you were in the bath with her this morning," he stated.

"Yep," I confirmed, and his brows furrowed.

"Did you have a fight?" he asked.

"What? No, I think that's just how she is," I explained.

I grabbed my phone and wallet, then tossed them to Dwight, who caught them and put them in his pocket.

"Maybe she thinks she's your sex slave or something," Dwight argued, still using the link.

"We didn't have sex," I corrected.

I told Ania to come with us, and she nodded, following a few steps behind us down the hall. Dwight stopped, waiting for her to fall in line with me, but she also stopped.

"Ania," I called to her. She looked at me, and I motioned for her to come towards me before grabbing her hand. She glanced at our linked fingers, and her entire body tensed as she looked at the guard, who paid no attention whatsoever, as they were trained to do.

"My..." she started, but I growled when she wanted to address me. I knew she was going to protest about me touching her in public, as she kept glancing at the guard, who was well aware of who she was to me. I was pretty sure the entire castle knew, except Ania and Rina. How they hadn't figured it out yet was beyond me. I noticed instantly when she tried to gently pull her hand from mine, and I didn't allow it.

"They won't hurt you. You're doing nothing wrong," I tried to reassure her, but she was frozen in place, as if waiting for someone to scream "off with her head" for merely being near me. I was fuming at how timid she was. Dwight had been complaining all week about Rina being the same. He said it was like she was mute. She had even managed to scare him a couple of times with how quiet she was.

My heart raced as I pulled her towards me, crushing her petite frame against my chest. I quickly pressed my lips to hers, causing her to startle and glance around. Before she could react further, I used my calling.

Being a Lycan, I had the ability to use my calling on her, something I had done a few times before. While I used to laugh when my sister would get worked up during her pregnancy, my brother-in-law could always calm her down with his calling. I didn't understand the need for it until I found myself using it on Ania without even thinking.

I came to understand why it was called a calling - it was like a sedative that only mates could use to subdue each other. While it could be used in more barbaric situations, such as with my mother.

My father was a good king and father, although I know my mother wasn't his mate. It was an arranged marriage, and she refused him when they married, declining to be marked by him. Neither of them wanted to marry, but once he marked her, it was history, and I often watched growing up how she always seemed calm around him. It wasn't until after they passed away, and I saw my sister and her mate that I understood why my father always purred when my mother was near.

I wasn't exactly 100 percent positive that Ania was my mate until I realized that the calling sedated her. It could only be used on mates or those marked and taken as mates. So, I knew without a doubt, like we suspected, that she was, in fact, my mate, or it wouldn't have worked without me marking her.

Ania pressed closer, seeking me out, her body turning languid in my arms as I pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. Her tongue played with mine, and I smiled against her lips before letting her go but not her hand. Her face flushed pink, and she glanced around, but Dwight just nodded and smiled at her. The guard stared straight ahead. She turned, looking towards the stairs, when she suddenly took a step back. I followed her gaze to see Janet. Ania tensed and moved awkwardly, moving behind me slightly.

"What are you doing here, Janet? You don't work on my floor anymore," I asked her, noticing the way she was glaring at Ania. But as soon as her gaze shifted to me, her demeanor changed completely.

"My King, I was wondering if there was anything I could help with," Janet replied, and I nodded in response. However, Ania remained silent and refused to even look in Janet's direction.

"Are Janet and Ania not friends?" I asked Dwight through our mind-link.

"I haven't seen them together," he responded simply. I nodded and gently tugged on Ania's hand, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. She stood slightly behind me, staring off vacantly at the wall.

"You may go, Janet," I said without looking at her, my eyes still fixed on my mate. Perhaps Ania felt awkward because Janet used to be a servant like she was before. I hoped that was no longer the case, as I didn't want Ania to continue waiting on me. However, breaking that habit was proving to be a challenge.

Dwight said, "The King dismissed you, Janet. Go on your way," and I heard her footsteps as she rushed down the stairs.

"Do you not like Janet?" I asked Ania, and she looked at me before shaking her head.

"No, she's fine. I just don't know her very well," Ania answered, and the guard cleared his throat. I glanced at him, and so did Ania. He nodded to her, indicating that something was going on that I wasn't aware of. I would have to find out later. However, something told me that she was lying, and that didn't sit well with me. If she kept it up, she would learn not to do it again, one way or another.


As the King led me downstairs, I realized that I really needed to use the restroom. I had been holding it in all morning, and as we reached the last step, Zara appeared holding an insulated bag.

"Good morning, King Arman," she greeted him cheerfully, flashing a smile at me. Dwight took the bags from her, and I offered to help, but he shook his head. I furrowed my brows, unsure of what to do as the King spoke to one of the guards who was waiting with Zara. Meanwhile, I noticed the guard from upstairs standing behind me. Surprisingly, the guards didn't seem to mind his affectionate behavior. Suddenly, I heard someone whistling, and I turned around to see Rina. I was hesitant to approach her, and it seemed like she was feeling the same way. We still hadn't figured out what was appropriate behavior in front of the king.

Just then, my mind-link opened up, and I felt Rina's presence.

"Where is your uniform? Are you trying to get in trouble?" she asked.

"I have to go with the King somewhere. He told me to wear these," I replied. We chatted, and I told her how much I missed her. Soon enough, the king was pulling me with him as we walked out.

I really hoped the drive wouldn't be long, or maybe a service station was on the way. I really needed to pee. He stopped beside the limousine, and the driver opened the door. I looked back at the castle while he spoke with the driver and two men, one from each of the black cars parked nearby.

Janet walked around the side of the castle with a basket of apples. That side of the castle was full of fruit trees, which ran along the fence line up the side of the castle. She stopped, also spotting me, and glared at me. I didn't understand her issue; I had done nothing to her, but she was always nasty. She stalked inside quickly, and I looked back at the King, only to see the Beta watching me. He glanced at Janet's retreating form before looking back at me. I dropped my gaze and pressed my legs together.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty?" I called out softly.

"Yes, love. What's wrong?" he asked, and my face heated up as the King let go of my hand and then cupped my face. I found myself struggling to speak.

"Ania!" the king called out, looking deep into my eyes.

"I need to use the bathroom," I whispered.

"Why didn't you use the bathroom earlier?" he asked, before he let out a sigh.

"Go on," he said, and I darted off back into the castle. I ran to the servant's bathroom, racing through the halls. When I reached the stall, I ripped off my pants, cursing that they were giving me a wedgie and nearly causing me to pee on myself. After finishing, I flushed the toilet, feeling relieved that my bladder wasn't screaming at me. Unlocking the door, I stepped out to wash my hands, only to find Janet leaning against the sink basin.

Before she could open her mouth to say anything, a guard suddenly walked in, interrupting her. He stood there, looking between us, and I quickly washed my hands, using him as an excuse to escape. As I walked toward him, Janet snorted a laugh, causing me to stop.

"You think the guard cares what happens to some rogue sl*t?" Janet spat at me.

"Janet, I don't know what your problem is. We are the same; I am a servant just like you," I told her. However, the anger and fury in her eyes couldn't be hidden.