

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · แฟนตาซี
96 Chs



I awoke the next morning to the sun filtering into the room. As I rolled over, I accidentally bumped into the king. He smiled his breathtaking smile and leaned in towards me. "Good morning, Ania," he growled before capturing my lips with his own.

His tongue traced the seam of my lips and his hand trailed higher, slipping underneath my shirt. He cupped my breasts with his large hands, his thumb flicking my hardened nipples as he toyed with them. I gasped and pulled away, unsure of his touch. He chuckled, nipping at my chin, jaw, and ear.

"My king," I murmured, my voice sounding breathy even to my own ears. What was this insane man doing now? He ignored my words, and his only answer was a low growl that made me jump as his hands continued to squeeze and play with my breasts.

My entire body felt warm at his touch as his lips moved back to mine, swallowing any words I may have wanted to say. His touch made everything tingle with heat, and my body felt foreign. The king pressed his knee between my legs, forcing me onto my back. His leg pushed between my thighs, and a new sensation moved through my abdomen and between my legs. I had never felt this pulse before, and it made me uncomfortable. I jerked away, breaking the kiss, and the space between my thighs felt wet and pulsated.

"Ar-man...," I stuttered out, feeling flustered as his hand trailed across my lower abdomen.

His hand stopped, then, he pulled back to look down at me. His eyes trailed over me, and he growled with a sound that made my pulse quicken, and my legs tried to involuntarily shut, but his knee prevented them from closing.

"You smell good enough to eat," He growled before pressing his face into my neck; his tongue tasted my skin before he sucked on the same spot. A purr tore out of me, and my face turned away, offering him more of my neck .

"That's it, Ania, let your body tell you what it wants." He hissed.

As the King nipped and licked my skin, my body felt foreign, and I couldn't explain the sensations he was causing. I wanted more, but I also knew it was wrong. After all, he was a King, and I was nothing but his servant. I shouldn't even be in his room. The difference in our titles, the nature of what we were doing, and the trouble I could get into flooded me with worry.

"My King," I stuttered, and a violent rippling shiver rushed up my spine as he sucked on the spot where my neck met my shoulder. He growled, but the noise sounded annoyed, and a chill overtook me as his aura rushed over me, crushing the air from my lungs.

"What did I say about calling me that, Ania? I let it slide the first time. If you call me 'My King' again, you will be punished. I will punish you if you don't use my name," he growled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," I blurted out. The mere thought of punishment from a King made my heart race. My blood turned to ice in my veins as my stomach dropped, forming a deep pit of dread. I swallowed, and he growled again, but this time I was unsure of why as he sat up and turned away from me. His hands fisted the quilts as he sat on the edge of the bed.

My fear worsened when I saw the muscles in his back flex and tense. His spine rippled as he fought the urge to shift. I didn't understand how calling him by his title could anger him so much.

"I have told you not to call me that, and you still continue to," his words came out slowly, and the firmness behind them made my hands tremble. His growl sent a tremor through my entire body.

Images of memories flashed behind my eyelids with each blink. The times I had been punished, the darkness of the cupboards Lucy would lock me in. The feel of the whip on my back refreshed in my mind, the countless times I had received the strap across the back of my knees, the weakness that came from hunger when she would punish us by depriving us of anything to eat. Then the sound of the sword across the stone where it should have ended. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears burned my eyes, wanting to fall.

"I haven't asked much of you, but if I ask for one thing, it would be for you to use my darn name," the King snarled. I could hear the anger in his voice and feel his aura pressing down on me threateningly, promising the violence of his wrath.

"Are you listening?" he snapped, and the whimper I tried to suppress broke past my lips when I felt the sudden movement on the bed as he shifted. "Don't make noise," the mantra I lived by.

"Tears won't help you, so why waste them? They help nobody, only make you look uglier," Lucy's voice boomed in my head.

"Ania?" the King called out. My entire body trembled and tensed as I tried to fight the urge to tuck tail and run as he scolded me, while hands ran up my arms.

