

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · แฟนตาซี
96 Chs



The passenger door opened, followed by the driver's side door, and two men hopped out. They were dressed immaculately, looked very neat, and appeared to be picture-perfect. However, they didn't seem to resemble what I would expect to be royalty. Lucy and the matron hurried out in a flurry, whizzing past us before finally coming to a stop.

Lucy looked over the two men as they approached the small brick fence surrounding the area. "You must be," she said, before stopping to try and figure out who they were.

"I thought the alpha of the kings was coming today?" she asked, looking slightly upset. Rina nodded towards them, and I shrugged, looking them over.

"He couldn't make it; he sent us instead," said the man who hopped out of the driver's seat. He was tall, dressed in a suit, and had hair that framed his face. He had high cheekbones and sharp, solid features and was built solidly, making me wonder if he was Lycan, vampire, or both.

"We should go," Rina whispered, and I nodded to her when another car pulled up, both men looking at Rina. We walked out of the small gate when a man with sparkling eyes gripped my arm, tugging me back. His hand was warm against my arm, and my skin tingled under his touch. The touch felt familiar, everything like I used to feel when Hunter touched me.

The wind shifted, and I caught a strong whiff of something that made my insides warm. I took a deep breath, and my mouth watered at the smell before I shook my head, wondering what had come over me. My senses urged me to find the source of the scent. When I looked back at the men, I noticed the other man staring at me with an undecipherable expression on his face. He scanned me from head to toe, and I felt a sense of deja vu, as if I had seen him before, like Hunter all over again.

"Rogue?" he asked, and I knew he could tell from my aura that I had been stripped of my title and my power bound. His voice was as smooth as velvet, and it made me shiver with its depth. He looked at Lucy and then let go of my arm before turning to Rina. We both ducked our heads in submission. I heard him growl, and then I realized that the intoxicating scent I had detected earlier was coming from him.

"Yes, sir, they are rogues! They are just on their way out. Run along, gals," Lucy said, and we both nodded. I heard him ask where we were going, but we rushed off up the street to get away from the men. I could hear more car doors opening in front of their car. We made our way into town. That side of town was run-down and almost desolate. Most of the houses had been destroyed by a storm that blew through a few months ago, leaving them abandoned. Richie was a piece of sh*t. He never attended to anyone unless it was to fatten his bank account. Hunter could have renovated everything.

I hugged myself, running my hands up and down my arms, trying to warm them from the chill in the air. We had come to a cross-section, where one path led to the vast and dense forest surrounding the town. This town only had one road leading in, and there was no other way out.

Both Rina and I looked toward the forest, contemplating our options. If only we could escape. I could tell from Rina's expression that she was also calculating our chances before she let out a sigh. We would be caught by the border patrol within seconds of stepping into the forest, and they would make an example of us. Our fate was already sealed; there was no point in trying to make our lives or deaths any less painful, no matter what they decided for us.

"Come on," Rina said, grabbing my hand, as we walked towards the town square. We could hear the townspeople getting ready for Oliver. He had the power to decide our fates, and those who wished to join the pack or were caught at the borders were herded to the square once a month and put on display. Oliver decided whether to let you join, cast you out, kill you, or sell you out as a slave. Richie had mind-linked me, telling me that our fate was in Oliver's hands. I was hoping to be cast out, but we knew that even the cast-outs were killed before they could leave the forest, hunted down by packs of wolves or vampire hunters. But if we stood a chance as a cast-out, we could at least try to run.

The hustle and bustle were loud as we entered the square. I had made up my mind that I would accept whatever fate Oliver gave me.

People stepped away from us as we entered, giving us disgusted looks. Rogues had a particular scent that alerted pack wolves as intruders, and that's how they looked at us – unwelcoming. Rina squeezed my fingers tighter as people watched us make our way to the stage and take our seats next to it. The townspeople stared at us and glanced around anxiously while waiting for Oliver Avril.

This part of town was lovely; it had fruit stalls in the square, homemade crafts and goods, and stores lining the sides, turning it into a bustling town square. It was always full of shoppers and people who just wanted to hang out and talk. However, social gatherings were reserved for pack members only, so Rina and I were not allowed to attend them.

The crowd fell silent and took their seats as the town square, usually an open space, was lined with rows of chairs. Some people still stood around when car doors could be heard in the distance, and Oliver walked down the aisle between the chairs. He was in his thirties, wore only a singlet displaying his tattooed arms, and a pair of shorts. However, his cruel nature made him unattractive, and I swallowed nervously as he approached us. He sneered before climbing the steps and addressing the crowd. He wasn't bad-looking, but his arrogance and cruelty overshadowed any physical appeal he had. I remembered how he had slapped me the last time I saw him, making me feel humiliated. I had been sent to get milk with Rina and was carrying a box of milk when I accidentally stepped in his path. I dropped the box, and before I could even apologize, his hand connected with my face. I pushed the memory aside, reminding myself why I avoided the town square unless it was absolutely necessary.