"Shh, shh," he hissed. I was yanked across the bed, and my eyes flew open at the sudden movement, expecting to be thrown away like garbage, but instead, I found myself on his lap.

"I won't hurt you. I would never hurt you, Ania. I didn't mean..." the king whispered in my ear. He let out a heavy sigh, dropping his face in my neck as he held me close. I was rigid in his arms, my entire body screaming to run, and I started to itch. My fingers itched to claw at my skin to stop the tremors rattling my nerves.

"You're not in trouble, my love," the king whispered before he started purring. The sound vibrated against my side, and I felt my heart rate slowing down. I found it odd that his purr had that effect on me, like an instant muscle relaxant. My entire body turned lax as I melted against him, the thrum lulling away my shakes.

"That's it, Ania. I need to remember to watch what I say," he murmured. I must have felt asleep because the next thing I heard was,

"Please lift your arms, Ania," the King said, but I was trying to figure out when he ran a bath and how I got in it.

His hands gripped the hem of my shirt before lifting it, and my arms rose above my head at his soft command as he tugged it off. My waking mind was trying to figure out what was going on.

"I feel strange," I murmured to myself.

"It's the calling, something Lycans can do; you were upset," he explained. I tried to process his words, but nothing came to mind. Maybe I had heard wrong. I thought the calling was only meant for mates, like Hunter was for me. How could Arman use it on me?

The water moved as he grabbed my hands, placing them on his thighs, and I looked down to see he had no pants on, before looking up at my naked chest.

"My..." I started.

"Please call me Arman," he corrected me, interrupting my words.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he apologized, my thoughts muddled and hazy as I tried to make sense of the situation. I realized that my shirt was missing and felt disoriented.

"You won't be needing your panties either," he murmured, and I noticed his claws slipping out from under the water. I wanted to resist, but I found myself submitting to his touch as he ran his hands over my legs, and then he kissed my shoulder. My underwear was torn to shreds, and he threw them out of the bathtub onto the tiles. He drew me closer to him and brushed my hair aside.

"I didn't mean to scare you, Ania. That was never my intention," he whispered softly into my ear, his lips moving up to my neck and jaw.

Arman touched my chin with his wet fingers as he turned my face up and toward his. His mouth covered mine as he licked my lips before sucking the lower one into his mouth. He groaned making my legs to tremble at that sound. I tried to pull away, but his hand on my neck and thumb on my jaw kept my face where he wanted. His legs moved underneath mine; he bent his knees, pulling my legs up, over his and spreading them apart.

His other hand on my stomach dragged me closer while he deepened the kiss, his tongue tangling with mine. His hand moved higher, palming my breast before plucking at my nipple. When I felt his e******n dig into my lower back.

His hand moved lower, caressing over my skin and moving between my legs. My legs trembled as l tried to shut them, but he pressed them against the walls of the bathtub trapping them. He purred against my lips before nipping them as his hand cupped my p***y then he growled. The aching pulse returned with a vengeance, and I was sure he could feel it.

My mind screamed; he shouldn't be touching me there, but my body demanded his touch as he squeezed firmly, his fingers rubbing my tender flesh, and I pulled my lips from his. His purr grew louder, his eyes watching my face. My face heated under his watchful gaze as he tilted his head.

My skin felt hot; every part of me felt extremely hot when one of his fingers slid between the seam of my lips before brushing against my c**t. My hips jerked at the sensation, and he smiled. The point of his canines protruded out between his lips, and his eyes flashed to black at the movement. His finger moved lower, rubbing around my entrance as his thumb brushed over the same spot earning the same reaction as I moaned in ectasy, while my eyes fluttered at the foreign sensation.

He growled softly before his lips crashed against mine hungrily, and I answered his kiss. My body aching for his touch despite being wholly aware it was wrong. My legs trembled as he kept brushing the same spot with his thumb while his finger pressed against my entrance, the water moved, lapping at my skin as his other hand gripped my breast and squeezed hard, making an audible whiny sound escape me.

I had no idea why I was allowing him to touch me this way, but did I have a choice? He was a King. But the feeling building in my stomach and the heat ravaging through me made me putty in his hands. And my eyes shut, my lips pulling from him as my head fell back on his shoulder. My hips rolled against his playful fingers that played me like a well-tuned musical instrument.

His thumb brushed my c**t, rubbing and flicking when I felt his finger force its way inside me. My eyes squeezed tighter at the intrusion, and my hips jerked back when I felt the hardness of him dig into my back. My heart rate spiked at the realization, and my eyes flew open.

"Shh, Ania, just because it is touching you, doesn't mean I will use it," The King said, pressing his lips to my shoulder. He forced his finger in deeper, and I squirmed as I felt my walls try to stretch around it, clamping tightly around him. Open mouth kisses trailed over my shoulder and neck as he withdrew his finger before pushing it back in.

His deep resounding purr forced my body to relax, and I slumped back against him, my legs no longer shaking as I tried to shut them by clamping them. Instead, they fell heavily over his legs. He worked his finger in and out of me, his thumb rubbing on my c**t made me moan as I gave into the building sensation. Letting him do as he pleased as my stomach tightened when he pulled his wet finger from my throbbing heat before adding another, his lips swallowed the sound that escaped me as he worked both fingers into me pushing in deep. At the same time, his other hand fell to my stomach.

He pressed on my lower abdomen, his fingers curling upward and stroking against my G-spot that made me gasp as he nibbled on my lip; my hips moved against his fingers. My head rolled back against his shoulder as he moved his fingers faster, rougher, stretching me around them as he curled them, my walls fluttered, clamping down on them. My moans echoed off the tiled walls as his thumb pressed down on my swollen c**t, the friction building and climbing, and I felt like I would combust as the heat made my skin flush.

My mind suddenly went utterly blank, my eyes falling shut, and moans spilled out of my lips, my walls fluttered and pulsated as I tensed before it spasmed. Pleasure rippled through me, making me cry out in pure ecstasy that stole my breath from me as wave after wave rippled through my body. My entire body felt heavy as I sagged against him. The King nipped at my neck and chin as I tried to catch my breath. I felt him gently pull his fingers from me.

I blinked dazedly at the ceiling as he reached for the loofah and soap, his purr lulling me into a state of relaxation where my whole body felt like jelly. Though he spoke, my mind was still clouded from the after-effects of his touch. He chuckled and kissed my cheek, asking, "Did you hear me?"

"No, Arman. What did you say?" I hissed, still under the spell of his actions.

"We need to get ready. We're going to see my friend," he said, and I nodded in agreement, still leaning into him.

The king led me back to his bedroom, where clothes were neatly laid out on the bed.

"Get dressed," he commanded, pointing towards the clothes on the bed.

I walked over to them and examined them. They were not my servant uniform. I turned to the king, who was rummaging through his wardrobe and soon pulled out jeans and a T-shirt. I wondered who had brought them up or when he had even acquired them. Did he really expect me to wear regular clothes?

"What about my uniform?" I asked.

"You won't be wearing it," he replied, returning to me. I wanted to shake my head when he gripped my chin between his fingers.

"I don't want you to be my servant anymore," he said.

"But I am, my..." I started, but his eyes hardened, and I swallowed.

"But I am, Arman," I murmured, suppressing the urge to use his title.

"No, you are so much more than that, Ania," he told me. I shook my head, and he kissed the side of my mouth.

"Put on the clothes, Ania," he whispered before letting me go. I glanced at them before scratching my arm.

"If you don't, I will dress you myself," he snarled.

"I said, 'But servants wear dresses, the tunics,'" I pointed out.

"I just said I don't want you as my servant," he replied. But what other role was I supposed to fill? That was all I knew - being a servant or a slave. Rogues like me were not meant to be pampered or treated kindly. We weren't deemed good enough to be regarded as human beings. His treatment of Rina and me was ridiculous, and I was certain that everyone would agree. Eventually, he would come to realize what a mistake he had made. But for now, I had no choice but to go along with his bizarre game and accept it. So, I nodded, sighed, and reached for the clads.