As we pulled into the pack house, I was already feeling annoyed. We had barely been there for five minutes, and I was already on edge. I glanced over at my Beta, who had driven me there, and opened up the mind link to my men in the other cars. I deliberately masked my aura and scent, but I knew that wouldn't be enough to keep my identity a secret.

I didn't want them to know who I was. They were expecting my arrival, but I wanted to observe what was really going on without them being on their best behavior. I had been monitoring them closely for the past few years since Richard Avril had killed King Devonshire and merged the two kingdoms.

I didn't like him and wanted to see for myself how he ran things, particularly in the Mooncrest pack house, which functioned as an orphanage. I had compassion for orphans. I explained to my men.

"Keep your auras up to mask mine," I instructed them, before hearing a chorus of "Yes, my king" through the link.

"You really don't like Richie, do you? You're going to great lengths to hide who you are," my beta observed.

"How can you ask that after everything he's done..." I trailed off, sighing. "Just be alert," I told him as we pulled up in front of a rundown pack house. I found it odd that only two rogue girls were listed as residing in the pack house. The numbers should have been higher, but I had heard rumors that Avril was terrible at most aspects of running a pack. The pack had been on a slow decline, leading to debts that the kingdom had been paying off to prevent human communities from investigating the town too closely.

Looking out of the window, I saw many children playing and running around, skipping and laughing. The small brick fence around the building had missing bricks, and the building itself looked run-down and decrepit. I couldn't help but wonder what they did with all the donations. I got out of the car and my Beta came over, looking up at the brown brick building.

"This place looks like a dump," he commented, and I had to agree. It was no place for children. Even the play equipment looked so weathered that I was surprised it could support the weight of the children playing on it.

I noticed two girls come out of the building. They were clearly the oldest among the residents, and I could tell from their scents that they were the rogue girls who lived there. However, something nagged at me as I watched them being greeted and jumped on by the children. The children clearly loved the two girls, hanging off them and trying to get their attention.

A woman rushed out, looking somewhat frazzled. We had arrived early, but that was our plan. We wanted them to be unprepared, and from the look on her face, she wasn't expecting us to be two hours early.

The woman rushed over and introduced herself as Mrs. Sydney, the matron for the dilapidated place. Another pregnant woman followed, and her aura immediately told me that she was Luna, so I figured she must be Lucy, Richie's mate. But Richie wasn't with them.

"You must be…" Lucy looked around, confused at all my men before her eyes fell on my Beta hesitantly. His aura masked mine, making me appear to be a soldier like the rest of the men. I fought the urge to blast her with my aura, to make her step away.

I found it difficult to tolerate women who were constantly seeking out their next opportunity. It was evident that this particular woman was trying to impress someone with her excessive makeup and overpowering pheromone spray. I never understood why some women felt the need to use such products, as to me, it smelled as unpleasant as cat urine. While werewolves might find it appealing, vae-wolves could easily discern the difference and found the fake scent repugnant. She looked like she was trying too hard, and it was clear she was not someone who was comfortable in her own skin. Despite my disgust, I forced myself to remain calm and composed. I noticed that she was pregnant but was already on the lookout for her next opportunity.

I recall her inquiring about the alpha of kings, sounding slightly disappointed when she realized that he was not coming. I had to mask my repugnance at how desperate she sounded, and I noticed that her eyes were hungrily scanning my men before finally settling on me. She extended her hand towards me, but I did not reciprocate the gesture, prompting my Beta to take her hand and shake it instead.

"He couldn't make it; he sent us instead," my beta, Dwight, told her. The wind shifted again, and I felt a growl seep its way to my throat before quickly suppressing it, looking around for the source of the smell. I could smell the rogue girl when my eyes snapped to the other girl. She had the deepest black hair I had ever seen, so dark that when she moved, it had a blue hue to it. She stared at me curiously with big eyes before looking away when the other girl grabbed her attention. She gave me déjà vu, like I already knew her from somewhere.

I watched her, completely forgetting about the annoying woman with her high-pitched voice talking to my beta about who knows what. Something about this girl piqued my interest; I just couldn't put my finger on it. Something stirred within me, awakening urges I hadn't felt in a very long while. Urges I had for my late mate. Both girls hesitantly walked past us, and before I could stop myself, I grabbed the girl's arm, looking down at her. Her heart beat frantically, her eyes widened, and her fear was so strong I could almost taste it.

I asked, "Rogue?" as I looked her up and down, and my gaze landed on her big and beautiful eyes. She bowed her head in respect, but I could hear a growl that was quickly stifled. I had a feeling her fear wasn't because of me, but because of the Luna who was glaring at her with intense hostility.

She wouldn't be able to sense my aura, and I unintentionally suppressed it. As she approached me, my aura diminished even more. It surprised me how my subconscious was making sure not to scare her on a deeper level. Her eyes darted nervously towards the woman standing next to me. I wanted to know why she was afraid of the vile woman. Did she hurt my Rogue? I shook my head at my sudden possessiveness, reminding myself that she wasn't mine. But why did I feel such a strange urge to protect and keep her close?

Lucy narrowed her eyes at the girls in front of us, her lips pressing into a line. "Yes, Sir, they're just on their way. Run along now, girls," Lucy told them, and they rushed off up the street.

"Now, if you'll follow me, Sir, I'll show you around the house," she said. House? The place looked like it should be condemned.

"What's with you?" my Beta asked through the link. I realized I hadn't moved and was still staring after the two girls who huddled close together while they walked. I forced myself to move, following after the birdlike-looking woman. She had the pointiest face and sharp facial features. "Those girls give me déjà vu, almost like I've known them the longest," I said, following Lucy. My Beta said he was feeling the same way.

I instructed my Beta to follow those girls and stay out of view. He turned around quietly and walked after them. Gary, my third-in-command and Gamma, took his place beside me and followed me inside.

The inside was clean but sparsely furnished. She showed me around, telling me about the different activities the kids appeared to enjoy and some other details. However, the girl that I couldn't seem to get out of my mind made me curious.

"What's the deal with the two older girls who were here?" I asked.

"Oh, them. You need not worry about them. I don't think they'll be around much longer," Lucy said, looking at me over her shoulder and trying to figure out what to call me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," she said.

"Gary," I replied, noticing a small smirk on Gary's face as I used his name.

"Ah, right, Gary. Well, those two girls are nothing but trouble, a real pain in my a*s," Lucy said, before excusing herself to answer a phone call.

"What are their names?" I asked the matron, as we made our way upstairs to the bedrooms, peeking into each one.

"Um..." she paused, and I stared at her, surprised that she didn't know their names. She blushed and tried to change the subject.

"Matron, you didn't answer our question. What are the names of the girls?" Gary asked, sensing my curiosity. He knew something was bothering me, but I couldn't quite explain it myself. I had never shown interest in anyone from these packs during my visits, but there was something about that girl that intrigued me.

"I'm not sure. I've only been here for two weeks, but they are slaves to Richard and Lucy," Matron replied before walking off. Slaves? The term didn't sit well with me. Gary followed her into an office, and I was grateful that he asked the question I was about to ask.

"You've been here for half a month and you don't know their names?" he asked, just as surprised as I was.

"They're rogues, sir, not worth knowing," she stated, pulling out some papers. The longer it took, the more I realized that she didn't have any files on them, which irritated me.

"Then what do you call them if not by their names?" Gary snapped at her. She was clearly shocked by his tone, and I smirked at her.

"Usually rogue or You or..." Gary held up a hand, dismissing her. He was also disgusted that this woman would be so discriminatory towards them for being rogues. It wasn't uncommon for packs to openly dislike rogues, but even they gave them the basic decency of using their names. Lucy returned and kept quiet when she saw that our auras had changed.

"I've had enough, let's move on," I told her, eager to get this over with. These women were infuriating me, and I found it increasingly difficult to conceal my true identity as they continued to speak. All I wanted was to find those two girls, though I told myself it was merely out of curiosity and not because of the captivating beauty that had completely captured my attention. I knew that Dwight would keep an eye on them until I decided what I wanted to do. However, Richie had yet to appear, and I suspected he had already been informed that the alpha of Kings wasn't present, so he hadn't bothered to show up. I had my own score to settle with him, but I reminded myself that patience was a virtue.

The mind link opened up, and I felt Dwight come through. "My king, is there a particular reason why I am following them?" he asked curiously.

"I just want to know where they are going," I told him.

"It seems to be some sort of meeting; Oliver just arrived and has called them to a stage. It appears to be some kind of hearing," he paused for a moment before I heard his voice again flitting through my head.

"I see," I said, as Dwight reminded me that the fate of the rogue wolves depended on the determination of the pack. They could either be killed or sold if the pack no longer wanted them.

"In that case, if the dark-haired girl is put up for auction, please buy her," I instructed Dwight.

"Understood, my King," he replied before ending the communication.

It was a distressing reality that despite our efforts to stop slavery and the slave trade, some packs still engaged in it. Most packs chose to banish or take in rogue wolves, but some resorted to selling them or even killing them. However, these last two options were frowned upon and only deemed necessary in certain situations. Ultimately, the fate of these rogues was in the hands of their new masters, and it was a cruel and unfair system.

As we walked outside, Lucy showed us the run-down equipment and some of the kids' paintings hanging on the clothesline to dry. Suddenly, the link reopened, and Dwight asked, "He is sentencing them to death. What do you want me to do?"

"Stop it. I will be there soon. We will buy the girl with big eyes," I told him. Turning on my heel abruptly, I walked out, confident that Gary would take care of Lucy and the matron for me.

"Sir, I still have a few things to show you," Lucy's voice called out, but I ignored her. Something pulled me towards the center of town, urging me towards that beautiful creature with big eyes. I couldn't explain it; something within me wanted her, and the thought of someone harming her made me want to kill whoever dared to try.